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Posts posted by CaulderBenson

  1. Jaina Solo showed he was far beyond her, even injured as he was, she got absolutely dismantled and she only managed to kill him because he frankly wasn't paying her much attention and was severely injured, with one arm gone, one crippled leg and a hole through his stomach, he still took off one of her arms and managed to force wave her into a wall and still carried on, if he had chosen, he could have killed her, he chose otherwise.


    I have no interest in the Caedus/Sidious debate but I do want to say that the underlined did not happen. Jaina never lost an appendage in battle against Caedus or any opponent up through the LOF novels. I haven't read beyond the LOF series.


    I'm not sure if that was a typo on your part?


    Jaina Solo showed he was far beyond her, even injured as he was, she got absolutely dismantled and she only managed to kill him because he frankly wasn't paying her much attention and was severely injured, with one arm gone, one crippled leg and a hole through his stomach,


    That's not entirely accurate description of the fight in my opinion. She only sustained a broken arm, and a lightsaber gash to the abdomen. She was also thrown into the wall a couple of times.


    Caedus on the other hand actually did want to kill her quickly, but was unable to. When he sees her in front of him and takes a lightsaber to the stomach before he can blink. he's completely focused on his own survival.


    The problem for him was that he lost the fight before it started. Jaina overwhelmed him with her relentless assault and, yes, her skill as a cunning combatant.


    He opened the incinerator door and Jaina was waiting for him on the other side of the door and he takes his first (but not last) fatal blow of the fight. Either she masked her force presence or he was clueless when it came to sensing danger.


    Caedus takes a lightsaber to the stomach as the fight begins.


    He then tries force lightning attacks which fail. Jaina blocked and dodge them.


    They traded a few physical blows before she impales his face on "half a dozen" syringes down to the barrels, and slices his calf tendon crippling him.


    She went for a guaranteed killing blow even though it left her open a fatal retaliatory blow as well. Jaina knew this and didn't care. She wasn't concerned with her own survival, just achieving her goal of killing her brother.


    Note, he couldn't stop her from landing the killing blow, and he certainly wanted to.


    So even though he could have killed her with his last ounce of strength, he still completely failed to stop her from outright killing him. He chose to put his last bit of energy into a psychic warning meant for Tenel Ka.


    The author Troy Denning makes it clear in the novel Jaina outright defeats and kills him. Caedus wanted to kill her quickly so he could go after Allana, but Jaina's onslaught simply overwhelmed him despite his superior command of the force.

  2. Thanks for posting the link. I enjoyed it. Drew seems like a nice guy; which is good to know since I generally enjoy his Star Wars books quite a bit.


    In fact, his may have been the last SW books I read (and Deceived). I had to sort of quit after the Darth Caedus/Jacen garbage from the NJO and Legacy of the Force. The post ROTJ EU went in a direction I didn't like with the vong and everything that came after.

  3. <Sithhiker's Guide to the Galaxy> ...Yes, we are still playing! Yes, attendance problems suck!


    Same with UMBRA. :) We've had some key members out the last three weeks or so, but we were finally able to get the band back together for Draxus last night, and we caught him sleeping at his post. :cool:

  4. This thread will be for any guild to post, imp or pub, I'll try to keep it updated and current.


    Materials for said items are as follows:


    Either [2 x Mythra & 2 x Turadium] OR [2x Carbonic Crystal & 2x Primordial Artifact Fragment]

    8 x Exotic Element Equalizer

    8x Vial of Stabilized Isotope-5

    2 x Mass Manipulation Generator




    Advanced 34's


    Advanced Reflex Barrel 34 - Xannakk

    Advanced Skill Barrel 34 - Xannakk

    Advanced Resolve Hilt 34 - Deronis,

    Advanced Might Hilt 34 - Cobrainquisitor,




    Dread Forged Relic of Focused Retribution - Cobrainquisitor

    Dread Forged Relic of Serendipitous Assault - Cobrainquisitor





    Dread Forged Stalker's MK-X Package - Harmonica

    Dread Forged Field Medic's MK-X Package - Harmonica

    Dread Forged Weaponmaster's MK-V Package - Harmonica

    Dread Forged Combat Medic's MK-X Package - Harmonica

    Dread Forged War Leader's MK-X Package - Ninta


    Ear pieces


    Dread Forged Field Tech's Device - Xannakk

    Dread Forged Combat Medic's Device - Sovergn




    Advanced Initiative Enhancement 34 - Cobrainquisitor

    Advanced Adept Enhancement 34 - Scerra'cyon


    Cost for all items from UMBRA: One mass or 500k or 5 isotopes.


    Send all crafting requests for a specific item to the listed crafter.


    If there are any other guilds who would like their info posted please do so. :)

  5. Does any one know the meaning of matters of taste.... IE no one is wrong for liking or disliking something they are all matters of taste. We can talk about what we like/ dislike about it, but I want to make sure every one knows no one is actually wrong for liking or disliking.


    This should go without saying, however liking or disliking a movie can be quite separate from whether or not it's well made.


    There are some objective criteria based on story telling and film techniques in which you can measure films regardless of personal taste or opinion, believe it or not.


