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Posts posted by Talyndor

  1. Unless you go healer.

    I have a Gunslinger, which i love (it's my main). My operative is my only Imp toon, and I consider him an alt.

    Before rolling the Op, I researched this enough to realize that at this time (and for the forseeable future) my operative was not a viable dps toon. I chose Operative to be a healer.

    Playing a healer is actually quite challenging in itself......you need to watch positioning VERY carefully, and are always on the lookout for who needs heals, when, etc. It's not button mashing and requires lots of thought and attention, including careful energy management.

    At least on my server, and in my guild, operatives are considered the best healers around, and are often sought after for HM Ops and FP's.

    Operative DPS is not in demand, but Oerative healers are (at least, as I mentioned, on my server and guild).

    Lastly....I only PvE. I have no experience with PvP.

  2. As previous post stated, if you don't provide us your skill tree, we cannot answer that question.

    I can tell you that your rotations will continue to change and evolve as you gain more skills thru leveling, so any advice at this time would rapidly outdated.

    There are NUMEROUS posts on gs rotations. Try doing a search.

  3. I know (and I find it irksome that this can happen!) that if you are running a mission, say, for example a level 340 diplomacy mission, that if you forget you are running it and you click on the same 340 mission, you lose that second mission.

    My question is this: There are, to my knowledge, two different level 340 diplomacy missions. Can you run both of them at the same time, or if you run one of them and try to unlock the other (different 340 mission) will you lose that second level 340 mission?

  4. Spartacus, if I recall correctly, was crucified. Not a pleasant end for your operative, I should think.


    Seriously, there comes a point at the V-E-R-Y end where you can make a chocie as to a certain black book. Will you give it to the empire. Will you give it to intelligence? Or will you keep it and use it to...........


    [FYI.....onceyou commit to a choice, you cannot go back...choose your dialog options carefully, or exit the dialog before it ends and re-do it to be sure you choose correctly. I kept that little black book!]

  5. I see that over a week has passed and you got no response. I don't consider myself an expert in these things, so I suggest searching the forums for answers. I did that, as well as posted a number of threads asking for similar advice. I got a variety of helpful if not conflicting responses to my threads.

    The short answer is that there is no right answer as to the best build. Many people love DF, others swear by SS, the DF/Sab hybrid has loyal followers, as well. Some posts observe that if you know your tree spec well, and understand the best rotation for that tree, you will parse close to the same regardless of which tree you use. Others, of course, will disagree (!).

    I leveled as a SS and went to DF for endgame PvE (I do not PvP). I have cleared EC HM many times on the DF spec. I chose a full DF spec based on research I did on these forums. As for rotation, I also researched that. It seems like one of the best sources for posts on the DF rotation is a player named "Requiem" whose helpful posts have guided lots of people.

    As for gear....work those EV and KP HM's for rakata, as well as EC SM, which has been made easier to pug. Get BH gear when you can. But full Rakata is a good starting point, as always.

    Good luck.

  6. I am serious!

    I haven't read thru other posts that may mimic mine, but I became eternally grateful to Bioware last night for their limits on obtaining BH comms w/o doing any raids.

    For the umpteenth time in a row, our guild filled extra EC HM slots with people who were really nicely geared with BH gear.

    The problem: They got their BH comms farming the Black Hole daily and EV and KP storymodes, as well as other flash points in Group Finder.

    Now, nicely geared, they want campaign gear (or to be able to run TBF HM), and they think they can bypass learning the mechanics of a complex raid (tbh, not complex ONCE you know the mechanics) just b/c they have nice gear.

    We died multiple times due to the inexperience of people who never even ran EC SM, and thought they could run EC HM w/o taking the time to learn, understand, or teach themselves the mechanics of the fights.

    Wow....when our tank and dps both asked what the shield generator did, I nearly fell out of my seat.

    That did not stop them fromm killing the shield generator time after time after time. They did not understand why we died (even though we said OVER and OVER don't kill the generator!!!) (This is in HM, of course}.

