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Everything posted by Daltin

  1. I've provided sources for my claims (quotes straight from Stephen Reid), I'd like to see a source on that one. If they truly said that, then they are far more out of touch than I could've even imagined.
  2. I'm happy for you, high popper. I challenge any of you HPs to make a character on Crevasse City tonight at 8pm and PST my character Reice. We can discuss populations on my server in a chat window rather than a server window. Maybe then you guys may truly understand how dire the situation is on "only the 8 light population servers" /who 1-50 "Showing first 94 results" Lol.
  3. I'm gonna start you on page 18 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=224675&page=18 Our group is bugged with Bounty Hunter. Other groups are bugged with other drops. It -only- occurs when the same 4 people run together. On a small server, guess what. No one wants to do HMs because the 3 groups that are doing them (yes, there are only 12 of us on the entire SERVER that do HMs) run together at different points in the evening. One afternoon, one early evening, one late evening. $15. And myself personally have never said "*** BW gimme free stuffz". I'm willing to cut my losses at 15 dollars to transfer my character. 15 dollars is a fair price to save 2 months of work invested into this character.
  4. Leader A Resulted in ONLY... ONLY.. Bounty Hunter gear dropping. Leader B Resulted in ONLY... ONLY.. Inquisitor and Agent gear dropping. Leader C Resulted in ONLY... ONLY.. Bounty Hunter and Inquisitor dropping. Leader D Resulted in ONLY... ONLY.. Warrior gear dropping. We're able to somewhat control our drops using the spreadsheet we decided to make following the 30 Hardmodes of never having an Inquisitor piece drop (and we run 2 of them.) But, our Columi tokens for the past 3 days are as follows.. Bounty Hunter, Bounty Hunter, Imperial Agent, Bounty Hunter, Warrior, Bounty Hunter, Bounty Hunter, Warrior, Bounty Hunter, Imperial Agent. lol gg rng gg.
  5. Another high-popper. I'm not wasting 2 months of character development because Bioware screwed the Pooch. Simple enough. It's pretty easy for myself. Open up transfers (even if its for a fee), or I un-sub, and the clock is ticking. Not trying to be dramatic, as if it came to option 2, I would no longer be on the forums. I'm looking for another MMO, and I thought this was going to be the one I would call home for a long time. But they aren't winning me over. I shouldn't have to start over. Period. If you were playing Mario 64, and you were sitting at 119 stars.. What would your reaction be if Nintendo said to you , "oh, sorry, remember when the first area was super crowded, and we recommended you go to the water level first? Well, the 1 star your missing is in that first area, and you can't access it anymore.. Sorry, I guess you should start over so you can complete the game the way it was meant to be completed." Right.
  6. but rolling Black 17 times in a row on multiple boards, on a daily basis, doesn't make that something astronomical. Just check the thread, something is broken with the RNG at the moment, and the numbers are there to back it up. It's something to do w/ who is leading the group, they believe. We tested it, and found it to be a likely cause. With Leader A, Token B dropped 90+%. With Leader B, Token C dropped 90+%. With Leader C, Token D dropped 90+%. With Leader D, Tokens were normalized. These aren't small samples, either. This is doing maximum amount of Flash points per night , over the course of weeks, testing this theory. Our only chance of getting Token A to drop is the have Leader D be the party leader, and hope we get the true 25% drop rate. TL;DR, Something is wrong w/ algorithm.
  7. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=224675 It starts with people inevitably saying, "rng is rng ****", and then the math starts to roll in, along with many many other people sharing their stories. Then the rng crowd goes away. But, again, this thread isn't that thread. This is the place to discuss how isolated the low pop.servers are.
  8. There are large threads that confirm the loot isn't random atm. No one is sure why or how, though. You can find the thread in my posted threads section of my profile. The sheer probability of seeing one piece 11 times out of 13, when 4 items are supposed to 25% each, is astronomical. And it happens to a lot of people. It's not always bh that drops a large%. Sometimes its ia or sw. But they aren't even close for some groups. I do recommend reading that thread though, it's interesting
  9. "lol 2 months isnt that long to reroll" You're so wrong it warranted a mobile reply. I get the game near the end of december, and make a character on the server that bioware said to. This is due to "absolute caps" on servers, and no mention of increasing caps. Say I reroll near the middle of feb. That would roughly be 2 months of playing my character. Say I play the exact same character on a higher pop server. Id reach level cap.faster due to familiarity, but the HM and daily grind will always take the same amount of time. Say I accomplish the same things in only 45 days time. You're telling me, us, that in order to enjoy the game the way its meant to be played, I have to level my main for almost 4 months? That is ludicrous. You self admit that you're not at ilum yet, thus not doing hard modes either. You can't even begin to understand what its like to have 90% bounty hunter columi tokens drop from end bosses, and not seeing a single inquisitor piece in3 weeks. Loot is beyond bugged for people who run the same four people, but that's not what this thread is about. Rerolling is NOT AN SOLUTION.
