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Everything posted by akunamatata

  1. in wow it was a kinda different since each race has a different ability (racial) that help in pvp , so, many pvpers didint choose alliance or horde based on faction , they just choose the race that give the best racial tool for them
  2. i think heal is too weak and there is people complaining about how strong it is the only healer that can survive more than 20 secs vs me (operative) is mercenary and he need to use everything , sorcers can kite and run away ye (but since i am playing objective wz i guess) and he run away i won , i ll do my obvjective easy. operative healer is just a lol , is hard for them to heal my auto-atack. in my opinion , heal is ok , just need some more medals for healers in wz , so they can do their job "heal" instead of look for kb , and assists to get in pair with dps medals
  3. hello everyone. i was seeing some old clips from some classes more focused on operatives/scoundrels since they are the top of chain-food, and i start thinking the problem of some burster classes killing to fast can be on pvp gear stats. just think: everyone in full green gear should be something like that: 12k life everyone operative crit rotation: HS = 2,8k , BS = 1,6k , shiv = 1,3k , laceration = 1, 3k total damage = 7k that means if operatives crit all the rotation you are around 40% life now lets take a look at BM gear 16,5k life everyone operative crit rotation: HS = 5,5k , BS = 3k , shiv = 2,5k, laceration = 2,5k total damage = 13,5k that means if operatives crit all the roation you are around 20% life operative damages just duplicate with gear scale , but health pool just inscread a little bit , and i think this is one of the biggest problems of pvp atm i dont have sure , but seems a nice point to improve balance, operatives keep the burst, but all the other classes can repost back after the opener
  4. some tips to lead with that operative nerfs: 1-remove the gear from your character 2- play a whole day without gear in WZ 3- equip your gear and go WZ 4- you will realize how good operative is if it doesnt work 5- stop the game 6- listen justin bieber for 5 hours 7- realize that is much better play a broken class that listen that sh** if it doesnt work too 8- unninstall the game 9- realize you have nothing to do 10-install the game 11- go WZ 12- QQ cause you cant kill 13- still playing till get tired , cause you know you have nothing more to play if it doesnt work too 14- reroll another class 15- lvl it up to 50 16- isnt what you want? 17- repeat from 1 to 17.
  5. i only play pvp , since i dont have a fixed time when i am free and that doesnt help me to do pve, cause guilds have right times to raid , and i am not always free to play , so my only option regards on pvp and some PVE when there is farm day , or alts day and i am free. and i think like me there is a lot of others players out there, if you think gear doesnt matter, so just remove the gear and the rewards from pvp , if the point of pvp is just pvp , lets remove ALL the rewards it give, and i wanna see you playing it. I dont pvp only for gear, i enjoy playing it , like i did in every mmo i played cause is the only thing that my free time matches, but everything as a limit and i think: 1- i cant play with a full group of 8 guildie friends 2- so the biggest part of time i meet groups with afk people/ medal farmers, who doesnt even want to win the bg 3- since there is nothing after BM , why would BM try to win , they just want fun , they dont care if win or loose, they dont want the valor, they dont want the experience, they dont want the commendations , maybe they want the credits. 4- i dont know how is your server, but i met like 90% of the time the same players, in the same WZ (hutball) and that is not even close to be fun. i just ask for Xrealm , nothing more, so i ll face different people every WZ, with a bigger chance of play other WZ instead of 99% hutball. if you think its fun to grind to elite warlord good luck on that, but with the high ratio of unsubscribers this game is running into , when you reach it the only one who will grats you is bioware employers
  6. i am not saying the game have small or big endgame, the end of endgame is just reached too fast, cause farm gear is not even considered endgame for me since then there is nothing to do with the gear except kill more people in wz, and get more medals that give you more commendations that you dont need, cause there is nothing to buy with them....
  7. well i am not even battlemaster, and to be serious farm WZ already started to boring me! there is a limit of hutballs with same 15 other players that a man head can handle... And then i just think , i ll farm to BM , then i ll farm to get full BM gear , then i ll farm , then i ll farm , then i ll farm , then i ll farm..........this is not the expected from a game that a pay "X" every month. JUST AN OPINION
  8. well is not my fault if that is the only thing i have to do ... or i have to do alts even if i dont want to keep the game interesting for me?