    After 100K in repair bills, and no tanks downed, I left for the night, swearing I would not raid with people who never ran ec sm, let alone hm, but feel like they can just b/c they grinded comms for BH gear.

    And this is not unique. I helped PUG a EC HM run as a healer, until two of the people said they had never done Vorgrath or Kephess in either sm or hm. I quit the group immediately.


    Same problem: Grinding easy dailies for comms, and thinking gear=experienced raider.


    There is NO substitue for learning the mechanics of the raids you are on and no excuse for not taking the time to do so! EC HM requires Rakata gear, and you can do just fine, IF you know the fights.

    No one becomes a useful, contributing raider w/o knowing the mechanics of the raids. Good gear is NO substitue for this!


    By changing the way BH comms are acquired, Bioware realized this as well. Thank you VERY much!

  7. I predicted this in several posts I made a while ago in the FTP comments people were discussing. I saw this in LOTRO, which was ruined bt FTP b/c people could buy for real money what players might spend a week grinding out.

    This is all about money. Real money. Bioware wants you to spend money in their store, so they are making it harder for players who pay for a monthly subscription.

    Shame on you, Bioware.

  8. I got a campaign leg token and i am unsure which piece to get.

    I am a pure DPS (PvE) sage. It sems that the Force-Mystic with its power/surge is a wiser chocie than the force-master with its power/alacrity. Or am I wrong? I always thoguht alacrity was not such a good stat...especially versus surge.

    I need some advice before I commit to this.


    (thanks in advnace!)

  9. Scoundrel is more of a healing class than a dps class, so if you want dps, go gunslinger, and run the dirty fighting tree.....a LOT less crouching. But no stealth. A solid ranged dps class.


    Scoundrel is more of a melee dps class (no crouching), but their dps is not as strong as a gunslinger. Scoundrels make better healers. They also have stealth.

  10. People have parsed every tree and build to death and all we have learned is that you do the most DPS with whatever playstyle fits you.


    It is refreshing to see a comment like this. I struggled back and forth between SS and DF (I leveled my gunslinger doing SS, and now I run DF for end game due to the mobility), but this is a lot like asking which companion is best suited for you (excepting your healer, that is!!!)......


    It ALL comes down to what you are comfortable with and can play most effectively. Period. I suspect there will be disagreements, and that's what the forums are for, but you will see people running all kinds of builds that swear by their choice of build. That so many people believe their one build is best suggests to me that it is how you play your build that matters the most.


    That's my two cents.

  11. The title says it all. I thought we got a cc (other than droid) at some point, but I hit level 50 and cant find one! The only thing that seems to fit the bill is the sleep dart.

    Is that it, or Is it specific to a certain skill tree or did I just fail to see the forest for the trees?

    Or do we not have a cc other than the droid cc?

  12. I keep switching back and forth between DF and SS.

    As several posters have noted, there are fights in EC that require burst dps (e.g., bombadiers, assasin droids, the shooters under the shields on the tanks fight).

    We all know, DF takes a short while to ramp up DPS. Time we often do not have.

    For those of you running a pure DF spec, what rotation do you use for burst dps to take down those mobs?

  13. I answered this question for you yesterday in an identical post you created.

    Instead of creating new threads with the identical question, try reading the response to the first thread.

  14. I'm surprised you got to 31 w/o figuring this out, but there are several ways to get better armor:

    1. Buy your armor (try the GTN Network).

    2. Turn in commendations from quests at the Mods Commendations vendor on each planet. Note: Armor runs 7 commendations, versus two for enhancements and mods.

    3. Sometimes armor is offered as a quest reward.

    4. Take up cyber tech crafting (they can craft their own armor and mods.)


    Staying current with mods and armor substantially decreases the difficulty (and substantially increases the enjoyment) of the game.

    Good luck out there.

  15. REROLL the devs at BW DO NOT want you playing a DPS OP only a healing OP.. You are crap in end game pvp and pve and you have the WORST utility in the game..


    Trust me if you dont want to heal REROLL and save yourself the frustration that is the DPS OP


    Thats not very helpful. If you cannot answer the OP's original question, perhaps it's best to say nothing at all?

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