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Everything posted by Katsuragisama

  1. Not sure what your hinting at and what it has to do with my thread. T'is a simple yes or no question, and it would be nice to know ahead of time instead of finding out when the expansion releases. There have been many threads on this forum that are politely phrased (but probably outnumbered by the amount of threads that are not), most of them never get answered. O.o
  2. With this post from the Dev Tracker 9 days ago: Many of us wondered if this meant future gear also becoming obtainable through the Cartel Market with Cartel Coins, as the new ship mods have been. With the announcement of an expansion, and a picture of the new tier gear for said expansion (Makeb), I have to wonder will the new tier of gear also be obtainable through the Cartel Market? If any of the community support has any insight, it would be nice to know.
  3. We probably wont know anything concrete until the end of next month, which should be time for the next EA investors call.
  4. Rofl. <333 to tanks and healers. - A DPSPS. >.> That said, you wouldnt know it if you looked at the PvP in game. The most you get is 8 on 8, and almost other place has these weird exhaustion zones that keep you away from attacking the other factions side.
  5. I figured it would be best to tell you the truth, so you wont be disappointed patch after patch when you long in and find that it's still messed up. At least now when they do fix it, you'll be pleasantly surprised. But you might be waiting a year for them to fix it... If the game lives long enough to see that day. >.>
  6. I would assume it's not set for a specific date for all, but on what date your subscription expires. O.o I'm pretty sure I got an email when my subscription renewed about my complimentary CC's. But I havent logged in to check it out.
  7. If you have to pay $20 or so for a reskin of a speeder with Christmas lights, I wonder how much a race change would cost? $40? Maybe $55 for a server transfer so they can make some money off the poor APAC players.
  8. Last I checked (havent been on my Sin since 1.6 hit), all of our light armor hooded robes have clipped through our heads since 1.2. That hasn't/still doesnt matter for the past 8 months. You think they're gonna care about any model clipping now? They have your money already, sucker.
  9. And any hooded robe (or atleast light armor robes) has clipped since like...1.2. They dont care if your mask or hood or anything clips. They got your money already.
  10. Picture doesnt work. Save it and upload it somewhere else then link, or find another site besides tripod.
  11. ^This. It works for all classes you have the emote unlocked with, just with a / infront. /warrior, /knight, /inquisitor, etc. Also the symbol next to your chat button will have them all listed.
  12. Not in my experience. Compared to other MMO's SWTOR has been the most buggy one out of all of. Sure, bugs exist. But that doesnt mean we should just ignore them like BioWare does. The more bugs, gamebreaking or not, brings down the overall quality of the game. They've finally acknowledged the memory leak. Let's not forget the other bugs that have persisted for a while. I agree with Anakis. And as much as Andryah disagrees that saying they are lazy is wrong, I will have to agree with TUXs original, that they do have poor testing standards. Remember the bug that prevented you from completing a FP/OP, I forget which one, that occurred all of the time? All they could have done was a quick run through and make sure nothing broke. Instead, we had an OP that could not be completed, and had to have emergency maintenance that Thursday. It's one thing if it randomly occurred. But to occur everytime, proves they dont have the time or standards, to even check for bugs before pushing it straight to live servers.
  13. 1.4 also broke stuff. I've kept my CrossFire off ever since I came back. Let's hope their super servers and optimizations lead to a great Ilum. But until then, apologies if I dont hop on the hype train. The station it leads to leaves nothing but regrets and sour tastes. I'm sure many of us prefer not to feel so disappointed again. And I'll agree sitting around waiting for people to come and PvP, while running around collecting those stupid armaments was boring. Hopefully they will show some spark of innovation as you said, but I dont have very high hopes for the dev team. As for plowing through the lag, everyone hit below acceptable FPS when we had those huge zergs. Yet other MMO's are able to handle it fine as long as you have the hardware.
  14. But grinding for CC would kill their cash grab on cartel market items. Why pay for a gambling box when you can grind a bit in the game? And since, judging by 1.6, this will make up the bulk of each patch (cartel items: outfits, new gambling boxes, etc), there's no way they would put a system in place to grind for CC, or buy CC with in game credits. Lol. Did you forget the EA logo at the bottom?
  15. They said the same thing about optimization in 1.4... As for the Hero Engine being crappy being just silly talk... I don't know what to say to that. O.o
  16. Don't get mad at the remaining 10 people developing this game.
  17. 'Twas our dirty pleasure back in January. I sorta miss it too. But with that said. Want large scale open world PvP? Find another game, cause I highly doubt this games engine will ever be able to handle it. I doubt their reinvention/whatever of Ilum will be anything more than a mockery.
  18. So what you're saying is they should buff Marauders and nerf Operatives right? Nerf Operatives!
  19. I cannot enjoy boring text quest because of SWTOR's/GW2's voice acting. Though GW2 was a better idea of only doing backdrops/a lot of voice acting for the personal story. But SWTOR has the cutscenes. I cannot enjoy SWTOR cause sometimes it doesnt seem as fast paced as that of GW2. I cannot enjoy GW2 because the minimal amount of skills I have to micromanage with seconds of cooldowns/low initiative on Thief. And I cant enjoy SWTOR PvP further because it cant handle large skill PvP like Planetside 2 or Guild Wars 2...
  20. Or atleast make the schematics available in game. MMOs need credit sinks anyways. That's a silly thing to say and has been covered many times over. I just... Yeah...
  21. This. Ofcourse you're unlucky. Not everyone who buys a lottery ticket wins either do they? But they keep trying in hopes of winning. Just like you keep throwing cash at EA in hopes for shiny pixels.
  22. Yeah, I would have expected actual Revan robes...ripped off the NPC himself. I'd actually prefer quite a few of the NPC's armors...
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