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Everything posted by Evan_Gregory

  1. Wrong, so moving to a person, clicking them, and then moving back to heal and cicking the spell is as efficient as binding? Intelligence fail.
  2. That's essentially the same as keybinding though as you are not clicking your abilities directly on the action bar.
  3. And then they point out how terrible your awareness is and how you're the scrubbiest pvp player they've ever seen...
  4. It changes from fun to frustrating when that same clicker dies every boss fight in your raid and does horrible damage or healing... Hey I could drive a car with my knees, but I doubt the others on the road with me wouldn't appreciate that much...
  5. It's logically impossible for clicking to be more effective. So you owned dmg meters eh? Well I'm sure you often times lead the raid in deaths due to awareness issues. If you know how to use a keyboard, binding is better 100% of the time in any scenario. You apparently (when you tried binding) bound the abilities to keys like O and P that you couldn't reach with a ruler; either that or your keyboard skills are that of my grandmother.
  6. Clicking sucks, end of story. If you cannot see the efficiency and usefulness of keybinding, you lack logic and intelligence. More mouse movement, less precision, staring at your ability bar rendering you oblivious to the environment, slower activation of rotation abilities, are just some of the negatives of clicking. Common sense, if you play a healer and click, what takes longer... clicking the person who you need to heal, moving your mouse across the screen to click the heal, and so on whenever you need to switch targets OR simply clicking the person and immediately pressing the keybind...? The worst player in your raid is a clicker, the worst player in your warzone is a clicker. Keybind you fools...
  7. I've been really trying to figure this out. I am conviced there is a "smart loot" system that isn't so smart afterall. But, if we can figure out a way to manipulate it, we can control the drops thus gearing out whoever needs it or whatnot. I will provide my findings; Group makeup is as follows: Guardian Tank Sage healer Gunslinger Dps Commando DPS (me) The tokens seem to lead towards the consular, but those themselves are actually kinda varied. The actual non token loot epics, however, have been about 85% smuggler. This could be for two reasons; 1. our group makeup 2. the fact that my anxious self always seems to loot the boss (commando). Let me know if you guys try this makeup and who loots the boss and let me know what you find!
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