    The romance between Padme and Anakin is simply not believable and is very badly written - whether you enjoy it and can ignore its failing is still subjective.


    In Walt Disney's Beauty and the Beast, you actually do believe Belle could have loved the Beast at the end. It was well written and the character arc was there.


    Luke has a very logical and well crafted arc in the OT. He goes from idealistic, annoying, impatient, to seasoned war vet, to a fully matured, patient, reserved, and in control man by the time we get to Jedi.


    He suffered though the loss of friends, family, hard training, was instructed in the philosophical teachings of the Jedi from Obi-Wan and Yoda, dealt with the Emperor and Vader.


    The endpoint of Luke's journey makes sense. It's good story telling.


    Anakin's character arc from AOTC on was simply not developed well.


    People get tired of them being brought up, but the Plinkett reviews are exceptionally well done, and detail their faults using film school techniques and story telling 101 basics.


    As Oddball stated, and I'll reiterate, I enjoy quite few bad movies, one difference is I can freely admit they are bad.


    Jaws IV, Friday the 13th Part 5, all bad movies I enjoy unabashedly.


    And as stated, I don't feel TPM is particularly "bad" movie despite it's flaws, however I don't consider to be a particularly well made movie either, and there is a difference.

  6. What are those reasons, if I may ask? (Excluding the obvious answer of "Liam Neeson!"


    Apologies, I was busy yesterday and did not have time to respond to this.


    I'm not going to lie, nostalgia plays a part for sure. I'm old enough that the first movie I saw in theaters was ROTJ. It was always, and is my favorite. Even though I can freely admit Empire is the better overall film, when Jedi is good, it's better than anything else in all six films. Given the choice of watching any of the SW movies, it's Jedi every time for me.


    That being said, I remember when TPM was released in theaters and the actual build up to it. I remember the magazines with a teaser photo here and there, the tv specials, etc.


    When it was released there was SW stuff everywhere for the first time since...ever really. The OT was big in the 80s, but two years after Jedi was out, SW was basically forgotten until the Zhan novels; and the only thing they did was really launch the EU which gave us some video games, comics, and books.


    Outside of those venues, you would still not see SW in Walmart, the mall, etc. That changed after TPM. SW has never not been on the shelves of department stores since.


    Anyway release of TPM was exciting for sure. I had just graduated highschool, and I remember a lot of my class mates were there to see it. It really was a communal event, and It was a blast.


    I still remember that. Those kinds of events don't happen often. Overall it still didn't compare to the release of the OT Special editions in 97; those theater experiences were insane.




    Beyond that, TPM isn't that bad of movie, honestly. It feels like a SW film to me at least. SW is myth, and TPM has a mythic feel to it.


    The wise, veteran jedi warrior, the queen trying to save her people, the slave boy who ends up saving everyone, the prophecy, the sith vs jedi religious battle for the soul of the galaxy, etc.


    The SW saga is about visuals as well as story telling, and TPM is the most visually distinct of the prequels by far - arguably the entire saga.


    You could watch TPM with the sound off, and still understand the story. I think you'd have a harder time with AOTC and ROTS.


    The score by John Williams is of course superb. The Duel of Fates is a good as anything in the OT, it's hard to imagine SW without it now. The Sith theme is also a notable entry into the franchise.


    The plot and the timeline (for the most part) flow logically.


    Take Empire for instance: How long did Luke train with Yoda? A day? Two? A week? A month? Because for almost the entire time of his training Vader is chasing Han and Leia through an asteroid field.


    The whole movie falls apart if you think about it logically. I think TPM holds up.


    Palpatine's performance in TPM is made even better after the fact since we've seen all the films now.


    Darth Maul is a villain who is one of the most popular and enduring characters of the entire saga and he's in the movie for five minutes. He's an impressive visual design that's worthy of Darth Vader in the OT.


    The podrace was fun then, and it's fun now. I like that it has a story contained within it. Anakin stalls, then he's behind, he catches up, he takes the lead, he falls behind, power coupling comes loose, Sebulba tries to cheat, Anakin wins, etc.


    The enter atmosphere of the podrace feels like a regular everyday activity. That's SW at its best to me.


    The vendors selling drinks and snacks, the excitement of the crowd, it's televised, the announcer felt real, he was funny, the gambling, etc.


    Those kinds of "real" activities are what made the OT connect with people way back in the day.


    Liam Nesson's character was the only truly competent jedi in the entire saga. We know that he would be on the council except for the fact that he doesn't play political games. He feels the jedi have lost their way, and he's more concerned with righting actual wrongs and helping real people as opposed to just sitting in the council chambers.


    He was a rebel, and he wanted to do the right thing regardless of his personal prestige in the jedi order.


    Qui Gon was right that jedi are supposed to be helping people first and foremost.


    In the ROTS novelization ( I think) Yoda even says "Qui Gon you were a great jedi and I was too blind to see it" or something to that effect.


    The blu ray version of TPM is stunning. The colors are so vivid and clean, it's a wonderful visual experience.




    The final scene is the best in the saga after ROTJ.


    It's very poetic, it's literally the end of the beginning, and the beginning of the end.


