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Everything posted by Damask_Rose

  1. I'm glad you said something! I recently downloaded Kindle Unlimited and have been binge reading to the excision of all else. A little bit of new Theron content will get me to play at least a little.
  2. Sigh. What you want to avoid is what I would consider the best quality of life improvement we could get shy of a hood toggle. My dream is having a skip option for each expansion that gives a menu of major choices. (KotFE/ET should get options to skip individual chapters. Some are quite enjoyable, but others are big roadblocks of tedium.) Since Ossus broke my dark side warrior who made all of the right choices to keep Koth and Arcann alive, I know you don't have the ability to pull this off. But I wish you could!
  3. I love the early stories and repeat them regularly. The newer stories, not so much. KotFE/ET has some really tedious chapters and most of the newer "story" flashpoints are hideous slogs. The story we have for 7.0 bored me to tears. If I could select individual chapters to skip, and pick the critical choices I want, I would move a lot more alts through the newer stories for the bits I do like. As it stands, out of 58 characters, only one is caught up in the story. However boring I think the new stories have been, I would like to progress the reputation track for decorations. If they added in a 6.0 skip, I would likely buy couple of characters to skip to 7.0, push through the yawn fest and have a few to work on the reputation.
  4. Last time I was on the PTS there weren't vendors with the leveling gear for Quesh, Ilum or Makeb. Is that intentional? Also missing from vendors were the tank variant styles, only dps styles were on the vendors. Will those get added in at some point? Most critical - at some point will we be given access to the unique pre- 7.0 starter planet styles that got removed from the game?
  5. What you are really saying is that each expansion is worse than the last, which is pretty accurate imo. 7.0 just said, "hold my beer" and moved the bar so low it will be extremely difficult for 8.0 to lower it further.
  6. When I do dailies, I prefer to take different characters through them on different days instead of doing the same one repeatedly. They are more interesting that way. I really, really wish Bioware would make a decent skip mechanism. What is in place now is a joke, and we can't even skip directly to 7.0, so I can't even buy a character boost and get him to the new content.
  7. Well, that's a shame. I only have 1 character to that point and I'm in absolutely no rush to get any others there. Since I don't enjoy doing the same content on the same character over, and over and over again, this pretty much killed what little interest I had in 7.1 Did you all at least fix the item preview bug?
  8. While I enjoy collecting, I'm playing for the story, and just the story. I used to pvp, but I drifted away from that, since it isn't nearly as fun as it used to be. I stay subbed so I can readily access my billions of credits and all of my numerous alts. The players that I know that still play are also story players. A few dabble in pvp or group content, but they are here for the story, full stop. The people I used to know who were pvpers and raiders all quit long ago. Just because you and yours don't play for story doesn't mean there aren't subscribers who do.
  9. I second this! Companions that are locked into one outfit are boring. The "customizations" they added to the vendors were incredibly low effort and not even worth one GS token. If I'm going to spend event currency on a customization, I want it to be noticeably different and not be just a tiny tweak to the original.
  10. I keep waiting and hoping. I NEED a lightning axe for one of my characters
  11. While I also found 7.0 ruined the game for me, I think the death knell to story was KotFE/ET. The story was incredibly uneven and extremely trite. (The time jump, sidelining companions, focusing on cartoon villains instead of our characters, ham-fisted retcons, and all-round silly nonsense!) There were bright spots, but too much was a boring slog to make me want to replay it. The story after was no better and suffered from the same deep flaws, and the traitor arc was just disastrous. Ossus went bad in new ways. I hate the way they fractured the story into multiverses. The recent story has been so boring and inconsequential, it's hard to remember what happens from one "beat" to the next. Even capturing Malgus was completely meh. In sum, the story has been pretty bad for awhile now and getting worse, but I still love and replay the earlier stories. The kick in the teeth is the way 7.0 damaged the non-story parts of the game I enjoy. I liked conquest the way it was, now it's so painfully slow for solo players, and the rewards are so neutered, there is no point in trying for it on more that a couple of characters a week. Old conquest motivated me to play a daily here, a weekly there because they were rewarding enough that they were worth the boredom to receive a noticeable amount of conquest points. Now? I'm not going to waste my time for a drop in the bucket. I love collecting thigs. Runaway inflation has made it impossible to get the handful of cartel items I lack on the GTN. End game looting is the most boring in any game I've ever played. 6.0 gear sets are ridiculously had to collect now, and collecting them competes with getting new gear. And to add insult to injury there was a whopping one new style added, and even that can't be dyed. (I am looking forward to the planetary gear vendors in 7.1, but they didn't add in the old starter planet sets which were what players were actually asking for. They forgot about Quesh, and they left off the tank variant sets. Once again a half-assed job that Bioware will consider good enough, but at this point we have to be grateful for any crumbs tossed our way.) I like making outfits and documenting gear for Tor-fashion, but they broke the item preview and STILL haven't fixed it! I can't fully zoom in on details or re-position so I can see helmets so I can't take proper screenshots for the website.
  12. Very few people would consider a static vender being up one year instead of for one month to be an "event". It's a very weird and misleading use of the word.
  13. Personally, I find Kaliyo to be significantly worse. She's nothing but a back-stabbing, sadistic narcist. She shouldn't have left Hutta alive. The ONLY thing she's got going for her is a great voice. Corso, while not everyone's cup of tea, is sweet. He's just a good ol' country boy like the ones I used to date in college.
  14. I don't have enough confidence in our current team to say I would pay for an expansion. I don't trust them enough. I would, however, be willing to pay a small amount, say $10, to get bonus content like the HK chapter every once in a while for other companions.
  15. That would be an excellent addition! For some odd reason they didn't add in the Quesh, Ilum or Makeb sets. Also planets that have different skins for tanks and dps only have one, not both, available. Some great sets are being left out! PS. Any word on when we can expect a fix for the item preview window? I'm really tired of not being able to drag my character around to view details. It really hurts my ability to put together outfits, which for me, is probably the best aspect of the game.
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