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Everything posted by Celestry

  1. My point exactly. Too many here think they are IT experts, when they are likely a 15 year old kid IRL. Bioware does not have one person on this. They have teams of people monitoring server stability. Another team setting up and preparing possibly more servers. Another team handling GM dueties. Another team for online support. Another team as emergency responders to fix servers that go down. A team coordinating all the teams. They have ALOT of people trying to make this smooth, but at some people you can only have so many people, it is not like it can be a 1 to 1 ratio of player to Bioware employee.
  2. Then 8 months later in Aion, they had to merge servers, which lead to bad press and only made balance issue between factions even more of a disaster. Hard to play a PvP open world game when there is nobody on the other side. Would rather have Bioware have a few too few serves and do their best to get balanced, healthy long term server populations.
  3. Ok making things smooth is one thing, but the developers also have to think about 6 months from now, when server damand may not be the same. Is having too few servers today vs having dozens of unhealthy underpopulated servers 6 months from now worse for the game? I have been though MMO's which have tried the more server approach, only to get publically laughed at 6 months later when they are forced to merge servers. And yes I will go on record, server transfers can be a mess also that bring another set of problems.
  4. I love how untrained random internet people think they know more than the team of tech experts I am sure Bioware has on staff especially today. I know there are dozens of people at the various server farms basically staring at stability screens all day looking for the slightest wobble. Plus likely a second group tasked with getting new servers up, and possibly ajusting population caps etc. People make their statements as if Bioware wants us to have long waits, and a bad first experience. They are well aware how much customer service matters, and are trying. I am sure cordinating 200 servers, while handling costumer problems both in game and out, whhile handling press etc, is not an easy task. If one of those annonymous q.q.ers honestly thinks they could do better or that the solutions are as simple as a list posted on a forum, I would like to see them. Frankly, I think they would be astonished by how hard they task really is. If the solution was so amazingly simple, why has virtually every MMO launch been tough? The only answer is launches of this nature are in fact, very difficult, and SWTOR is even worse due to the shear size of it. This will be the largest MMO launch in history. So just relax and things will work out.
  5. It will, but on low settings, and even at that it will struggle at times.
  6. Personally, this has been one of the better launches I have ever seen. How can people forget how horrible WoW, AoC, Aion, DCUO, etc were. WoW, which everyone puts on a pedistal had one of the worst launches of all time. Four plus hour queues, coupled with long server crashes.
  7. TBH, the story part is so strong in many aspects, I think it will actually bye Bioware time to fix the other problems. It is likely to get more of a grace period because people will get caught up in the different stories, and want to see them to completion.
  8. My question is why all the haters as well as all the out and out fanboys see themselves as having the most valid oppinion on the game, and that their view is flawless and all logical people will take it as gospel? The haters think the game is ultimate fail, and they will be proven right. The fanboys think the game is the best ever and will destroy all games that came before, and they will be proven right. Neither are industry experts, who have done months if not years of market research and developement on a product. Bioware's experts may not be flawless, but looking at the market and developing games is what they do. They have done very well so far in that job with other games. What makes some forum poster think they are more qualified, who is armed with nothing more than their personal oppinion? Where a corporation with people who are experts in marketing, have piles of market reaserch, have information we do not have, are going to be wrong because they are right because they said so.
  9. I think the time of year also need to be put into the equation. Being almost Christmas many people will have other obligations, may not be home, or just be plain too busy to pick up a new game. This will spread the load some. Furthermore, many people may be waiting to get, or will be getting the game as a gift, and therefor will not have a chance to play it till at least the 25th.
  10. I was going to write my own responce, but this is what I would have said 100%.
  11. I am not sure it will overtake WoW by itself. I think to a large extent WoW will linger and die of its own accord. On the other hand people predicting that this game will have <300k in 6 months, and will be forced F2P, I think are just as dilusional as the people who swear this is the WoW killer. I personally think this will be a healthy long lasting MMO with a ballpark or 2 to 3 million subs. As for the other comparisons people are trying to make. Yes it is valid to compair any MMO to WoW because comapiring an MMO to an MMO is valid. With that said people seem to look at WoW in a vacuum, compairing TOR to WoW now. They forget 1. WoW has a horrible, laggy, que plagued launch 2. It has 7 years of added content 3. Machinics, UI, balane etc have been tweeked and changed alot. I am sure there are more. I think the MMO is more forgiving than some people give it credit for. People road out WoW's grwoing pains and it has done well. Trying to kill TOR for a few launch growing pains is not valid, when many other games have done well and grown despit them. Ultimately if people see potention people will stay with the game. I think there is potential here personally. Furthermore, casual gamers will be more forgiving than the hard core people. Bioware has a good IP to get casual gamers. The hard core people that will play and give up on TOR, are likely to that for any new MMO if they find any faults.
