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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Airoper

  1. im over this forum community so short sighted you lot are idiots, dont cry in a couple of months when people start to unsub due to low warzone pops & bad server teams, if you hate the idea of cross server so much plz list your server so i can keep away from you lot as you are not my community! & if they do cross server please exclude your servers
  2. im sick of repeating myself get out of ya little Prime time bubble!

    1 not everyone logs on in prime time

    2 PvPing vs the same people gets old fast

    3 if the server population is low when you login = no pops

    4 if you solo que you will fight the same guilds or premades till you rage quit warzones due to losing 90% of warzones & no chance to fight a fair match

    the list goes on

  3. lol i find it hard to make friends i want to see the same people over & over join a guild if you want to see the same people everyday!

    i for 1 want to PvP not make online friends i have a Real life for friends i just want to play the game!

  4. i dont care about you carebear community i want to play something i pay for there is no community in mmos its call join a guild but ruin a game for everyone else just cause you dont want to share you players from your server with other PvPers.

    this is my community the WHOLE PvP player base i want to kill or fight everyone that likes PvP not just a few on my server i say again you are silly if you dont want to cross server not everyone live in prime time plus i dont like you enough to wait for you to log on just so i can play a game i pay for i say again not everyone lives in prime time!!!!!

  5. i dont care who i kill as long as i get to kill, i pay to play not pay to wait just so i can kill the same people over & over, alot of people forget most people that play mmos are casual players that play after work school etc we have real lives to. just cause a hand-full of people that play prime time dont want to cross server at the expense of everyone else s play experience is silly
  6. umm no its you face the same premade over & over due to the low server pops. so guilds & premades just farm Warzones at the expense of solo quers we all pay the same amount each month i thnk its far we all have a fun play experience
  7. im sick of people like "alement" who must live in prime time with a big guild or Premade Group! News Flash not everyone has the time or engery to be apart of premades or guild runs! saying get a group is not a valid answer.

    Answer me this how are you ment to get a group or premade when noones on & if you do find a group odds are you will be vs a Premade so you will get farmed over & over till your side stop queing/

    There are a lot of factors killing PvP for solo quers so all you LEET guilded Premades leave post alone we all no you dont want PvP fixed as you can exploit it at the moment solo que = suicide!

  8. A lot of PvPers are getting Bord how long must we wait to have a chance to kill everyone on every server??



    server populations are low out of prime time or the server is just low in general so pops are to slow or they dont even pop, we pay to play we are not paying to wait all day or night for a WZ

  9. you should be rewarded for time invested not what area it was invested in gear should be cross compatible if your earned the gear i say you should beable to use it in what ever toy like not forced to split the community for the sake of making people farm 2 lots of gear!
  10. warhammer was ruined by the DEVs the brackets were fine it was the low server pops & no server merges for PvP SCs, all we got was find a group & we are looking into it! _it) never happened & the game died due to low subs & broken PvP
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