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10 Good
  1. I'm baffled, I run everything max (Shadows included) at 60-70 FPS with drops to 55, without shadows it's a solid 100-110 Specs: Intel core i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz 12 GB Ram nVidia GTX 560 1GB VRAM Windows 7
  2. I like the leveling in this game, I prefer it over say, Perfect World or WoW, it's not too grindy, and not too fast. I also like over-leveling my planet, it makes me, as the character, feel as powerful as he is portrayed in the cutscenes. This game is fun, I've played A LOT...Repeat...A LOT of MMO's, and none come to match (Except one) Want a list?Here's one: -WoW -Every MMO made by Perfect World Entertainment -Fiesta Online -Allod's online -Runescape -4story -Runes of Magic -D&D online -Mabinogi -Cabal Online -Maple Story And a lot more, I feel that Star Wars the old republic is On par with WoW, maybe just a bit behind, but that's because it's a NEW GAME
  3. I mean, their isn't a point to them if I can just press Control+right click on the customizable weapons, is there?
  4. Why are you using a mod station? Just press Control+Right click on the weapons...
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