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Everything posted by Luckygunslinger

  1. Right, popped back onto the forums, didn't expect to see my thread 3 pages long :U. Anyways I'll clear up this thing since people are talking about Marauders/DPS etc. Sure there are other classes that people like, getting specific to subclasses and they dislike them. My problem is that the game is giving teams of 4 healers whether they be Trooper/BH, Scoundrel/Op and Sage/Sorc. Regardless people may say it's fun having those healers or they are easy pickings but if they run in a squad, the healing output they give one another basically makes and DPS you do void. It takes atleast 2 or three people to take down a healer Squad. My problem is that the fact my team is getting no healers yet the game is fine with throwing in 4 healers on another team irritates me. I know the game can't detect who is specced in what, and that's the problem. There needs to be a system to either match the roles in a WZ or restrict each roll to a certain number. But, seeing posts about tanks, there should be no Limit on Tanks, makes no sense to limit them, DPS's maybe. Healers are a must. You can literally make eachother immortal if three of them run about together. Example on Novare Coast they have a Sage, a Scoundrel and a Trooper specced in healer running about with eachother. If you try to pick one of them off, the other 2 CC you and heal the other one and keep doing so until you're dead. I think a balance to the Healing AOE of the Sage/Sorc is that it will work for everyone, enemy team as well.
  2. Simple enough statement. Too many times I get pinned against a team with 3 or 4 healers who run around in a squad. Sure you can drop them after a brain boiling effort but over all it's silly to have that many healers in a single WZ. Bring in a filter to make 2 healers AT MOST per team. Anything more is just borderline annoying.
  3. Empire side is swarmed with random NPC's fiddling with boxes or table computers.
  4. Being on an RP server is great if your a roleplayer (duh) but the problem with SWTOR, RP Wise, I find is that there are no locations fully dedicated for an RP. Areas like empty buildings in cities or empty rooms in the Sith Academy or just about anywhere would go a long way for immersing players into their RP's. Now many areas in the game are perfect but have NPC's performing silly animations doing nothing which is just using up empty space no one will visit for any other reason other than to really RP if you're on an RP server. Guild ships have been rumored and are a huge "Can't wait" on my behalf but maybe even including Phases specifically for RP's like an office phase in the Dromund Kass Citadel/Sith Academy or entrance to the Dark Council chambers whenever we like, we are the Emperor's Wrath/Darth Nox, we should be allowed into our chambers.
  5. Not kidding, if I was kidding then I wouldn't have posted. Regardless, CD's are a topic for the skill tree's and abilities, they are fine if not a bit iffy in some areas.. But simply giving the class back Heavy Armour Priv's doesn't seem that outrageous considering our armour looks bad and it doesn't really do a whole lot of protecting us. Try a Warzone out without Adreenal popping at all, nor cloak of Pain or Saberward. I never had to pop Saberward all that much on my Jedi guardian, and he was specced in DPS.
  6. To be a lot more precise in your original post. Marauders get the bad end of the stick in terms of armour style. 4 Medium armour sets in the game have hoods. The PVE style, Columi, Tionese and Rakata, which areLevel 50 along with a drop from an Ops boss, which is basically a red Juggernaut chest piece made medium, and the PVP Armour Set, Battlemaster and Recruit have hoods, these also being level 50 . That's it. Juggernauts get a lot of good lucking armour. http://www.torhead.com/item/9vZW2be/...onmasters-vest ^ Is the OP Drop.
  7. Now hear me out before you instantly jump to call Marauders OP or it will make us OP. It was in the beta and honestly I heard no complaints from it. Now, my one problem with this is, people may say "It's because you're DPS!" well Juggernauts can DPS as can others. But to make the point more, fair, let's take a look at the Bounty Hunter, it can wear Heavy Gear, DPS and Tank, but the Merc can in some ways do it more effectively than the Powertech (DPS I mean.) So why not give it to Marauders? I think Marauders are way too 'squishy' as people like to say. Many people who will reply to this will be coming from a PVP standpoint but in PVE, even in columi or Rakata gear, we can get near instakilled pretty much by an enemy who would have it's work ahead of it to take down a juggernaut. I don't know if many of you have actually seen any of the threads around the site or the web in regards to the 'fashion' or style of the Marauder armour, which I feel for one is really bad. Most of the outfits are bland, copies and halves of Juggernaut Armour, a lot of the best looking armour is Heavy armour yet, I feel that when in the Beta phase when we could wear heavy and it was scrapped for us. The Juggernauts got our armour and our effectiveness pretty much as we can DPS, but really why bother picking the Marauder when you can have Heavy armour and a Focus that makes up for the loss of strength and power. Now I am simply saying if a Merc, who wears heavy armour and has an offhand weapon can be allowed in the game, why can't a CQB class share the same benefit since it itself has an offhand weapon? I shall now prepare to be flooded in remarks of the class being OP or my question being stupid.
  8. On The Ebon Hawk server, a lot of users have it, though they are rarely on GTN and when they are they go from 9 mil to 25 mil Crazy. I've been farming for ages, even got great gear which I sold for near 100k each, I'm nearly at one million just from farming. Nothing yet.
  9. Honestly I gave up complaining both In-game and to others about the armor selection. The Juggernaut gets the Ancient paragon armor and hooded armor and knee high boots etc. and we get altered gear that seems to be dumbed down and more bland than the Juggernaut versions. I gave up after awhile I actually ran several Hard modes and bought the Tionese Imp Agent chest piece, because it's somewhat Sithy. It looks good both the Medic and the Sharpshooter if you just remod them can be a nice asset to your look, though the Tionese is White, the Columi is black and orange/red and the Rakata is black so it's gonna be a pain to get Rakata.
  10. Will there be any plans to add in more gear customization options in terms of looks, unifying the gear color seems to have scratched the surface of something that can really shape the identity of characters in game. Will there be any new options, abilities and possibly social items to be implemented into the game like a toggle hood option for many chest pieces as possibly allowing us to dye the colour of our main chest piece to allow different colour pallets to be used in game, also will there ever be the possibility to pay credits to unbind gear from you?
  11. Can we expect a social Update any time soon which will allow new options such as sitting in a cantinas, social objects to trigger animations such as drinking and eating without an RP text prompt?
  12. Now you feel my pain! Its easy to find the version without the choir, but with the choir is near impossible
  13. Guys as I said in my OP there are two tunes, one of them is in the sound clip in this link and the other is this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V76tPVsnexk I'm looking for the one that was not on Youtube.
  14. I was wondering if anyone knew the name of the song that plays during the Final Battle of false Emporer, there are two, The Final Duel and another one, it seems to be a variant of the Main Menu Music, but the Main Menu doesn't have the choir doubling with the original music. Anyways I have it sound clouded, if you haven't done FE don't listen as there is a tad of a dialogue in it and it may spoil you, anyways, any assistance is appreciated. Clip
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