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Posts posted by hallucigenocide

  1. for some reason my companions keep despawning after loading screens and i am unable to resummon them and have to pick another. the ones that despawn only have the vendor trash item button instead of the summon button after this.


    any way to fix this?


    and no summoning another and then the old one does not work they're still stuck with the vendor trash button.

  2. i quite like it how the tank abilities are usefull in this game.. even so much that i suggest other mmo's i play to implement similar stuff because they're all about dps and heals.


    to me it's one of the things swtor did right.

  3. Our survivability issues show up the most when, as someone pointed out, we're kited (often away from our support, but necessary to be effective sometimes as we're melee), or any other scenarios that bring us away from healing support: limited to no healers in group, scenarios in 8v8s that require separate groups/operating away from healing support, etc.


    Our self heal is dismal, easily the worst in the game. This is easy enough to spot pretty much every PvP match with the totals at that end. The only exception to this (and only slightly) is Watchman, in that it has a very small amount of self heal over time that suits it as a pressure spec -- for reference, on matches where I do 1.5 million damage, I do about 100k self heal from the DoTs. I would say this is a reasonable amount additional of self heal to take pressure off of your own healers for the additional exposure playing a pressure spec generates. If anything, I'd say the team heal off of Zen/Berserk is more valuable than the self heal. However, our innate healing beyond that is virtually non-existent.


    We have a single heroic level utility that is in competition with some great PvP heroic utilities, and on top of that, it's just bad. 36% heal every 3 minutes that requires you being attacked constantly over a duration of 12 seconds to meet its full potential, and being realistic, almost anything that hits you 12 times over 3 seconds is going to do more than 36% damage to your squishy Sent/Mara butt, even with Saber Ward up. So really, this is more of a reactive survivability buff to Saber Ward than an actual heal (and someone has to be stupid enough to be hitting you, or you're getting focused and as it only procs once every second for 3%, a focus over 4-6 seconds can easily be enough to kill you, and you'll have procced 18% self heal at most. How useful...


    The aforementioned Watchman has the proper mechanic for a self heal right. What is the sole purpose of our class? We hit things with 2 glowy sticks. What should our self heal proc off of? Hitting things with 2 glowy sticks. Not only does this give a mechanic to reasonably proc our self heal relevant to our class role, but it also encourages Sent/Mara's in PvP to stay engaged and keep pressuring as opposed to disengaging and let their DPS go to waste due to fear of lack of support.


    Personally, I'd give a utility to make a 1% heal trigger off of hits on an enemy when Rebuke is active, can't trigger more than 1 time a second. If the modifiers for healing (mastery, power) increase these percentage based heals, then make it once every 2 seconds. Too much, you say? Not really. Math ensues!


    Assuming 50% uptime on Rebuke (generous, in most cases, as the maximum possible outside of using the Jedi Promulgator utility is 50%, and actual 50% uptime as it is requires the planets and several constellations aligning precisely), and also assuming that you make every proc possible within that 50% uptime (also incredibly unlikely), you'd be looking at healing 30% of your health every minute.


    Now actual uptime is likely to be far less low -- let's say, for example, 33% uptime on Rebuke given that the refresh isn't always triggered and stunlocks/etc. Let's also assume we're hitting maybe 66% of the procs during this 33% uptime, again, factoring in stunlocks/roots, getting kited, and so on. Even then, I feel we're being generous on uptime here, especially in 8v8s. In that case, we're looking at just over 13% healing every minute. This is 39% health over 3 minutes, just slightly over the 36% maximum potential health afforded to us by the aforementioned horrible utility we have currently. The difference is that it's on a much more sensible proc on our class, and it gives us pressure relief over time/without support/while being kited.


    I'd be plenty open to other ideas as well, other DCDs or skills for a self heal to proc off of, and so on--this is just an easy one that came to mind and would be easy to implement.


    i like that Rebuke idea alot it fits the class and anything that encourages you to stay on the target a bit more is a good thing.

  4. I guess you mean Jedi Guardian's saber holding. I get it if you think Juggernauts look cooler, but actually they are doing it wrong. Try it yourself: get a stick in your hand and hold it like a jugg. Then try to launch an attack from that position or try to defend and incoming slash. Now hold the stick in your hand like the lame guardian. You'll see the difference.


    i doubt realism is of any concern. especially in this game where looks seem to be one of the main features.

  5. Pipeball, yes, I stay on. But I do quit arenas often when they load and I am not on a character I feel confident on playing them or I am not grouped with a friend. I also bail if I see 2+ people without slots filled with gear in the lowbies/midbies.


    kinda makes you wonder how many arena matches there are with full teams.. i never stay in them either and know lots of people who do the same.

  6. why exactly people say that maras are squishy?


    like posters before said our dcds are the best or tied for the best in game, there are situations in which we can outlast juggernauts...


    the idea tha maras are glass cannons is just a misconception, we can last for long if we anticipate incoming damage, now if you go down to 40% and then use ward and cloak, ok then you won't last very long... but that's just bad play, not a class issue, mara dcds require a bit more anticipation than Jugger's


    as for the guy above describing mara as a kamizkazee whos aim to take as much people with him before he dies, i guess he RPs too much, the class fantasy does not mean one has to adopt it in his playstyle, maras want to live as much as anyone else, you're just mellee so you can't keep a safe distance AND do damage and most of the time you wan to hit things...


    sometimes people focus you, but if this happens you'll live longer than a dps PT or assassin would in your stead and about as much as a jugger would (for ranged i'm not even compared it goes without saying that you're more durable)


    in what order or when would you recommend to use all these dcds? i've not had much experience using them yet as i just recently finished leveling my sentinel. but now i've sent a set of gear to him so was thinking i'd start practicing later on today.

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