  10. there is no "waiting for Crevasse City" to grow. It is losing people daily. Ilum had 2 people in it during prime time. Some servers have more people in Ka's Palace than we have on our entire server. The light population issue is a serious one, and should be considered as such. "lol re-roll" is not a solution. It's them saying "Eh, you're screwed. Your bad. We're not even gonna let you pay to go to another server with the toon you invested 50 days on"
  11. I'm glad that you high poppers are enjoying the low-poppers' strife. http://massively.joystiq.com/2011/12/20/stephen-reid-addresses-swtor-server-load-issues/ When Stephen Reid says "Full servers are near Absolute Cap" , without mentioning -Anything- about increasing server loads, and encouraging players to roll on "Light" servers since they will fill up, that did us all a disservice. Instead, people rolled on Light, invested time, and THEN they raised the server caps. While obvious that this was going to happen, it was never stated. Thus, the best option at the time was the LISTEN TO BIOWARE, and make a character on a Light Server. We (light poppers) believed this to be the only option. I mean, biggest/best MMO launch in HISTORY right? Surely a Light will become Standard after a month? Not so much. If he would've said "Absolute caps will be raised in a few weeks. Bear with the queue times" then there wouldn't be 10 servers with 15 people on Fleet during Prime Time.
  12. For those who don't want to click, from STEPHEN FK'N REID "Re-roll , by the time you hit 49, hopefully the 50 PVP Scene is better. If not, you better re-roll again because we don't disable experience in PVP"
  13. Whoops! I'm sorry, I didn't paste the one w/ the correct page. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=157377&page=7 There you go!
  14. nvm, found it. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=157377
  15. Who has the correct thread / url where the Bioware Yellow response said "You guys should re-roll. Perhaps on a PVP Server?" I remember the first reply after the post was someone quoting the whole message, making that one sentence bold and humongous, and replying "Seriously Bro?" or something to that effect. For the life of me, I can't find it even after digging through my humongous history.
  16. But hey, Bioware says there isn't a problem, and loot "truly is random". ! horse pooey. Something is broken, and they're blatantly ignoring the issue by not responding to threads like these. They can't even give the courtesy of saying "Hey, we hear your issues, but honestly have no idea what the cause is yet. We'll look into it, and we'll get back to you." That would be an awesome response. Instead, we're left wondering how many (200+) HMs it's going to take to get a piece of loot that should have a 25% drop chance. We're left here assuming that Bioware doesn't care about the community. They've done little to make us think otherwise. I used to see this on 'the other game' too. Blues would ignore posts about obvious, game breaking issues about the game, but would respond to threads such as "How do I turn my helmet off?" In a heartbeat. It's all disheartening.
  17. I'm sure it may be by design, but here goes nothin. The male inquisitor tanking tier actually looks like armor. However, the female version only covers the chest, and leaves the stomach completely exposed. Yay sexuality. Boo for a tank having a 15 inch gap of exposed skin to deflect blaster shots and saber strikes. Is this a graphic issue, in the same line as companions becoming absolutely invisible while wearing some orange gear, or is this over-sexualizing armor design intentional?
  18. Update on my loot distribution. Our group is the 2x Assassin, Merc BH, and Warrior DPS. With myself(Inquisitor) as the Group Leader / Phase leader, We see 90% of our drops come in the form of Heavy Aim... With the Bounty Hunter as the Group/Phase leader, We saw 90% of our drops come in the form of Warrior drops.. With the Sith Warrior as the Group/Phase leader, We saw 85% of our drops come in the form of Sith Inquisitor drops... Clearly, something is horrendously wrong. But these results made me very curious.
  19. There has to be some algorithm they've used for loot that has something horribly wrong. This issue is present for groups that continually run together. That's the only common thread here. The types of loot that drops for each group is different.. All Aim, all Cunning, or all Strength, etc. But the common thread is it's the same 4 people running together. It's obvious to everyone who has experienced this first hand, that something is terribly wrong.
  20. We've had the issue of Heavy Aim/Bounty Hunter gear dropping greater than 80-85% of all drops. Tonight, we're starting a log of what every boss drops from here on out. Our composition is as follows: Assassin Tank, Assassin DPS, Marauder, Bounty Hunter Merc. Boran - Bounty Hunter Belt Ghulil - Bounty Hunter Legs GXR-7 - Bounty Hunter Ear Yadira - Bounty Hunter Columi Wrists. Bioware needs to Address this issue, NOW. This is -NOT- RNG, as others have stated, it's occuring constantly in people who run the same groups of 4. The 4 of us have been doing Hardmodes for the better part of 2 weeks now, and this is what every boss looks like. It's frustrating enough being on Crevasse City, a place with 15 people on Fleet at prime time. It's even more frustrating when the two DPS or Tank cannot get any gear. I'll bump this thread every single boss fight I do from here on out with results until I/We get a Bioware message that says they are at LEAST looking into this. I sent in a ticket asking for a Live Representative, and got automated Droid W6-60 instead. SHOW US YOU CARE, Bioware.
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