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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Airoper

  1. /agree they killed Warhammer online they need to be kept away for SWTOR or the same thing will happen

    Warhammer online problems

    1 Bugs & lack of End Game content

    2 low server populations

    3 bad customer service & no feed back on forums

    4 Treating us like we dont play the game & doing the opposite of what players want

    5 No cross server SCs

    6 "we are looking into the problem of low server population problems" same post for over a year

    7 They just AFKed & let the game die

    Mythic brought out by EA & staff went to Bioware


    any of this seem familiar ??

  2. Unfortunately I deal with jealousy on an hourly basis in the game check the facts, and no I'm not arsenal.


    lolololol news flash self declarations of skill mean diddly squat.

    if you on Vez Zallow please move to new server as i dont think we have room since your toons 50ft tall & shoots lighting out his ***!

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