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Everything posted by Kerrunch

  1. I have been struggling with my class quest. One elite boss in particular has been WHOOPin my butt! I exchanged 20 crit for 40 power and increased Gault's power by 40 while reducing his cunning by 10. It was a narrow victory but the boss is now dead.
  2. Use caution before you change everything. Of course we are watching numbers here and hoping that we are right. This is a new game and someone may have forgotten to change a multiplier, turn on a stat, or used an incorrect character in the code. Since hitting level 38 with my BH it seemed like my dps dropped out and my armor is more squishy. Not that the latter has anything to do with this discussion other than my slower killing ability gets me killed more often. Why do I mention 38? Well because each time I get ready to leave a planet, I use my commendations to buy gear or mods. At this point, I can't pin down whether it was the level change (maybe a fubar formula) or the mods. I don't remember if I gained aim or power more predominantly but something definitely changed my game for the worse. For 37 levels I was killing silver mobs 2 levels higher than myself with little difficulty, now I'm struggling with those on par and I'm going broke paying for repairs and buying stims. That said, I'm going to make some changes on both Gault and my Bounty Hunter. I have several pieces of mod-able gear so I'm going to see if I can swap out power for aim and power for cunning and see what happens.
  3. I thought I understood the formula correctly but.... I picked up a pair of gloves for Gault. which provided the following stat changes: +84 Armor +17 Endurance +16 Cunning -16 Power +20 Shield +20 Defense Based on what I see in the formulas (hovering over the ranged stat info) I expected a one for one swap of cunning and power to nullify the damage change. However, the reduction in power netted a 5 point decrease in damage. So I guess that the ranged bonus damage formula for cunning and power are not the same. And in Gault's case, power delivers more ranged damage than cunning. In the case of his Tech damage, there is a net damage decrease of .5 So 1 for 1, power is better than cunning on Gault. Is this true for all sniper types?
  4. I have my Bounty Hunter in a cave on Hoth and I'm killing a pack of mobs when a Jedi player comes along and kindly helps out. We made quick work of the mobs but he was flagged and when I turned around, our companions were going at it and now I am flagged for PVP. I'm on a PVE server for a reason. Fix this please! Thanks
  5. It's a good thing I know the relative timing of my CDs. The buttons stay faded out longer than the actual CD. IE, I'm using buttons while they are faded.
  6. This blue fade blankout thing you just added is aweful. Personally I don't know what was wrong with the old way. The only issue I had before was that my LONG CD items looked to be ready to use but were not. It looks like what you have done is to decrease the alpha fade (did I say that right?) and all you really needed to do was make the line more visible so that when the long CD timer is at the bottom of the button, we can still see it.
  7. I just came in here to say the same thing.
  8. When I send an active companion on a mission and then summon a different companion, the mission timer stays active over the companion icon.
  9. I enjoy your, don't downgrade the game, ideal but please don't degrade the team/guild efforts. Your sound like a solo gamer whining about people not getting together and yet you don't join up with them? Have you even tried to be a part of a guild? I've played a few MMO's now and I've been a part of guilds that do a lot together. I've quested/leveled with fellow guild members, completed many instances in full guild groups, completed raids as part of a guild group... Please don't come qq about your desire to play solo and not be represented. Join a guild and maybe you can go to Austin as the rep.
  10. Great idea. I just hope that BioWare knows how to filter out the pleas for making the game easy and more candy like. Games should be challenging in order to keep our interest. Fast easy leveling, pretty gear and giant flashy mounts do not present a challenge. Yet, this is notoriously what gamers ask for. Games like WoW have been totally destroyed because the developers gave the players what they think they want.
  11. By the way, Kaliyo and I had a little fun in our ship's lounge before I went back to see W2. Bond was nuthin!
  12. Cyborg Male... romanced her all the way through. She showed obvious enjoyment. Yep after our Kaas missions were over, we took a little time off. It was a bit more than romance. I'll be back!