    It's very bright, sunny, and happy. The musical score is one of my favorites in the saga.


    All the characters, Anakin, Kenobi, Padme, Yoda, the Naboo, the Gungans, nobody will be happier than they are at that moment in time.


    They have their entire futures ahead of them. They're all happy and optimistic, and they're all doomed to death and sadness.


    It's a wonderfully poetic and beautiful moment.




    Now of course I have a lot of issues with TPM, and it could have been five times better with only a few small changes, but as I stated, it was an entertaining experience when I re-watched it.

  7. I think we need to stop calling them bad in the first place.


    No, people can actually voice their opinions and call them bad if they want. I find AOTC to be a bad movie. Nor do I need to stop saying that.



    The only reason people call them bad is because they were let down.


    There are many legitimate and well reasoned arguments for why people find them bad. The Red Letter Media review in particular uses legitimate film arguments to detail why he finds them bad; even if I still find some enjoyment in the prequels.


    You should probably stop attributing reasons and motivations to other people; it's not polite to do that. You are in no place to do so, and in point of fact, you have no earthly idea why a specific person finds them bad unless they state their reasons.




    Yeah and guess what? I don't see what he sees so...again, he isn't doing anything for me. He has his own thoughts, I have mine.


    Correct. To each their own. :)

  8. Nothing because...you know my opinion, the Prequels were good. movies.


    I actually just rewatched the Phantom Menace all the way through from beginning to end for the first time in, I think, nine years.


    You know, I enjoyed it quite a bit. I never really hated like some did, and in fact I consider it to be the best of the prequels for several reasons.


    It does have a lot of room for improvement though.


    They weren't bad movies, it's all opinion...just because someone or a group thing a movie is bad, doesn't mean there aren't those out there that see it the same way.


    I'll disagree on the AOTC. It is a pretty bad movie objectively. I think it's easily the worst of the saga, for a litany of reasons. I will say Obi Wan was good, Jango was awesome, and I love Count Dooku for all of his 6 minutes of screen time.


    ROTS was an improvement over AOTC, but that's not saying much since Clones is so bad.


    But yeah, I don't hate the prequels, and with the exception of Clones, there are much worse movies out there. :)

  9. UMBRA has not attempted NM DF in the last three weeks beyond the first boss. We've had a few key members out due to real life obligations, summer, etc.


    We should have our crew on tonight, so hopefully we can make another push at NM DF in the next few weeks.

  10. Why did Sidious waited until half Episode III to trigger it? He could have done it much early.


    One objective of the Clone Wars was to turn public opinion against the Jedi so that when Order 66 was issued, the general public would believe whatever reason he came up with for killing the jedi and be relieved they were gone.

  11. The overall population is down a bit lately in my own guild, but that's mostly due to college exams right now. The overall server numbers seem fairly healthy to me.
  12. I hope you all realize that this show s#!ts all over starkiller, you know, epic jedi who pulled star destroyers out of the sky. The guy who personally defeated the emperor and inspired the rebellion. The guy who's family crest is on every rebel fighter. Yeah this show will be great (sarcastic).


    I did not like Starkiller, and thought that the TFU story was like fan fiction. It was a fun game, but Starkiller himself was pointless and messed up the origins of the Rebellion that had already been established.


    I'm personally glad he's not canon anymore.




    The trailer itself was pretty neat. The more I see, the better the show looks. I'm looking forward to its debut; hopefully it will be good.

  13. Not really. It was fun the first time through because it was new and you were going through it with friends.


    The second, third, and sixth time not so much.


    Reason being there is lots, and lots of trash. Enough of it is unavoidable, and has such short respawn times that it becomes an annoying grind.


    The planet is very large and looks nice, but it's just not a fun place to quest in my opinion.


    The only people who go there that I know of are chest farmers.


    Oricon and CZ are much better. They're both populated with lots of mobs, but CZ is very small, and Oricon recently had the mob's aggro radius decreased to that's it's quite possible to sneak past a lot them if you're careful.

  14. My guild usually runs HM TFB or Scum once a week. It drops UW gear which is what's required for HM DP. The 72 set bonus makes a huge difference.


    We've also been using HM TFB and Scum to give new members who express an interest in HMs "trial runs" so to speak. With 78 mods you're overgeared for HM TFB and Scum, but if you don't follow the mechanics you'll still die.


    So they're useful to see how people perform.

  15. The show starts to hit its stride about midway through season one and only gets better from there. Paul Dini wrote maybe two episodes of season one, and I think maybe one in season two. Without knowing it while watching them, they were instantly two of my favorite episodes of the series.


    Cad Bane makes his first appearance in the Season One finale (in all his Lee Van Cleef glory!) and the show starts to have some darker episodes.


    Season Two rocks, Season Three was as waste in my opinion save a few episodes, Seasons Four and Five rock.


    The quality of the animation gets noticeably better in season 2 and continues to improve from there.


    The battle droids are used less for comedic value as the series goes on than they are in the opening few episodes of Season One and the Clone Wars movie.


    Ashoka also sees less use in Seasons 3 and 4; and when she does show up, she's used quite well.


    Hope that helps.

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