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Posts posted by Buur

  1. Here is one thing I have not seen anyone else point out.



    Sure they can let you respec your advanced class.






    Sorry I had to catch my breath.


    But seriously, as soon as they implement AC respecing people are gonna be asking for a way to change their gear type instantly.


    It just doesn't work.


    It's not an issue. A lot of classes would use the same exact gear and those that don't could plan it out in advance.

  2. ^This


    I remember the WoW launch and the subsequent months of rollbacks. I remember on patch days you didnt dare do anything for fear of a rollback and undoing all your work. I remeber the days of bugged instances that would crash then reset on you. I remember instances not resetting when they were supposed to. I remember NO PvP at all at launch. I remember the promise of an honor system that finally appeared a year after launch, and I remember it was horrible. I remember lots of bugs, hotfixes, server crashes, extended downtimes.... but what I don't remember is the hatred on the forums on the level that this game garnishes, even though it's had a far better launch record.


    Because back then there weren't any real similar games to compare WoW, too. There was EQ that was nothing but grinding. WoW was fun when it was playable. There were problems but when people could play they had fun. This game is a direct competitor to WoW and it has zero of the polish. It is pretty inexcusable.

  3. If people rage so much over a game, they simply cannot be happy with their own life. I wonder if they send letters to God and rage over how much their life sucks.


    When I don't like a game, guess what I do. I don't play it and leave.


    Eh it isn't that black and white. Maybe for single player games that last a couple of weeks to a month at most. You read reviews and make what you think it is an informed opinion and buy it. If it sucks you just stop playing and deal with the $60 loss.


    But a lot of people kind of make an emotional investment in MMOs. They follow them all through development and want them to be a game they can invest multiple years in. When it is fundamentally flawed and becomes apparent that it is a game that doesn't have a real bright future they get upset.

  4. See this is why devs don't listen to players. I'm not a fan of artificially padding content with travel time or other tedium, but without it people are done done quick and then they say there is nothing to do. Deny it if you like but MMOs need filler time. No team can make enough content to keep up. So argue all you want but until the game ets more mature time sinks are needed. I know it's not what you want to hear but it's the same in all game. But keep on arguing like it will do anything. If you don't like tedium and filler quit MMOS or only play those that have existed for years. New ones need something to keep you from saying there's nothing to do .


    If you have to make players run from place to place with no content and no ability to go afk during the process than you have failed at designing your game. It is as simple as that.

  5. I've seen some posts in customer service about the mouse issue that is plaguing some folks. No responses, no fix, no discussion on a resolution. Putting it here as well, so this can get exposure and perhaps get fixed. It makes the game close to unplayable.


    It seems many players with mice with additional functionality (DPI increase, etc. - razor naga, logitech G9, etc), experience an issue where the camera suddenly veers off in another direction. For example, I turn the mouse left, and the camera severely veers off to the right. Or I am looking straight up into the sky. Sometimes this happens rarely, sometimes it happens constantly. When it happens often, it makes the game near unplayable, and incredibly frustrating. I've run into mobs, run over cliffs, and just given up on playing many nights because of this.


    My wife who has a different mouse than I, has the same problem on a different computer, and she has all but given up playing the game at all because of this. We are going to let our subs expire at the end of this month if this isn't fixed - not telling this to sound like your typical threatening troll, but because we are giving the game another chance for a month, but there is no reason to play and pay if this isn't fixed.


    Hopefully your fix won't be to plug in plain, two button generic mice to fix this problem. Please get this forwarded to the right folks, so this get some attention. I love the game, and I don't care as much about aesthetics, or stuff like guild banks - I know those fixes are coming. This problem makes it so I can't play the game at all without swearing in 3 different languages. Thanks!


    I just started noticing this pretty severely in the last few days. I thought my mouse might be going bad.

  6. What?


    Let's see, WoW had different sized humans, different colored humans, humans with different ears, and Tauren.


    ToR was miles ahead in customization just by having body types and scars.


    I mean, were you being serious? WoW had absolutely nothing to offer in terms of customization.


    Oh cool. Ya, I can make blue humans, or blind humans, or humans with horns, all of which have the same exact animations. I am sorry this game is 7 years newer and has no alien races that don't look human. That is inexcusable.

  7. I'd be seriously surprised if things actually got better.


    That, and soon it will be MoP, or "We admitted we utterly and completely failed at any semblance of class balance so we're getting rid of talent trees and adding furries."


    At least they don't make you play as variations of recolored humans. Pandas may not be awesome but at least there is some race variety.

  8. No. The problem lies when people only have the exposure of WoW.

    WoW stops being a game and becomes the genre itself. That's what has happened. Rift dealt with it. SWTOR is dealing with. Every themepark will deal with it. When the next game comes out that isn't similar to WoW, people will complain that it's not enough like WoW. Doesn't have addons like WoW. Doesn't have Arenas like WoW. Doesn't have a launcher like WoW. Doesn't have a website like WoW. Doesn't have a game designer with name Ghost in it like WoW. WoW WoW WoW WoW WoW.


    What people are sick of, they want most. What's different must conform to the familiar.


    Except this game is similar to WoW and I think people wish it wasn't. But as it is so similar to WoW people wish it had the same amount of polish. It doesn't. Not even close.

  9. I'm truncating your post because it was so long and I only wish to address one thing.


    Your entire point of view is based around the idea of creating mod, and no mod servers.


    This is NOT going to happen. Ever. End of story. Developers are HIGHLY reluctant to introduce new server types as it is, the answer to every divisive issue is not going to be oh just add a new server type. This is utterly not feasible and completely a pie in the sky idea, I'm sorry.


    Just wanted to quote this to make sure no one misses it.

  10. That about explains everything.


    WoW players who want other games to emulate what that game has rather than adapt to the different approach that Bioware has taken by removing combat logs.


    If you want your Pew-Pew meters then go play WoW and leave SW:ToR as it is.


    What did people do before parses were invented ? It truely does boggle the mind.


    And what did people do before console controllers had more than 2 buttons? Adapt with the times man. Just because we didn't have something before is not a reason at all to not have something now.

  11. Personally I feel nothing from WOW ideals should be imported/copied/adapted to this game.


    You do know a lot of features in this game are directly taken from WoW? Which many in turn were directly taken from other games? Should those features be removed now?

  12. To answer the OP:


    No, I do not support an in game version of Recount. I do support a personal combat log, which is essential IMO. The reason I do not support a type of Recount in this game is because, while it would be a great tool to use in a guild, PUG's are going to suffer the most from it. It will be by far more difficult to get a/into a PUG if this was in game. Also, I believe it will bring out the elitists in every guild as well. We already see elitists in raids, and this will make it worse.


    Also please don't use the argument "well there are already elitists, so this will make no difference" because it's not true. It will make it worse. I don't even play WoW and I know what goes on over there with Recount from people who do. That mod has torn that community apart and we deserve better than that.


    No it hasn't. Please don't speak if you have no experience.

  13. I really do understand people comparing this game to the other mmo's and wanting alot of the options they find in them, but tbh I do not want another wow, i still play wow, i like the differences in this game and please do not become a wow in space


    idc about dps meters anymore and i like that here, my hunter can go fight with the mages on the other mmo for that, im used to it there lol, please dont turn my starwars into wow:D


    It already is WoW in space. Except 100X more clumsy.

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