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Posts posted by Buur

  1. I dont mind all the travelling. I play MMO's for escapism and this adds to the feeling that I am in a living universe. Its called willing suspension of disbelief and I am all for it, getting sick of people wanting a care bear game where everything is made quick and easy for them.


    Good. Then when they add better travel options for those of us who think it is tedious, you can still feel free to use the old method. Everyone wins.

  2. people are still going on about the 60 seconds it takes to get from your ship down to a planet?


    reminds me of that little girl in the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory...


    "I want it nooowwwwww!!!"


    If you people have problems with 60 seconds of downtime in your game, maybe you shouldn't be playing an MMO.


    If you can't read the thread maybe you shouldn't be commenting.

  3. Who, what, where, why, when?! You bought this game specifically for PVP?! Why on earth would you do such a thing?! The entire year leading up to launch they've said it was a story based game. It was clear from all the info coming out that it was a PVE-centric game.


    No game that is built from the ground up to be PVE-centric ever has good PVP.


    If you want a good PVP game, you need to play one that is designed and built specifically for PVP at all levels.


    "PvP – We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away! In addition to that high level PVP content, expect new Warzones and new PvP features on a regular basis."


    Maybe that is why he bought it for PvP.

  4. My sentiments exactly.



    Besides being a part of the immersion of being in a large universe, traveling to places provides players a chance to actually run into other players and gee.. maybe interact with them and help them out.It helps form friendships and guilds and maybe a positive social enviroment.


    The people complaining about this are also the same people complaining about not having damage meters, or wanting a way to skip the cut-scenes, and a cross-server LFG tool.


    They power level up to max level as fast as they can and then complain there is nothing to do in the game. They are the same people who advocate the idea of being able to start a character at max level.


    They only want to run "end game" content and are not interested in the Leveing experience, RP, Storyline, or Social aspects of the game unless it involved them being able to "show off" their superior loot.


    Let the "End Game", "powerleveling", and "Zerg" crowd go back to that other game. I for one don't need them and don't want them here.


    I am surprised you could fit so much hyperbole into one post. I am glad to find out there isn't a limit.

  5. so you want everything handed to you on a silver platter? and saying theres nothing worth selling is a bunch of bs, if you have a high level crafting skill there is.


    service is a smuggler supposed to offer in a cantina that isn't against the TOS?

    ***? realy? passage aboard their ship for a fee? its roleplaying and you get paid.


    I have 400 armormech. There is nothing I can make that people want to buy. I would make far more selling the materials.


    I think you miss the point that 99.9% of the people don't like to hardcore roleplay. Why would anyone go to a cantina and pay someone for passage when they have their own ship?

  6. How about a system where you call to your useless droid and say "Hey, I need to get to Tatooine, set coordinates and come pick me up!" "Ok sir, after I finish applying this coat of paint to your cabin I will be on my way!" *5 minute countdown timer starts while you check mail, or set crafting missions or chat with friends, or go afk to get something to drink, or whatever* Menu pops up on screen "Are you ready to board?" Yes I am... then you loading screen right to the next effin planet.


    Time sink - check

    Not having to see 8 loading screens - check

    Other people can still use the old clunky way - check

  7. THere is soooo much more to the game.. have you tried roleplaying with friends or even with strangers? how about crafting and selling your wares? this also can be rped.

    roleplaying can bring that extra something to the game. smugglers. going to a cantina and offering services.. etc..


    There is almost nothing in the game worth selling. And a lot of people don't enjoy having to create content for themselves. They pay monthly so that the content is provided for them. What service is a smuggler supposed to offer in a cantina that isn't against the TOS?

  8. What is wrong with you people. This is a wonderfull game, every class i've played i've loved the story. All i got to say is if you dont like it leave and quit complaining abou it.

    in my opinion this is the best mmo out there. You l33t3rs and you people who only want instant gradification can leave. We dont need you. This game is doing just fine by alot of people. I was only going to read this post but you haters got me all worked up.

    Please do us bioware/story lovers a favor and go play wow.


    that said Marmerus, I agre about the repetitive on the planets, but you still get different main class quests on all the planets than alts. wich isnt alot i know, but its still different.

    and whats the likly hood that everyone has done all the side quests on the planet. if so then leave some for alts. sides there is still lightside/darkside wich only a time or two goes to the same planet.


    Ya! Agree with this guy opinion or ****!

  9. I don't think you know what "strawman" means. If one argues that time is a main reason to change travel (people not having time to play and all) what about the other aspects of the game that take time?


    Wanting travel fixed to not be so tedious in no way at all equates to wanting instaleveling, autogear and whatever other assinine example you used.


    "You don't like A, so you must obviously support b, c and d."

  10. I enjoyed the story and leveling process. The problems is most gamers feel that MMOs start at max level. This game, it almost feels like the game ends at 50.


    Ya, that is the problem with a game that tends to heavily market the single player story. Once that story runs you are just left with the standard MMO fair. Dailies, BGs, dungeons. All without story.

  11. in westfall you investigated the defias brotherhood an uncovered a plot to take out SW, in duskwood you battle an undead liche and his minions, uncover the origin of worgen in the area, in redrige you kill a rogue mage and his gnoll army and prevent diferent gnolls from taking over the town, there is the black iron dwarf/BRD storyline that takes a couple zones, un'goro uncoves corruption of azeroth, there are tons of troll stories...


    The guy you are quoting couldn't be bothered to read any of the stories. He just grabbed the quest and ran, then said it was boring because story wasn't force fed to him.

  12. Is this where you move the goal posts (the time it takes) because your "point" is so flimsy it is easily dismissed?


    I'd rather save 5 minutes of travel time even if it means I have to click on two elevator controls or airlocks.


    But hey some folks claim that a travel system you can AFK out and make a sandwich is better than actually playing the game.


    Says the guy who equated people wanting travel to be better to:


    -teleporation to anywhere you want to go

    -ability to instant level

    -auto gear (no need to run an instance, just select the drops you want)

    -anything that takes time

  13. If it's people who constantly complain, then yes I do!


    If you only have 1 hour of play time, an MMORPG is NOT for you!


    MMOGs can certainly be for people that only have 1 hour of play time. That is actually where a lot of the money is made. From people who have limited play time but keep their sub because when they can get in and do something in only an hour or so. This game won't be truly successful until the "terrible casuals" can get in and do something in their limited play time.

  14. I"m sorry but there is NO immersion in the current system. There is nothing immersive about hard zones and tons of loading screens to take you to empty cookie cutter looking identical stations and spaceports.


    ZERO Immersion. None. Nadda. Zilch. It is the antithesis of immersion. Consider immersion broken and cash into a dark abyss from whence it shall not return. Seriously.


    To be immersive it would have to be seamless and have some form of UNIQUENESS about each port or station.


    To be immersive it would have to have LIFE breathed in to it so that I heard more than my footsteps plodding along on the metal floor as I walk down dead and hallow nothingness.


    In WoW, Vanguard and other games it would take you LONGER in SWTOR to get from place to place...but y'know what? Most of it was completely seamless and immersive so I did not tire of it.


    It's far faster to travel in this game but much more mediocre and mundane with NO immersion whatsoever. So please....stop arguing about the "immersion quality" to the current system. There is none.


    Good post. Agree wholeheartedly.

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