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Everything posted by Ravashakk

  1. Ravashakk

    I am ..

    N b 4 grammar police.
  2. I'm glad it helped you out, and thanks for watching them.
  3. I'm just glad when an imp is capable of getting their 75k medal.
  4. He thinks this is a war zone, and all he has to do is yell "DARGOS SMASH!" and all will be demolished.
  5. All I see is "WAH WAH WAH!" Super queue(yes QUEUE, not Spanish for "what") this, and queue dodge that.....getting old. Your **** is tired. Broken record at your best and a man in need of a thesaurus at your worst. I've been out of YOUR guild for a few months, yet you menstruate all over the forums about it on a regular basis.
  6. You never let things go, do you? For someone who supposedly abhors complaining you do an AWFUL lot of it.
  7. Ron Burgundy was the name, I believe. Lost in translation :-)
  8. This is a big problem I see in this game. Ppl want the numbers from others and take them as the Word of God. Know how much I believed without testing myself only to find out that the person that told me was wrong? Even if I told you the breakdown of what you "should" get, you still need to test it yourself. Do the math while tweaking numbers and figure out how to min/max. Always better IMO.
  9. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=5857962#post5857962 Feel free to scan through the games I mostly used for the videos. Mind you, I play on a server where the quality of players on the Pub side heavily outweighs those on the Imp side.
  10. I watched your video. You're pretty good. Not as great as you claim to be, though. Little rough around the edges, but you have to realize the guys you were facing were pretty bad. Doing well against bad players is not an indication of how good you are....just that you were probably better than all of them.
  11. So what? You not understanding basics of the class is disturbing. You either took the word of someone else, which is just bad, or just assumed, which is worse. I said nothing of not being able to solo, but rather that if you're off soloing ppl for a majority of the match you aren't playing to the spec's strengths....which is group play. I don't care if you are capable of soloing every player in the game, lethality was meant for multiple targets. You def sound young and inexperienced with a comments like "you're mad because you can't get em" and "L2P this class". You've already proven your lack of knowledge with the class and even more with the spec. I'm all for you playing the spec you want, and how you want to play the class. Just don't come here trash talking like you're superior. I'm not going to upload unedited footage just for you to watch, in the hopes I make some minute mistake you can post about here. You want unedited footage? Come to my server and find me in a war zone for your footage. You're welcome. (Still waiting on your SS's btw. Hopefully they involve games over 700k)
  12. I didn't catch this the first time, but now it is all too clear. Hahaha
  13. When I click the link it goes to the youtube front page. *shrug* I was referring to letting TA drop off by running its full duration during a time I would want a cull. I mean, if you are talking about a time where I use a cull on my last TA that isn't letting it drop off, I'm intentionally getting rid of it. The amount of times where it runs the duration and I'm actively trying to setup burst or just cull is very little. Let's say, for argument sake that I lose 10 TAs a game unintentionally when I could have culled. Out of those 10, let's say that the additional time would have made a difference and gave you 6-7 extra culls over me. On average, that would be in the upper 20ks into 30k extra dmg. The 6% extra dmg from corrosive dart in a 700k dmg game would be around 19-20k extra dmg (assuming 45% total dmg is from dart, which is probably low in some games). You're losing ~275 on average per backstab, and 300+ on hidden strikes. If you backstab every 20 seconds on average, that's still almost 13k dmg. I know these may seem like a lot of random numbers, but I assure you that even in the worst case, the extra dmg you might get isn't worth the loss of dmg you have when burst is being lined up. My dot ticks harder, my backstab crits more.....I'm going to kill things more efficiently outside of your scenario of me being chain CC'ed for 8-10 seconds. Even then, the loss isn't worth the 2-3 talent points in that tree. 4% dmg? Plz don't tell you me you think TA's 2% dmg bonus stacks....It is kind of hard to take anything you say seriously when you don't know the basics. Maybe YOU should play the class more. lawl Want to compare SS's? I want to see your "substantially more damage" SSs, please. Why are you bragging about solo kills as a lethality operative? Sounds like you picked the wrong spec. How about you show me the vids/SSs of you getting a lot of KBs....you know, the thing that gives and refreshes TAs? Don't get me wrong, congratulations on you getting your 300k dmg medal.
  14. I'll play along. So if I use my TA before it expires, as do you (with longer duration), how exactly does your cull do more dmg than mine? I've already said TAs falling off is not an issue for me, so don't use that as a reason. As for leaving a TA on for 2% more dmg....you are gimping yourself if you are leaving TAs up and not culling. This isn't healing where it is better to keep 1 up at all times. I'd love to see your proof of knowing the spec better than I. Any SS's or videos you'd like to present? I mean, you can't come off like you are and NOT have something to back your claims up, can you? Otherwise, you're just a forum theorycrafter with no weight behind your posts.
  15. As I said, to each their own. I'll continue doing more dmg, and you'll continue having longer TA durations.
  16. I've seen that almost exact situation in CW. Asked the guard at grass how it was, "all clear," he said. 4 secs later on the time stamp, grass gets capped. Prob harder to accomplish since there is a big *********** beam of blue light.
  17. Troyy is not the GM. The actual GM is as neutral and sportsman as they come. Having a problem with him is unlikely.
  18. You know the foundation. Surge till soft cap, then go alacrity. The only real decision is crit vs power with the crit changes. The crit changes also affect the value of surge, but I don't anticipate it making you get less than the soft cap. Might be some merit in a power/alacrity build if crit and surge go down the drain.
  19. I don't tend to sit on my TAs so they rarely fall off even with cc. Now if someone is prone to saving them then it would become problematic. You talk about aoe snare talent being horrible, but I hope you change your mind in 2.0. Spammable 5 target aoe slow is too good to pass up. Also you'd give up 6% dmg on dart for 1 more point in med consult? To each their own I guess.
  20. Not sure. Wouldn't worry about those until release. Things can still change.
  21. Remember, a duration is not only for using it in a certain time but also refreshing it. If you shiv on cooldown it almost doesn't matter how long your TA stays up. Don't be afraid to use those TA's as they come in unless you are lining up burst.
  22. Yes alacrity will be used even for those that neglected it before. I'm not sure where the breakdown occurs, my guess is after hitting the surge soft cap you'll want to go alacrity.
  23. Simple, I think you're a nice enough guy. I've played with you and against you, and I can say you are a talented sage healer. That being said, you are really clinging to this performance as the world's greatest achievement. On top of which, you have shamelessly promoted it on several occassions almost out of the blue sometimes. I think in the other thread you created, someone posted a pic with something written on it in a troll attempt and you came back with this SS. Like BAM "World's HPS record!!!!!!one!!!" I understand you being proud of it but show a little restraint. I mean, it is HPS afterall....sustain it for 15+ mins before making a "#1 Healer" medal. Thanks Xan. I believe you were tanking that game if memory serves. I remember taking a lot of dmg, but your guard helped a lot. Why ppl focus a guarded scoundrel over a sage is beyond me.
  24. The ceiling for healers is based off the quality of your team compared to the others. As a poster said before, you can't heal what isn't being damaged. Lot of variables will affect how you do at the end. Lot of ppl have said high hps means not getting focused, which is a load of bs. Sometimes it may be, but I've had plenty of 1400+ games where I took the 2nd most dmg behind my tank.
  25. Unless BW made leftover HoT healing stack when a new KP was applied. So if it ticks for 700, and had 1400 left then that 1400 would be applied to the next one, spread over the duration.
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