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Everything posted by Themanthatisi

  1. I AGREE with the mod table... KOTOR 1 and 2 also had the mod table.
  2. I agree with you on that.... Same for picking how many points to put toward attributes. For a RPG to me to be at its best, its how custom I can make my charachter. As for you wish on force powers, I guess they figured if you want to be light side, no lightning. However, in the orig KOTOR I remember if you did that, there would be a penalty in force poiints if you were light side using lightning or drain and such (dark powers). I do hope in time they do make it so we have more room to fine tune our charachter. Also, what would really liven up the "fun" is like a tailor shop where we could change some of the colors of the clothing we are wearing, many of us our out there looking too much like each other.
  3. Its a GREAT game, an amazing story, get it to work and enjoy!
  4. Yep, then come here and complain about the game after that....
  5. I agree totally with your post.... Maybe they should make a "hate" section, so the general post section can have more quality to it and the haters can all go in one place and rant to each other....
  6. I wanted to say something more positive about this game since I am reading so much from the complainers. First let me say this, I am not a MMO game player to begin with. I really DO NOT want to deal with other people when I play a game. There are 2 reasons I got this game. 1. The best RPG I have ever players was KOTOR (Knights of The Old Republic) 2. I am, at 42yo, an old long time Star Wars fan. The reason I never got into a MMO was because I game to ESCAPE reality, ESCAPE day to day computer support I do for work and ESCAPE “the woman” – lol. In saying the above, at first my excitement about TOR being a MMO was not there, I was initially disappointed I would have to be stuck dealing with people just to play a game. My one and one experience with Online Gaming was “NFS - Motor City Online” (it flopped) and it was more like a chat room that also had racing in it. I could not get on to play without having to chat with several other people, totally killing the fun and I eventually quit. After 1 solid week with TOR I have to say, I am having fun. I only did a couple of missions where I needed help (the Heroic ones) so it’s not that painful and I could do it without having to talk to them. For the most part this is still a solo game in my opinion with online features so it can cater to both crowds. I will admit, I lack MMO experience and see the complaints online about that from some. All I can say is in time, I would think the game will evolve and become even better for the MMO fans, so hang in there. For now, just enjoy the story and show some patience. Anyone that had played the original KOTOR, know that game was amazing. The story was top shelf, better than the original Star Wars movies IMO, almost wish George Lucas would make a movie based on KOTOR and allow the Star Wars universe to live on… Bioware has a top team of quality people, this game will not become their “black eye” I am sure, if anything, with so much on the line for their reputation, this game will be a huge hit and I am willing to give that time to happen, so should some of you. Now, some that gripe on here said, why would I pay $15 a month for this game? I say because its still cheap for being entertained. I have basic cable, because TV sucks and there is little on TV that’s interesting with the insane cost of cable. To me, even though I don’t do much with online gaming, its still cheap for entertainment. I will say however, once I start to get bored, I may back off wanting to keep paying, but for now, the pleasure it bring me far out weights the cost I pay out. Anyway, I wanted to say to the developers and Bioware, good job! I am happy. Are there issues – YES, there are bugs, and the game looks dated to be honest. But no one game is perfect, the bugs will and need to be fixed but where the game lacks in appearance, it makes up for in storytelling and giving the player that feeling they are really in the Star Wars universe. Is it as good as KOTOR? hell no, that game set the standard for storytelling and playability in a RPG, but this game is still good. The best part of it being a MMO, is there will be an interest in keeping customers (EA may be greedy but not stupid) and bashing a game that has not even been out a month does not really show me anything, it just shows you can’t make everyone happy…. I am happy, and that’s counts to me. If you want to bash anyone, go bash EA for rushing this out the door, give Bioware a chance, they deserve that and have a great history of past games on their resume. Have a great 2012 all, at least until the world ends… lol. May the Force be with you
