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Posts posted by DarthRamette

  1. I am looking for a fun guild that has mature members over 18+ that want to RP, do a little PvP and help out with PvE for lower toons and Raid for lvl 50's. I am sick of those guilds that do not realize people have a life outside of the game and thus penalize you for it like my current guild . I just want to have fun in game, spend time with cool people and kill some Pub scum.


    My toons:


    Aishha Lvl 50 Sniper

    Sha'kira lvl 50 Juggy

    Bakr lvl 31 Sniper ( I love the IA story)

    Janah lvl 40 Juggy

    Shak lvl 5 BH will make into a Merc Healer

  2. I hated Thana. Gravus was cool. But Vowrawn's humor just became annoying after he got out from that death field when Draahg fell on Corellia. Made me want to put him back in the death field.


    Best was when he mocked Baras though. I laughed when Darth Cartman called him a "fop"


    That was funny as heck and it would have been hard for me if I was the warrior to not laugh out loud at that one...I am guessing Fop meant fn old person.

  3. I just have a quick question about Light Side and Dark Side points and storylines. Would there be any serious complications with creating a Sith and then playing light side or creating a Jedi and going dark?


    I don't need any specifics, I just want to make sure that this would fly. Thanks!


    Not a one, if you play a LS Warrior Quinn makes a comment at the end of Act I and if you are a SI at the end of your story your new Darth name is different depending on what your alignment is, can't say for the Pub side but nothing major on the Imperial Side.

  4. Other then my two warriors no, I wanted to try both specs on the IA and other then an additional Lightsaber the Warrior is the same. Now I get what you are saying, sorry my kid is next to me pushing the arrow keys to annoy me.
  5. Yea, I meant like 2 Snipers or 2 Powertechs or something along those lines. Not even rolling pub side, since pubs suck. But, just enjoying leveling new characters and starting fresh with gearing, lowbie pvp. I don't even care about any of the stories. I just enjoy seeing that "Level Up" pop up on my screen.


    Yea one is Sniper the other is an Operative in the IA class. I tried a Knight and its sitting on lvl 28, tried the other 3 pub classes and I was having no fun, I am an Imperial to the core.

  6. now this i can fully understand and I agree they should have released more info before they put it up for sale.


    That is my main complaint, not enough information for me personally to make me want to buy it but not enough to make me NOT want to buy it. I don't feel I am making an informed decision. I would like to get it but w/out more info I will either wait till it comes and see what happens and get then or not.

  7. What would be the Overall Storyline for those 2 Classes? Because it would have to be unique to that Class just as the 8 Classes are unique in themselves.




    As long as the Armageddon Battalion or Black Ops weren't the Empire's Elite Imperial Squad, then sure otherwise I don't believe it would work.


    Very true so make them Spec Ops but not attached to the Empires Elite and tweak it. The Imperial Guard of the Emperor would be too much but a spec ops squad like the one Lt. Pierce in the Warrior story was in could work.

  8. I don't spend that much time on fleet, I go get my PvP daily, my Hm daily or lowbie Group daily then leave, when I finish up at night before I log I turn them in, either shop or put stuff up on the GTN then log off. The only time I spend a lot of time on Fleet is when my guild and I are getting ready to go raiding. I know others who rarely if ever leave Fleet and I don't get that myself.
  9. Yup I have two Sith Warriors, one Juggy one Mara, one DS on LS, a Sniper and a sneaky sneaky stabby stabby Operative and one BH. So far I don't think I will roll another BH and I have a lvl 11 Inq but I just can't get into the story.
  10. Fair enough but w/out knowing more why would I want to spend 10 bucks not knowing anything but the bare bones of the expansion/patch ect. For many like me, its not about the 10 bucks, hell I spend 3x that in diapers a month, its the being asked to buy something we know little about and take it on good faith it will be awesome. No class story line, just a generic Imperial/Republic Story that is slightly tailored to your class, yea 5 new levels, ok I am down with that. I want to know more about what is in this new expansion/patch before I give BW more money. I am only still playing due to having a 3 month sub or else I would have probably left the game as I am getting bored with it. I paid the money so I'm going to use it.
  11. I was under the impression that one had to start [Flirt]ing with the companion in question immediately, to be able to enter into a romance with them.


    It may start but no new convos will happen unless you get the affection up and the convos you have are related to what part of your story you are as well. I didn't do all of Broonmarks convos till after I hit 50 and just bought an absurd amount of Trophy gifts for the hairball.

  12. The Chiss unlock will only be on the legacy and server you hit 50 on, it will not be there for another server. So if your Zabrak is on one server and Chiss on another that would be why you can not make a Chiss on that server. If it is on the same server then submit a ticket.
  13. How many times do people have to say that this does not take precedence over bug fixes till it will sink into your skull? Obviously since the bug hasn't been fixed and other content has come out that either A: its a tough problem B: its not high on their list or priorities anyway C: still being looked into.


    The world is not black and white, bugs fixed or unfixed. MMO's are a journey, not a destination.


    Also, how is simply getting and answer to the question of whether SGR's are in the game or not taking away dev time from fixing things? That's all we want, a simple answer to a simple question. Its all the detractors that come in and try to cloud the issue. You've said you don't want this in the game. Fine, thank you, move along now. You have nothing more to add.




    If you had seen what I replied to it was the fact that the person I was responding too said the group that thinks there are more important things to fix must be part of the gay is icky crowd thus my part of the post. I was pointing out no most are not, some are and this is an example of one issue that needs to be fixed that is important and has nothing to do with not wanting SGR's but hey keep reading into it what you want. You people don't read do you, I said I wish Bw would give you a flipping answer but yet again that part is overlooked too, why am I not surprised.

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