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Everything posted by genealogymaster

  1. I'm looking for a casual guild to call home where I can do progression SM ops, on both pub and imp sides. I have some exp but not a lot and am willing to learn. At lvl 60 there isn't much to do and am hoping for more SM ops. I'm not much for pvp or GSF, but have a desire for more ops. Thanks for listenling.
  2. That would not make my toons happy either Theron for the WIN!
  3. Ah looks like you're not feeling the love. Theron was a fun character, lana not so much, but I suppose you probably liked her. Anyway I'm hoping Theron will be there.
  4. This is an interesting idea, but defeats the purpose of being in a guild. This doesn't build strong teammanship and almost like a second family feeling. Unfortunately in my friends list I don't have anyone that I "run" with. Once the expansion hits most will be involved with that and raiding will slow down a little as players check out the new content. I have been around since just before the founders badges were given and wanted to build upon the idea of a guild as a team working together. Its difficult when you want to do both pub and imp sides as well.
  5. It would be nice that these could be done solo as many of these I have not had the opportunity to do. I would love to but it is difficult trying these with pug groups. You really need a group that can grow together, unfortunately its not always possible to get people and hopefully more will be available in solo mode.
  6. After reading this thread I too wonder where Theron will be. If you noticed he has never been big on teams, so if he seems a little distant its probably because of that and of course not having had a real home life, no role models. I think they are keeping a lot close to the vest and Theron will reappear. I couldn't warm up to Lana, those eyes and most of the dialogue did seem stilted. They did say the list as presented was by no means the full list. I'm sure they are reading this Thread and know that people want to see him return. You could see with Ziost he was learning to trust and knew he should have contacted his ally sooner. So I really think he will be there.
  7. I'm hoping to find a group to grow with to do SM ops. I'm not ready for HM and have done some SM and would like to do more. I could do pugs but it is not the same as growing with a team. I have tanks and healers lvl 60 and 2 of them with 4piece bonus sets. Lets talk and see if we can come up with something. Thanks for reading.
  8. I'm currently in a guild where I have done some SM raids and would like to do more, and could do pugs, but I've found you don't really grow a team that way. I have tanks and healers on both pub and imp sides, and would love to do more SM content and eventually work up to HM. Right now I get hit and miss runs and each time the team has had a different makeup and you don't really grow with the people. I would love to chat with someone sometime about this. Thanks for reading.
  9. Looking for ideas, is there a forum to send feedback to developers? I'm hoping to get in a new idea about ops as I would like to do more, but I find more and more that I don't want to do pugs and would like to be in a team that learns to work together. It feels like missing a huge a part of the story and when you can't do them you feel left out. I've tried pugs but more often than not they do not work. I don't know if there is a happy medium or not.
  10. It would be nice if there were a solo mode for ops as I have found that pugs are often hard to work with and in a guild, a good proportion of the time they want a lot of experience. This leaves many of us out and would like to be in a team that learns to work together. So what happens is a good part of the story is lost to us who don't get to be part of this experience. I have some experience on the republic side and the ops are exactly the same on imp side but can't seem to get in a team on my guild. So I'm hoping the developers see this and look at this at some point in the future.
  11. I've watched the videos on this and all of them seem to show the pattern tanks with their backs pointing to the wall. I've heard some say it doesn't matter, but I have noticed in the one group I did there was less room between circles on the side when the tank had their front pointing to the wall. I also thought that in this fight both tanks take turns on Blaster, but in the fight I was in this didn't happen and I left till they got to the next boss and I noticed listening to the battle the instructions changed when I wasn't in the battle, they weren't the same as when I was in. So something wasn't right. Then Cortanni and the bird, had one wanting Cortanni first and then the bird and one wanting the bird down to a certain percentage and then Cortanni. I'm now confused with all these different directions. I find each ops leader has their own style, but I think only one person should give directions during the battle. I would like to know are the videos wrong or is there a balance to the video and keeping the tank on the side where the circles are closest together. Even with the diagrams it still shows the orange circles are closer together when you are facing the wall.
  12. Speculation is nice but Monday will tell us what they are up to. I try to keep expectations low.
  13. I have done all the quest after reading the guide on this and never have I received this title or the accompanying decorations. It must be broken then. I hope that this will be fixed. I have completed all required missions about 4 times now and the same result.
  14. You may wonder why I'm looking and the reason is, I've not been able to very many ops at all. A lot of the people are friends in real life and there is nothing wrong with that and of course want to play with those people. I don't get the chance to even get experience doing them much and am not fully aware of the mechanics of flashpoints. So in the guild I'm in I'm basically stuck at the armor I can get from Ziost and nothing better, I am working on my crafting to bring mods and such up, but it all takes time.
  15. I have several lvl 60 toons and while most of the people I play with now are good, I can't seem to get any ops to do to get ult and elite comms. I could do pug groups but I play better when I've started to get to know people. I have teamspeak. Give me a message and we'll chat.
  16. I know the developers have said no to new class missions, but it is difficult to pay for an overall story arc that eveyrone is playing and then you sit and wait to do your dailies. If the developers had a forum they read I would post there, but I don't think they read these.
  17. While I understand how much time and work it takes to develop a story line I'm hoping that in future we might be able to see a return even in small ways to a class story line. It is difficult when the missions are the same for each and every class and everyone is fighting for the same missions. Ziost was great as gift for subscribers, but I sincerely hope there will be more class stories with the next paid expansion. Is there any way to get more class stories now lets say once a year?
  18. Cut scenes were amazing, but it would have been nice to have something where each class has at least one different thing to do. I'm not expecting exceptional class storylines anymore. If I'm surpised I'll accept it, I just hope for a good storyline.
  19. I tried working with one guild on Jedi Covenant and found them to be complete snobs and they wouldn't let me try on group finder they just kicked me from the group because they insisted I didn't have team speak. I've used this and this particular guild has the problem of them all talking at once and just for one snobbish guild its not worth putting back on my computer. It seems being nice is a lost art in this regard. I would love to do more ops to be able to get elite and ultimate comms but it seems it won't happen given the current climate.
  20. I hope that eventually we will get more class stories. Ziost was disappointing.
  21. can theron shan be romanced successfully by the male trooper? I've seen the smuggler, but not the trooper and I'm trying to figure out what way does the conversation have to go.
  22. Servers appear to be down.
  23. It won't let me abandon. I had made the mistake of resetting it and now I need to talk to the person outside of the fp. BW told me to abandon, but of course it won't.
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