  9. i would like to agree with you , but doing 50 hutballs , 1 alderann , 2 voidstars a day , with half my team getting afk cause there is no punishement for that, dont souds like funny for me , just an opinion ofc
  10. that depends on how fast are your reaction , and what class are you playing , and what buffs you have , and how is your resolve bar , and who is in your side, and if someone help you or not , and depend to on how is my lucky on crits, and what buffs i have , and if i ll use cds or not , and in a lot of the other things i guess. but lets see: if you dont use heavy armor , if you are alone , if you have no buffs that reduce damage incoming , if you dont even try to survive (trinket , kite etc). THEN YES YOU WILL DIE FAST. not 3 seconds that is 2 globals , and that means HS = 10k and backstab = 6k + acid blade damage , is impossible to reach that numbers , cause if you have champion gear you are 50, and you have expertise. BUT YE , if i use my full burst that mean CDS + redpot + surge adrenals + surge/crit relic and i am biochem that mean i have my stim UP for more cunning and power you will see something like this if i got lucky with all crits HS = 6k VANISH HS = 6k BACKSTAB = 4k + ACID BLADE DAMAGE that means you take around 18k damage in 4 globals (since i open) so we are ignoring all the time lost to activate everything , it means you are dead in 6secs i would like to find that perfect conditions all the time , so i could say i am god
  11. sorcer is ok , and operative is ok , the real problem here is that everyone who never played a mmo in their life and started here with swtor , cause of star wars went to: 1º lightsabers 2º movie based stuffs so the biggest part of the people went to inquisitor , then they just choose sorcer cause inquisitor cant use lightsaber, then the problem begins , cause who choose operative , is players that want to be sthealt that maybe already have some experiencie in MMOs , even with sthealth classes, so the operatives are probably beating sorcers in skill , (NOT ALL OFC) but the biggest part, and then ye sorcers feel bad, cry , qq in forums , think in stop playing! When suddently they realize they kill easy every other class except us , so they stop crying and feeling bad, and decide to only QQ on foruns till we get nerf, and then they can be kings of pvp after 1 month of MMO experience =D end of story btw if you are feeling that you keep too much time stun till you use trinket, try to hotkey it ^^
  12. if we can kill you in 1 vs 1 when we open? YES WE CAN we can do it really fast , around 6/7 globals? YES WE CAN we kill people without gear or lower lvl so fast they cant even notice? YES WE CAN we can HS vanish HS and kill people with same gear really fast? YES WE CAN do you think thats right? YES I THINK , OR ALL THE CLASSES WILL BE THE SAME this that class skill to be played? YES IT NEED do you only have 3 keys on your operative? NO I DONT , I HAVE AROUND 40 do you only open ,run away and open again? NO I DONT , I KEEP FIGHT OUT OF STHEALT , NOT REALLY USEFULL BUT NEEDED if i can be kited to death? YES I CAN , BUT I HAVE TOOLS TO DO THE SAME , SO IF I CANT KILL YOU I LL RUN AWAY WITH ALMOST 90% SURE, UNLESS YOU ARE 3 VS ME if i think the nerfs are needed? NOT EVEN CLOSE why? CAUSE YOU SAY I KILL YOU IN 3 SECS, AND I DO IT IN 6 , SO IS 100% MORE TIME THAT YOU SAY SO I DONT NEED NERF now serious looking instead of play your games? YES IT NEEDS A BIT NERF ON HS DAMAGE am i usefull in warzones? WELL SINCE THERE IS NO RANKED WZ AND EVERYONE PLAYES FOR HIMSELF , AND I FIND A LOT OF PLAYERS ALONE YES I AM USEFULL SINCE I CAN KILL HEALERS , AND RANGED DAMAGERS REALLY FAST, THAT HELP MY TEAM will i be usefull in ranked warzones? IF THE NERFS DOES NOT COME LIVE, MAYBE I CAN BURST A HEALER DOWN IN TRADE OF MY LIFE , TO HELP MY TEAM and if the nerfs come live? THEN JUST REPLACE ME OR YOU WILL BE PLAYING 7 VS 8 do you think a post like that make any sense? NO , BUT THE QQ FROM LVL 20 / UNDERGEARED / UNDERSKILLED / WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE PLAYERS, DOESNT DO TO , AND THERE IS EVERYWHERE
  13. ye i know the burst needs a look at but ye thats the problem , i think its not normal , and i think its not fair , but its all i got , give me some utility and i ll accept that my burst get toned down (is stupid , cause that gonna drive all classes to be the same) but remove the burst and give nothing is too much class KILL.
  14. really really good post:) completely agreed, in my opinion there is only still a problem , if you dont put your target below 30% health on opener , you dont kill , thats it , so i think i agree with the damage reduction on our burst, but i think then the problem isnt our outside damage is our UPTIME while being kited, i dont want more damage to compensate nerf, i want a close gap.
  15. well i dont know what MMOs are you playing , but the only one i consider that have good pvp to be matched is WOW so i can tell you: ROGUE (sthealth class in wow , i think you shouldnt know it, thats why your state) cheap shot(4sec stun ) CD = 0 AMBUSH (high damage ability) CD = 0 and ye combos with resthealt ability are to be done , that is what make sthealth classes fun and to finish i just like to ask: WHY YOU COME TO A FORUM TO QQ WHEN YOU HAVE NO SINGLE IDEA WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?
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