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Posts posted by Bugattiboy

  1. I would respect your woefully belated attempt to solicit feedback from your subscriber community if you submitted your poll, or questions, to your whole subscriber e-mail listings, rather than the very narrow point-of-view of those who frequent your forums.


    This is not the place, nor the appropriate audience; you have every subscriber's e-mail address.


    Post your questions to them.


    You mean them actually putting in the effort to making the game better? Yeah that'll happen. :rolleyes: This is EA, remember? :rolleyes:

  2. Please give us feedback that we can ignore so we can say we listened.
    Classic tactic that basically every single corporation has used. It's not the first time EA has used this tactic and this definitely won't be the last.


    They claim they want to make this game more casual and single player friendly for the inevitable influx of players Episode VII will bring, but this change does the exact opposite. If a casual player doesn't have a good experience with your game they will won't spend their time, money, and effort to improve their experience they'll just find a new game because that's their nature. They don't tie themselves down with any particular game.

  3. Needless excessive over-nerfing companions because a few elitist whiners complained about it being too easy when everyone else didn't mind? Yeah that sounds about right. Level sync actually wasn't as bad as everyone said. It was tolerable, but now you've changed it to what everyone feared. A tedious grindfest no matter what planet/instance you're on/in.


    Oh well. It wouldn't be an EA game if there weren't copious displays of incompetence.


    A Massive buff needs to be done and quickly with an appology from the EA / Bioware staff due to this absurd mistake on their part

    Are you new? EA's policy since the game launched has been: "We never rollback changes. We never apologize. You will take it and you will like it."

  4. TL;DR Watchman/Annihilation is definitely worth putting the time in to learn it, because you'll be better than everyone else.


    You sure Kwerty? It's just not the same as before.


    I loved Watchman's 2.x playstyle and had played it exclusively since launch up until 3.0 launched then I dropped it for another class. Is the increased difficulty of Watchman really worth it when Tactics is so close in DPS (according to Bant's 224 gear calculations) and has an easier rotation?


    Also, in your opinion, how close is it to the 2.x rotation?

  5. More importantly, his analysis shows that Anni | Watchman is the strongest DPS spec out there (ignoring Engineering | Saboteur).

    Why are we ignoring Saboteur? And you said that Watchman is no reminiscent of 2.x, how close would say the resemblance is?

  6. Nice work Oof. Good to see a guide going up for 4.x. I might try out a few parses on the dummy at some point. I doubt I'll do more than that though. This class is and always will a be a shell of its former self. SoR completely killed any enjoyment I ever got from that class.
  7. They aren't dropping accuracy, they are raising base accuracy of melee/ranged from 90% to the 100% of Force/Tech. You will still need 10% to cover the boss's defense. This only affects a few attacks (like your basic one).


    That sucks. I thought EA was actually displaying some intelligence.

  8. So an addition to the game is laughable simply because you don't benefit from it? Such selfishness. You should care about the health and well-being of the game as a whole, rather than you personal preferences. To date I have never once bought the Cathar unlock, created a Cathar or used a Cathar, and yet I supported the addition. Why? Because it benefited the community as a whole.Why so selfish? Support the overall benefit of the game rather than your personal gains.


    Cathar has absolutely no comparison to level sync. Cathar is completely optional; level sync as we know it is not. Cathar is completely cosmetic; level sync is not.




    Quote for truth.

  9. If I want to return in a lower zone, I want to stay as I am. I've worked hard to level up to have this kind of advantage.

    So doing a mission there is purely for fun and I don't need it to be challenging. There are enough challenges elsewhere.

    I agree with some comments saying this is good for a PvP server, but not for PvE.


    Ditto. Although it won't really help in a PvP server either because the higher level players still have the ability advantage.

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