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Everything posted by MacLeato

  1. it's the hood of avenging wrath from the red reaper fp.
  2. crafting in SWG was great because of a few simple reasons: 1. and most important, it was essential. Structure traders were needed for furniture/deco items and spaceship parts. Domestic traders were needed for RP/social gear and stims, engineering traders made weapons and munitions traders made armors. all but structure traders were needed to assemble SEAs (skill enhancing attachments). 2. the social aspect. you needed to make contact to a traders to make you custom gear, adjusted to your profession, skill set up and preferred play style. on the other side the trader also needed the service of combat characters, like gathering hard to get animal resources (e.g. krayt dragon scales) or rare schematic loot from heroics. 3. crafted gear > looted gear. pretty much all looted gear was crap, except some weapon skins (mostly just cosmetic value) and very few nice to have heroic loot (like ig-88's head). most of the really desirable loot instead was furniture/deco stuff, like rare paintings or the exar khun mural. there were several ways to become a well known and respected player on an swg server. either you were a very good pvp'er, a social event manager, or a good crafter. i do think though, that BW is heading into the right direction with gu 1.2, so i have hope.
  3. nah, dude. voidmaster legwraps ARE trousers. they are shiny white trousers, not skirts. got a pair myself. they are lvl 39 by default though, not 50.
  4. same here. i played about a dozen warzones yesterday and i just thought i had a bad day, but now as you mention it ...
  5. it is a reward for the heroic "the mandalorian terror".
  6. geez. thats why you have a community. i didnt have the top resources to cap blaster barrels, so i bought them from traders who could cap them. but i made excellent tibanna gas cartridges, and other traders bought them from me. you are the type of player that want simple mode all the way. boooring!
  7. pfft. you really did it like that? most people i knew just set up a harvester, or bought resources harvested by players who earned their credits through mining/harvesting. you only needed to harvest special resources manualy for some time, if you wanted the RE-cyberarm, or mustafarian resources, which you never needed much of. it seems you dont have the slightest clue what you are talking about.
  8. You contradict yourself. All you need for a player driven economy is what you said in your last paragraph. The only reason why SWG's player economy worked, was that player crafted stuff was better than any looted/rewarded equivalent. that has nothing to do with sandbox or not. To make raids still worthwhile, it could grant some boni to certain stats, or rare titles, customization options, etc.
  9. i loved SWG crafting. it was fun and it was rewarding. and most important: crafted equipment, made by an accomplishd crafter with the right set up and resources, was always superior to looted stuff. so there was a real need for crafters, and thats the basis for a working player economy.
  10. it dropped for me on correllia from a boss mob during an instanced planet or class quest. cant remember exactly which.
  11. afaik, it is crafted by an armormech. look here: http://db.darthhater.com/recipes/2783/outcast_helmet/
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