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Everything posted by gabarooni

  1. If Disney plans on relaunching SW's and covering all aspects from books to gaming to movies like GL said wouldn't it make sense if they somehow made VII tie into Swtor in some way? That would get more people interested in Swtor which would equal more players which would equal more money. I mean lets face it everything we know about SW's Lore is now subject to change it's not outside the relm of possibility to have them reintroduce a Carbonite frozen Reven into VII. What do you guys think?
  2. I'm really happy there are new Star Wars movies on the horizon and I think it's cool that it's going to be an "Original" story. But I have to admit that as a huge fan of the EU I feel very bad for all the writters that have worked so hard for the last 30 odd years to craft the SW EU. I feel like the new Movie is just going to wipe the slate of everything that has been written and start the whole story anew. So it's a double edged blade for me i'm super happy that there are new SW's movies on the horizion and im excited to see the progression of the Movie Lore but at the same time im sad and upset that the EU lore is going to be pushed aside. How do you guys feel?
  3. Just saying any good Jedi worth his salt has some kind of dramatic experience happen to him or her usually involving the death of a loved one. The aftermath of this death is usually a good point to intruduce the temptation of The Dark Side. Know I like Kira but I think it would make my JK's personal story alot better if she died in some super Dramatic way. What do you guys think?
  4. I rember Jacen using to shatter a Mandalorians armor that was lightsaber proof. And they way he did it was pretty bad *** lol from what I rember. The Mandalorian thought that having lightsaber proof armor was gonna give them an edge and Jacen after a few seconds of combat got annoyed focused on the armor and smacked it at a certain spot using shatterpoint. This shattered the armor.
  5. Seeing as the Dovahkiin can only use one power every 1-3 minutes or so im gonna say any Force adept or Force Sensitive would probably wipe the floor with him.
  6. well it's great for me cause the headband isn't very big so as far as im concerned I know have a hood toogle!
  7. I equiped an orange head peice I got from a Nar Shaada 2 man and I can see the head peice but the hood on my robe disapeard now I just have the small band across my forehead. This is awesome when did they add this? Or is it a bug?
  8. Now im only about half way through the EU and i've been drinking so im gonna make a list of the Force Powers that I can think of and you wonderful people can fill in the rest. 1) Flow Walking - Sending your spirit into the future or past. 2) Telekeneis - Moving objects with your mind. 3) Creating Light . 4) Battle Meditation - Controling an entire armies Emotions and Moods as well as directing/Urging them into Objectives of your choice. 5) Force Lightning. 6) Lightning conductor - Luke learned it in FotJ he could take lightning or energy into himself . 7) Danger Sense - This is the ability that allows Force Users to deflect Damage with supernatural ease. 8) Mind Control - Most commonly used to influence weak minded individuals but Extremely powerful darkside users have been able to completly take over several minds at a time. 9) Shatter Point - Being able to sense the precise point and amount of pressure that needs to be used to strike and shatter a solid object. 10) Absorb and redirect energy through Telekenesis - This is a power that was in the Horn familly line, they had very low telekenetic power but the could absorb energy from blasters , lasers etc etc to give them a temporary super boost to there telekenetic strengeth. 11) Create Illusions Well ok thats it for me im sure if I thought about it more I could think of many many more powers that Force users have ( Like the Fire (Plasma) Balls the witches use. But I want to hear from you guys! Fill in the blanks! What else is there???
  9. So I really don't care about any of the new gear, new mods are all that matter to me. Because im a Jedi and I wear a Brown Robe. So who's with me? Who else is a proud Brown Robe wearing Jedi? Forget about all those crazy flamboyent types that want to strut their sparkly new cloths. Brown Robes Represent!
  10. Is there a site where I can get bio's on the major figures of ToR? I was looking over the holonet and couldn't find anything about the Major NPC's in game.
  11. Aka Luke or Yoda for example. I know she sustained herself in a force bubble in the vacum of space in one of the books I read and that seems pretty impressive.
  12. Well if they ever do end up Remaking them im gonna watch and enjoy them and then sit around baffled as too people complaints. I just don't understand why you don't want an updated version. Im a huge star wars fan and because im a huge star wars fan I want to see an updated version. I just don't understand people that live in the past. The original movies had ALOT of flaws I think you guys just wear rose colored glasses.
  13. Seriously in the old movies it's like "Oh no Vader is coming for us! We better walk a little faster so he dosen't catch up."
  14. Well I expect them to fight like extremely talented Jedi and Sith who have a huge emotional backstory. Obi could even revel to Vader that it wasent Vader that killed Padme and so start the seeds of doubt in his mind. Yoda was alot older then Obi and that didn't stop him from being amazing in a fight and everything ive seen/read about Vader in games/books makes him about 300% more awesome then he was in the movies.
  15. This is what I belive too. I wish they would but in more things that our characters could do and effect around the worlds though more sandboxy stuff so we could make up our own stories rather then waiting for them to force feed us one.
  16. I don't like ants. We are complaining just to complain right?
  17. Ive read most of the EU but I really started enjoying them around the time of The Dark Nest Trilogy I would love to see something from that era.
  18. It is kind of broke among other things whenever I watch the old lightsaber fights I cringe a little bit. Especially the Fight between Vader and Obi-wan wich could be so epic and moving considering what we know of the characters now.
  19. Lmao it took 4 pages for people to start responding to what the thread was actually about.
  20. Im pretty sure it wouldnt happen for at least another 20 or 30 years but if they ever did make Remakes of episodes 4,5,and 5 or even 1-6 I would love it. Im a huge SW's fan and I would love to see the story updated and well done with modern tech and full knowledge of the story w/o all the backtracking and story blunders they made along the way in the original. I would love.....LOVE to see a modern day telling of Luke vs. Vader with what we understand the force to be today rather then how the protrayed it in the original movies due to lack of technology to do the amazing things we see in movies today. But really if they did do a remake and you don't want to see them or have anything to do with them well.....Don't Watch Them and Don't Have Anything to Do With Them! lol no one would force (hehe) you to!
  21. I would love a re-make I never understand the hate for them , if you dont want to see them don't watch them.
  22. I'm really enjoying how this post turned out Some one should make one about The emperors fleet vs. Marvel Earth sounds pretty fun !
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