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Everything posted by Elbmuh

  1. Got some new numbers on the spreadsheet and found 349 to be the ideal Critical Rating.
  2. That would appear to be so, but using my friend's sophisticated HPS analysis spreadsheet, I'm finding that Overkill Augments are adding more healing. You can see this for yourself and switch between cunning and power augments and you will see your bonus healing statistic drop when you switch from the power augments to the cunning augments.
  3. Alacrity is great to have. It not only reduces the global cooldown but increases energy regeneration as well. I'd say once you have somewhere between 200-300 surge, to dump the rest of it into alacrity. As for power and crit, leave crit at 0 and pump power.
  4. Mathematically, I believe Overkill (Power/End) augments add the most to effective HPS, but the extra tech critical chance from Skill (Cunning/End) augments is notable now that most of us are foregoing all Critical Rating in favor of Power.
  5. This guide will receive a massive update for 2.0, once it's out. In the meantime, much of this information is out of date and the abilities section will be reworked tremendously. I'll reply again once this is updated!
  6. Are you interested in absorbing a smaller guild? My guild, Bright Shield (http://brightshield.us) needs a new home with active members. We have a few key members in the guild and I don't want us to disband without finding a new home for us first. I'm looking at your guild because you were specifically looking for mid-level progression, and our guild's progression team left off at EC HM. Several of the team's members are now in other groups doing even EC NiM now, but we need a guild to come home to that is still being managed. Please send me a message on Enjin (I am Brian on the Bright Shield website) or contact me in game. My main is Bayani and I have several alts: Paulo, Pag-asa, and Tanggol in order of activity.
  7. Looking to buy 2 of these.
  8. Looking to buy: Hazmat Boltblaster's MK-2 Package
  9. I updated the guide for the new patches that came out over Fall. When I find the time, I'll try to get the mod locations for all the gear. Hope this is still helpful!
  10. This needs to happen. What will probably happen is that it will become a service purchasable using cartel coins, since, as of now, there is no way to purchase in-game features with real currency.
  11. I updated the guide a little bit, refined some of the gear choices, and added some little notes mentioned in replies. Thanks for the feedback!
  12. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=507204 Please sticky my comprehensive guide on scoundrel healing in endgame PVE.
  13. I think the bugged harvesting nodes get fixed every Tuesday because the servers get reset.
  14. I love this game. I think for a game that's been out for less than a year that we've gotten a lot of improvements in such a short amount of time. I think it's very well-polished, aside from bugs which will be existent for all games of this nature. You can see how well-done this MMO is after playing millions of other MMO's. This game is great. I felt engaged in the story lines and I have plenty to do with all my characters in endgame. I'll stay subscribed and probably will be playing this game for as long as it lasts.
  15. Yes. Just check the GTN every now and then and you'll find crafted 26 hilts.
  16. Artifice, Cybertech, and Biochem are great guild crafters. In endgame ops, if the guild allows these crafters to reverse engineer level 26 item modifications, the guild can make considerable amounts of profit because these item modifications sell at an extremely high premium. Armstech is less useful as they only make barrels. Artifice on the other hand makes hilts and enhancements while cybertech makes armorings and mods. Biochem can make great profits from selling exotech stims. Armormech currently can make small profits from selling augments and augment kits.
  17. This NEEDS to be fixed. No official response? 51 pages. My God.
  18. I'd like to get more opinions on this guide and how it can be improved. Does anyone know how to get a guide stickied on these forums?
  19. Scrapper won't put out the DPS necessary to sustain damage in long boss fights. Maybe in moments where burst is needed (like taking down bombers for Kephess) they will shine, but DF can still put out decent damage and will over the course of the entire fight be more valuable.
  20. I would personally choose the matrix shard over the PVE relics of boundless ages.
  21. Personally, I would use two PVP relics of Boundless Ages with the flat power increase. The persistent 20 bonus healing is more valuable to me as a healer than a burst of 54 bonus healing from the campaign. For moments where burst is important, you should be relying on using the right abilities to bring people back up as fast as possible. Mathematically, Ephemeral Mending will also give more overall HPS than Boundless Ages. Ephemeral mending gives you a 50% chance to heal over 400 health every 20 seconds. So, theoretically, every 40 seconds you get over 400 healing done. Boundless Ages is 54 bonus healing on your abilities, but the cooldown is 2 minutes.
  22. Scoundrel DPS in Dirty Fighting can still put out good numbers. Scrapper is inferior. Sawbones healing is actually pretty amazing. Sawbones will put out the best single target healing and has the fastest heals.
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