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Everything posted by Crerin

  1. Well god damn where is this. Must be the rage Jugg with all that CC, I know when I spec rage on my mara hits for about 5-6k against geared players when stacking 4 shockwaves and jumping to a target, just like every other class with a good hit... If you nerf smash you cant just get rid of it you would have to give rage something else or it is entirely useless, which I would be fine with. Though like every good player has said smash isn't that OP if you know how to counter it...
  2. didnt even notice it was the guy always in general... but yeah those numbers really arent anything... (runs and hides before being reported)
  3. it was fortold in the porphecy.... of the five
  4. Trying to beef Deadweight back up to doin rateds all the time, if not then we'll wind up merging into another guild in a similiar situation of being a few shy of having the right comp on for rateds. Hope to get some good games in the future so dont all die within a week or two
  5. any kickass PVPers looking for a good group to pvp with hit me up, especially ops - Krerin
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