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Everything posted by Dabrixmgp

  1. I tried to screenshot my last WZ where we won 100-0 but for some reason it didnt take. Anyways I was just in a Novare Coast, where I previously mentioned we won 100-0. When I went to sort by Objective Points all of the Pubs were at the top. It wasnt even close wither. Their lowest point getter had 3x our top Objective Point getter. How can you have so many Objective points if you just lost 100-0? Clearly they WERE NOT going for the objectives cause if they were they might have won or at least made it close. Was that like a special snowflake consolation prize to make them feel like they did something besides get farmed?
  2. Unless my math is wrong you only need 3. One for Mods, One for Ranked Gear, and One for Reg Gear. They all seem to sell the same thing so why not just have 3 of them?
  3. #1 tip Rebind A,S,W,D to something useful. THOSE ARE NOT FOR MOVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. yup heat Issues gone. Next question: When do I become OP and can start globaling people?
  5. Im having lots of Heat Issues, especially in PvP. Questing is a joke cause level 35 Mako solos everything so no problems there. But in PvP I often start spazing out cause I think my keyboard is broke and not reading my keystrokes. But its just me Heat capped again. Around what level does Heat start to be more manageable and I can go more than 10 seconds without hitting 100?
  6. I wonder whats harder...AP PT or WoW Frost Mage.
  7. Advanced Prototype PT, hands down. There isnt even a close 2nd.
  8. Powertechs are easily the hardest class to play, so its OK that they are OP
  9. i made a ton of creds leveling my new Jugg using Cybertech. With the nerf to comm transferring people are having to buy their mods and enhancements off the GTN. I cant keep up with how fast they sell. Considering it takes 9 Mods to fill a set of armor including MH/OH at 20-40k each that means 180-360k per set. I usually list 1 set of Mods and 1 set of enhancements for levels 8, 18, 26, and 38.
  10. I like this change because it opens up a whole new market. It gives people something to craft if they dont feel like crafting. People can just simple craft assembly components and sell those. Also its not like they are hard to make considering you can make 30 at a time.
  11. 11k max hit and 14 kills...my lvl 30 Jugg does better than that. also clearly the pic is fake because it shows Pubs winning.
  12. I was able to spend my points in Skillful without a problem. The problem is somewhere in Masterful and Heroic.
  13. When do you have enough abilities that you always have something hard hitting to mash and I dont have to use lame Assault for wet noddle damage anymore?
  14. Blizzard is notoriously bad for fixing bugs in Diablo 3 and wont do anything unless a streamer makes it public knowledge and everyone starts doing it. In fact Blizzard's Diablo team is 10x lazier than BioWare. I know thats hard to believe but they only release new content like twice a year. So if you want this fixed best thing to do is make it public right now. Although the opposite could happen as well and they could go "Well theres a bug that everyone is doing that lets them use regen items while being attacked. Since everyone is doing it we will call that balance. Next order of business"
  15. figured they were rewarding paying customers. Guess $400 wasnt enough.
  16. I heard it started on the mission console in your ship but theres nothing there. Also I didnt get any of the rewards for being subbed in my mail. I am a subscriber and also dropped like another $400 over the last month for cartel stuff. I also own the previous expansions. So why cant I play the new expansion?
  17. this is 2015. why dont you have fiber? also it is your fault if its going slow. You could have started the pre-download last night and it would have finished when you woek up. Then all you had to do was run the game and it would have installed it.
  18. the cartel market is a luxury. If you are complaining about the costs it just means you cant afford it. At least with the cartel market you get some stuff. I have spent around $350 since coming back last month and have legacy unlocked some cool mounts and pretty crystals and armor sets. Also have some cool stuff for my Stronghold. On the other hand I have bought $500 worth of Path of Exile supporter packs and all I have to show for it is a forum title.
  19. queue times would be hours long if they had brackets similar to what WoW has. Bioware flat out refuses to do cross server PvP with every server in the same group. So this is the result, not enough players in order to fill proper brackets.
  20. seems like they are changing a bunch of stuff that didnt need changing. Or have I some how missed 3 years of posts from people wanting Level Sync?
  21. I cant even get to server select screen. Keeps saying "This Application encountered an unspecified error" is the log in down too?
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