  12. A glss of your best Corellian ale for everyone. TO MIEL!!!
  13. I managed to save a nice amount of medals as I worked my way to 17. Now it is time for new guns!!!! What stat modifiers are the best ones for a Sharpshooter speced Gunslinger? I know cunning is key, but what about the second modifier?
  14. 1. The devs have said they are working on more UI options. 2. Macros were intentionally left out as a why to fight against gold farmers and bots. SO no macros. Less automation availibility means you actually need to play the game.
  15. Have to admit her updated style when they aged her last season is really cool. But not in the game. I also like her reverse grip style in her main hand, again not in the game that I have seen.
  16. And WoW has to face that is no longer the new shiney game, and alot of people are getting burned out on it judging from the 1.5 or so subs lost the last few weeks and the companies stock outlook downgrade based primarily on SWTOR coming out. I would say the investor types are a little scared about WoW's outlook right now. Yes CATA had alot of new content but SWTOR has 800+ (if you play all classes) hours of all new just story leveling content. That is alot of new content for WoW to contend with. I think it kinda equals out.
  17. I was at launch day for both Aion and Rift. I had 2 plus hour queues for both games. Here the most I have had is about 15 minutes. It is really not that bad. I am on the Kaas city server which is at peak hours always listed as very heavy or full. So yes queues stink, but I have never been though a new MMO launch without one. Lets just be very very thankful that once you get in the servers seem very stable. I know I may just be lucky, but I have not gotten kicked off yet even in 4 or 5 hour play sessions.
  18. I love that 1/2 of my characters responces are back handed compliments or snarky.
  19. I am not really sure were you saw any servers as standard or light last night. I am on Kaas City and we have been listed as very heavy to full during peak hours for 3 days now. I think all the servers are near full. If you are seeing any light servers during East coast peek hours make sure you are not looking at a west coast server. The only way I could imagine any server being lighter is if they have started adding server capacity to some of the servers, as they said they are planning on doing. I kinda think what the downtime was early Friday morning was adding server capacity to existing servers. Bioware can influence were new people go by the server load listings, but honestly more servers or bigger servers is what will be coming. I expect starting the 20th through new years we will se 50 to 100 more servers.
  20. I was doing an Esseles run with my guild playing my female sharpshooter gunslinger. By the end of the flashpoint everyone agreed that my character got the best line during the dialog sequences. The snarky, sassy voice acting for the smuggler females is just awsome.
  21. Are you happy now? That first day when people were qqing that the servers were so empty which was proof they should have let everyone in from day one, or was proof the game was going to be an instant failure. I am complaining because, I want a healthy populatated, long term server, witout the need to merge 6 months from now. Bioware was well aware of how many people would be let in over the first 3 or 4 days. It seems like they have done an OK job with the number of servers. Yes, it looks like they need more now, but they have made it so the people are fairly evenly spaced across all the avaible worlds. I also fully expect 50 to 100 more servers coming in the next 1 to 2 weeks, to handle the launch day load as well as the Christmas spike (meaning new players on the 26th) For what has been a relatively smooth and playable ega period (despite not everyone being in at the same time) 30 minute queues as opposed to the sveral hour ones that WOW, Rift, Aion, etc had is nothing. Add to that the servers have been very stable and playable with the only downtime being a schedualed one. That is amazing to me. Good job Bioware, at this time it seems like you have a hit on your hands. Hope you can keep it going.
  22. The people racing to 50 are completely incapable of savoring a game. It is just about completing it. MMO the only true completion is reaching 50, so that is what they do.
  23. They are in it to brag they are 50 first, when nobody normalish cares, when it will be pointless in 2 months when there ate many 50's. They are power gamers that do not care about anything other then being able to say they are the best. They have small lives.
  24. Unfortunately it has become a tradition. Somebody litterally playes the game for 60 + hours in a row. Maxes level. Has nobody to play with (how many would acually play close to 60 in a row). Complains that there is no end game content and nobody to play with.
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