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Posts posted by Mystcard

  1. In a DPS only class the same spec is used for pve AND pvp. DPS is DPS in either realm of play. There is no benefit with the up coming dual spec changes for these classes. So something MUST be done.


    Just no.


    A PvP dps spec involves tools which would be more or less useless in a PvE environment. If you are one of those who care about your result and try to maximize your potential (like me) then you would separate the two.


    I do not feel screwed. I chose marauder as a dps class, nothing more. I can now have two different damage specs for different uses. I am perfectly happy.

  2. Look, while I want to sympathize with you, as an immortal jugg, I'm not really sure I can sign on to this. In the imoortal spec, you have 2 major cooldowns, you have force choke (1 stun) that isn't even channeled, we have backhand (2 stun), we have aoe stun (3 stun), we have force leap stun, force push stun - immediately followed up by force leap again (let's just group that to 4 stuns total).... I mean., how much do you want? If you time/consider some of your defensive cool downs, what is really the issue here? You can protect the hell out of people, intercede when you need to, and you're still worried?


    Oh yeah, you beat the hell out of people when properly geared. Just saying :).


    You are talking about juggernauts, he is talking about marauders. Just saying :).

  3. This is a matter of not being able to get both.


    As an experienced marauder, I can tell you that marauders are powerful if done right. I would recommend not reading the forums too much, seeing as there are a lot of bad players mouthing off here.


    You need to be able to use your cooldowns at the correct timings to be able to truly shine as a marauder. You are squishy, but this is a trade in order to be able to put out arguably the highest single target dps out there, if you can stay on the target. You do have utility. Not in the sense of cc, aside from the shout which is actually pretty good, but in the sense of powerful group buffs (bloodthirst, predation) and interrupts and in general a dangerous presence in a group fight.


    I can't say how a juggernaut does in this regard, but I feel that they are indeed more tanky. The damage might not be as great as the marauder, but I feel that due to the nature of the two it shouldn't be that way either. Rage built juggs are dishing out quite a lot of damage in warzones however and they look pretty powerful.


    Both classes are powerful in the right hands and weak in the wrong hands. Juggernaut is the more classic powerful in your face sith fighter, where as marauder is a more evasive type dishing out hurt.


    I can certainly say that I have had a lot of fun as a marauder and I feel in no way, shape or form weak. Quite the opposite actually, despite what many on the forums wants to believe. Hope this helps you in one way or the other.

  4. Give juggernauts Rebuke,Guarded By The Force... you guys dont need it if anything juggs need rebuke lol


    If you know how fast a locked down marauder dies you would be amazed. We are 100% cooldown dependent, which is fine. Saying that we don't need it makes you look ignorant.


    On topic, a pull would make marauders too good. I don't usually have any problems staying on targets and from my experience if I had a pull ability I would be impossible to escape from.


    A push would be lovely. Aoe or single target, doesn't matter. I want to be able to have that viability in huttball. I think operatives / scoundrels should get a knockback as well. The amount of **** you can do with it, aside from getting a gap as a ranged, is getting out of hand.

  5. Fascinating, do you have a particular reason to feel that way? Or are you just stupidly wasting our time and yours?


    Why in the world would you be able to change an adv class? It is a class just like any other class in any other MMO. If you can't settle with one class you need to roll alts.


    Take for example sorc and assassin. How are they even remotely similar in playstyle?


    You have talent builds that you can play around with, it was never meant for adv classes to be changeable simply because it's a class. Just because they give you an arch type then call the final result an adv class does not make it something else.


    It is about building your character and making those decisions along the way. That is what playing an MMO is all about, no?

  6. I think it's quite obvious that the film character are Jedi and Sith. Not one specific class.

    The classes are obviously based on the MMOs different classes idea. They are inspired by the characters, but people make it sound like the characters belong to these classes.


    They are hybrids if anything.

  7. I disagree. He is not overtuned.


    I killed him on my first try with no real problems. I was an annihilation marauder and used my cooldowns carefully, and also had medpack on me. How can he then be mechanically impossible for you? You say he is oneshotting you with AoE and I highly doubt that.


    Interrupt his big casts, move from the aoe on the ground and look at what you are doing wrong and what gear improvements you can make before you blame it on game mechanics.

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