  13. BioWare, When I send a crew member on multiple crafting missions, I get a status report that says "There are not missions defined for the crew skill 'Cybertech' after every item is created. So if I send my crew member out to make 5 items, I get 5 of those responses along with 2 other lines of text telling me that they have crafted the item and my skill in Cybertech is not ##. Can you nix that No Missions Defined report? Thanks.
  14. I'm not sure what use the Sort by Difficulty function is and I would like to see the default sort changed to Sort by Level. The Sort by Difficulty setting seems to be the nearly same order as Sort by Level. The only difference that I have found is that I get a cute little ball rather than a number that I can use. With that, when Sort by Level is selected, the level indicator colors are incomplete. They show as yellow, green, or grey but never as orange. Typically, as I level crew skills in MMO's I find myself making items for friends or alts. Sort by level helps this a great deal. I would sure like to see you change the default sort to Sort by Level and fix the coloring on the Level numbers. Thanks
  15. I didn't find a bug posting forum so I'll put it here. When I hover over the items I can make, the character and companion Change to Stat info is inverted. That is to say that if the item I am wearing has 10 cunning and the item I can make has 15 cunning, the Change to Stat says -5 rather than +5. Once I make the item and have it in my inventory, the Change to Stat shows correctly.
  16. This game is barely 2 months old and IT ROCKS! Your comments about nerfing and not fixing things suggest that your perspective is selfish, needy... nothing short of QQ. There is so much content to enjoy and so many things working right, but you're focus is on your little desire and not on the entire game. It's too bad really but there are a lot of kids like you. (sorry if you're not a kid but you sure do sound like one.) Most of you want to race your way to the highest level and highest gear and then dominate everyone in the game. You TOTALLY miss the enjoyment of the journey. This is a factor of maturity I suppose. Personally, I am enjoying the discovery of humorous lines, multifaceted npc interaction the choice to control the growth of my dark/light side, my affection with my companions, the interaction needed with other players during heroic leveling missions, the new and different pvp zones, group flash points that require teamwork... Dude, really... you are missing most of the game. If you want a multi player game where you can just dominate people, then go play Black Ops or something. Seriously.
  17. Thanks yawrr. Following what you've said I am able to turn off ALL system feedback. The selection is under the System Channels part of the Chat Panel Settings. I would be nice to have just the space mission part turned off, but that might be asking a bit much. I'll just roll with it all off for now. Thanks for the input!
  18. Does anyone know if there is a way to turn off the yellow event notices in chat? Actually maybe just the space mission events. The problem is that if I'm trying to do a space mission at the same time that someone is trying to talk to me, I miss their whispers because every thing I shoot down scrolls the chat. That's a few hundred lines of chat in just a few minutes. I miss when my guildies come in, I miss people talking to me... Thanks
  19. Coordinates are actually: 4772, 4520. (694 is the Z or altitude axis). Before you call people idiots, you should make sure your data is correct.
  20. This is not correct. On the Imperial Fleet, the name of the NPC is Assistant Kunoa <Skill Mentor> and he is in the Combat Area's northern most room. Also, he is not a vendor and does not show up on the mini map or main map at all.
  21. Let me start by saying that I understand the Surname and Family tree idea. I think it will make for cool role play to be able to build up a family filled with multiple disciplines. But really, what good is it? I mean, if I create 4 Chiss characters with different disciplines that are in the same family, I can't play any 2 of them at the same time! And what happens if I make Daddy a Zab and Mom a Cyborg? Will BioWare give me a Cyborg Zab type that I can use to make my son the Agent? OK, so the logic is a fail! Then comes the simple annoyance of trying to find a name that will fit all of my characters. After all, no two of them are the same race and I have both Empire and Republic types (boy won't that make for drama in the above scenario). So I decided not to give myself a surname just yet. I figured, I'll just close the window and take some time to think about it. OH HELL NO! Every time I get on and off my ship, finish a space mission, enter a new zone... **** this is annoying! The dame Surname window pops up every f'n time!!! Someone at BioWare has TERRIBLE foresight! TERRIBLE
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