  7. I wanted to say something more positive about this game since I am reading so much from the complainers. First let me say this, I am not a MMO game player to begin with. I really DO NOT want to deal with other people when I play a game. There are 2 reasons I got this game. 1. The best RPG I have ever players was KOTOR (Knights of The Old Republic) 2. I am, at 42yo, an old long time Star Wars fan. The reason I never got into a MMO was because I game to ESCAPE reality, ESCAPE day to day computer support I do for work and ESCAPE “the woman” – lol. In saying the above, at first my excitement about TOR being a MMO was not there, I was initially disappointed I would have to be stuck dealing with people just to play a game. My one and one experience with Online Gaming was “NFS - Motor City Online” (it flopped) and it was more like a chat room that also had racing in it. I could not get on to play without having to chat with several other people, totally killing the fun and I eventually quit. After 1 solid week with TOR I have to say, I am having fun. I only did a couple of missions where I needed help (the Heroic ones) so it’s not that painful and I could do it without having to talk to them. For the most part this is still a solo game in my opinion with online features so it can cater to both crowds. I will admit, I lack MMO experience and see the complaints online about that from some. All I can say is in time, I would think the game will evolve and become even better for the MMO fans, so hang in there. For now, just enjoy the story and show some patience. Anyone that had played the original KOTOR, know that game was amazing. The story was top shelf, better than the original Star Wars movies IMO, almost wish George Lucas would make a movie based on KOTOR and allow the Star Wars universe to live on… Bioware has a top team of quality people, this game will not become their “black eye” I am sure, if anything, with so much on the line for their reputation, this game will be a huge hit and I am willing to give that time to happen, so should some of you. Now, some that gripe on here said, why would I pay $15 a month for this game? I say because its still cheap for being entertained. I have basic cable, because TV sucks and there is little on TV that’s interesting with the insane cost of cable. To me, even though I don’t do much with online gaming, its still cheap for entertainment. I will say however, once I start to get bored, I may back off wanting to keep paying, but for now, the pleasure it brings me far out weights the cost I pay out. I cant say that much for cable TV or my local sports teams... Anyway, I wanted to say to the developers and Bioware, good job! I am happy. Are there issues – YES, there are bugs, and the game looks dated to be honest. But no one game is perfect, the bugs will and need to be fixed but where the game lacks in appearance, it makes up for in storytelling and giving the player that feeling they are really in the Star Wars universe. Is it as good as KOTOR? hell no, that game set the standard for storytelling and playability in a RPG, but this game is still good. The best part of it being a MMO, is there will be an interest in keeping customers (EA may be greedy but not stupid) and bashing a game that has not even been out a month does not really show me anything, it just shows you can’t make everyone happy…. I am happy, and that’s counts to me. If you want to bash anyone, go bash EA for rushing this out the door, give Bioware a chance, they deserve that and have a great history of past games on their resume. Have a great 2012 all, at least until the world ends… lol. May the Force be with you
  8. Strike will no longer work, i even purchased a new weapon... ITs very strange, the issue
  9. Let me be more clear.. Focus will NOT regenerate anymore... But main attack also wont work and my weapon is not broken, even purchased another to be sure.
  10. I cant even use my main attack anymore.... ITs been like this going on 2 hours now. I have logged off and on several times and it appears to maybe be a bug.
  11. Is this a bug or am I missing something? My weapons are not broken, I can use my force powers but I cant attack with my melee weapon due to no focus. IF I click on a enemy it will say Insufficient focus as well. Whats is the deal? Thanks
  12. Please help, I am a lvl 6 Jedi, I thought maybe my weapon was broken but its not the case, I logged off and back on, I cant attack anyone now and stuck without anyway to complete a mission now...
  13. I have insufficient focus, CAN'T attack... I logged off and on several times, rebooted and stuck. I found other threads on this but with no resolution. I am a Jedi Knight, I cant even use my normal attack. This happened to me yesterday but after doing a quest with no attack it came back, this time i cant find a way around it.... This is really starting to get annoying, as its killing hours of game time trying to figure out what to do. PLEASE HELP if anyone knows what to do. Thank You
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