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Everything posted by Finrok

  1. Players say that mercs are perfect for clickers and I am a clicker...is this true or false? Do I have to be an expert kiter?
  2. I am thinking about trying merc out, but if they are really that bad...... Is there any specs that are ok as a merc? or no?
  3. Seems like most here think a powertech his hard to play as a clicker. The ones that say they are easy are being trolls I assume and beiing a tad sarcastic?
  4. OK then lets take powertech/merc out of the picture. Do you think a sniper and operative healer are equally friendly for a clicker?
  5. Is a melee class really that easy to play as a clicker?
  6. I clicked in wow for 6 years, played pvp alot did arena as well as a holy pally.
  7. I'm a clicker ( nerve damage to left arm/hand from car accident can use 2 fingers and my entire left arm is very slow but i can use 2 fingers good). This is my keyboard hand since i cannot use a mouse with it and i am right handed. I am really good at using my mouse with right hand and my left hand can use the movement keys well on my keyboard but that's about it. At any rate I am interested in 3 classes. A tank spec powertech that helps his team using guard, a healer spec operative, and a sniper. Can any of these classes be played and actually excel if you are a clicker in pvp?
  8. Is gear a factor with either one? does one do better in worse gear but the other catch up in better gear? Does one do better in a bad team than the other (pugs)?
  9. Hey! the chips and dips serving bowl comes in handy for sporting events, don't knock it till you try it!!!
  10. Reroll a toon over a choice that bugged you about their face (want a new face, new hairstyle, complexion, etc)? I mean at level 20?
  11. Is there a certain body type male or female that you think is best and/or worst in overall looks especially at 50 in pvp and pve gear?
  12. Your primary sidekick, do you try to dress them up to look cool, or do you care?
  13. What augments are best to use when leveling as tank?
  14. It seems the end game armor is so larger than life that a body style 3 will be overkill in that armor and 2 is best?
  15. I thought BT is empire only? I saw a trooper with a cool black talon scouts rifle..only place it drops is in BT according to torhead..so what the heck?
  16. I still have trouble deciding and it is bugging me. What about you?
  17. In a bad pug do you get destroyed more as a sniper or operative?
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