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Posts posted by CaulderBenson

  1. Your level - 65


    Roughly Average Item Rating - 208


    Discipline - Merc dps


    Companion - Mako


    Companion role - Healing


    Companion Influence level - 32


    Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?) - Heroic


    Your personal experience while playing this content - It's not fun. The enemies have a lot of health and hit hard. The healing companions are now very inadequate.




    I'll say again, dailies, solo fps, and heroics are NOT FUN with nerfed companions and level sync.


    You need to either do away with level sync or return the companions a significant portion of their power.


    I was enjoying running the old heroics and dailies and solo fps with my guildmates and the PRE-NERF companions.


    Dailies and heroics should be quick activities, and they're slower with the nerfed healing companions.


    That's not good.




    My feedback is I'm looking at cutting back my playtime and playing my alt characters significantly less after the nerf.


    I don't find it FUN.

  2. I hate the new nerf.


    Companions were making old "grindy" content fun again - the heroics, dailies, and the solo fps.


    I have multiple characters (like many players) and they made all these activities a lot faster.


    Dailies, heroics, etc are not, never have, and shouldn't be "challenging". So that given reason was always ridiculous. These activities are still super easy, they just take longer now due to this nerf.


    That's not good.




    Companions couldn't be used in operations or warzones. I didn't see the problem. PVP servers are dying so open world pvp is a nonissue to me.




    I don't like the companion nerf at all.


    I was enjoying the daily activities again for the first time in a while, and now I'm not.


    I had nearly stopped playing altogether over the summer while waiting for 4.0 to hit and that's the first time I've done that since the game launched.


    I've been a subscriber since the game launched. I'm probably going to cut my play time back again with the new nerf.


    That's my feedback Bioware.

  3. I hate the new nerf.


    Companions were making old "grindy" content fun again - the heroics, dailies, and the solo fps.


    I have multiple characters (like many players) and they made all these activities a lot faster.


    Dailies, heroics, etc are not, never have, and shouldn't be "challenging". So that given reason was always ridiculous. These activities are still super easy, they just take longer now due to this nerf.


    That's not good.




    Companions couldn't be used in operations or warzones. I didn't see the problem. PVP servers are dying so open world pvp is a nonissue to me.




    I don't like the companion nerf at all.


    I was enjoying the daily activities again for the first time in a while, and now I'm not.


    I had nearly stopped playing altogether over the summer while waiting for 4.0 to hit and that's the first time I've done that since the game launched.


    I've been a subscriber since the game launched. I'm probably going to cut my play time back again with the new nerf.


    That's my feedback Bioware.

  4. Nope.


    Obi-Wan is one of the most popular SW characters. Reportedly he's being heavily considered for a spinoff movie, he starred in the Clone Wars cartoon, he's been explored in novels and comics, and he won the most popular character poll on Starwars.com beating out both Yoda and Vader.


    Message board VS threads tend to overlook Obi-Wan due to the nature of those topics and the types of posters who frequent them; but honestly who cares about that?


    In-universe Obi-Wan is one of the most accomplished and important characters in the mythos. He's the one of the two most important characters in the prequels, the other being Anakin.

  5. Before reading the Thrawn Trilogy I never really gave the Clone Wars much thought. I just viewed them as this legendary thing Obi-Wan had fought in. I purposely tried not to think about them too much because I liked the mystery.


    I do remember very specifically feeling that the Clone Wars had happened decades before and I got the feeling that the Empire had been around for at least 30 or 40 years. Not the 16 or 18 that was revealed.


    The Thrawn Trilogy mentions that cloning is outlawed specifically because of the Clone Wars which implied to me that someone was using a constant supply of clones to keep the conflict ongoing.


    It certainly gave the the idea that the clones were the bad guys and that there was this stigma against cloning in the SW universe.


    I'm also fine with the actual depiction of the Clone Wars. The whole droids vs clones and the was itself being a big con Palpatine was running on the galaxy is pretty neat too.


    Those were my impressions and I'm old enough to have seen Return of the Jedi in theaters in 1983.

  6. The only official canon are the six movies, clone wars cartoon, Rebels, the new Marvel comics, and the last few books that have been put out by Disney.


    The current canon is real easy to get caught up on.



    I did find it curious that the Lucasfilm logo appears on the new swtor loading screen. It probably means nothing, but that's a first.

  7. I guess you can compare it to a marathon runner and a sprinter.


    A Darksider (sprinter) can very quickly achieve a large amount of success, but they plateau quickly, whereas a lightsider (marathon) will can have greater success longterm.


    Darksiders also traditionally pay a harsh physical price for their powers in the EU.


    To put it into perspective, Yoda was essentially the most powerful force user until the Emperor comes along, and at that point, Yoda was already well past his prime.


    In Lucas' vision, Luke becomes the most powerful force user ever (a lightsider).


    Qui Gonn achieves some form of immortality after death, which speaks to his dedication to the Force.


    The last thing to consider is the Force itself. It's not weapon, and it's not meant to be used as such. The Force is life.


    The ultimate expressions of the Force are ultimately non-combat feats; healing wounds, saving lives etc.


    Those are powerful feats.


    It's just that the Darksiders have more overt displays of power that can be measured.




    It's all up to personal opinion at the end of the day and how you measure power.

  8. No. Andy Serkis was voicing his own character, the First Order's Supreme Leader Snoke.


    I know. I don't believe I made that clear in my original post. That was my fault.


    I was stating that this is the first time we've heard Kylo Ren speak, because the voice over in the first teaser was Serkis playing his character Snoke.


    Well, he was there, even if you couldn't see his face. He was the cloaked figure putting his cybernetic right hand on R2-D2.


    That's why I said "real" reveal. They're obviously saving that for the movie itself. A gutsy choice.


    No, he's not Kylo Ren.


    Quite obvious since Kylo Ren is played by Adam Driver.


    It's assumed that one of the major plotlines of the film will be finding Luke Skywalker in his self-imposed exile. I'm guessing that once the New Republic was established, Luke decided he needed to go on walkabout to teach himself about the Force, since no one was left who could instruct him. He's not had time to build a Jedi Order because he's been slowly rediscovering things from old ruined temples, holocrons, writings and so on.


    That's been the major theory for months now, and it sounds reasonable.

  9. The trailer itself...it was quite nice.


    We saw our first glimpse of Leia, and to my knowledge this is the first time we've heard Kylo Ren speak. It was Andy Serkis in the original trailer correct?


    We've still have no real reveal of Luke, which means either we'll see a quick glimpse of him in one more trailer or they'll wait until the movie is actually out.


    Either way, I think it'll be fun.

  10. Still not as overrated as Kun though.


    This times a hundred. lol


    Revan has his devoted fanboys and his deranged detractors, but once you get away from the message board noise, Revan is one of the most powerful, and interesting Jedi in the franchise.


    In short, he's actually a very good character, and I say that as someone who isn't necessarily a "fan", but I do like the character.




    P. S.


    From all the message boards I've seen, Revan isn't even close to being the most overrated character either. There are three or four easily ahead of him.

  11. Probably the first on-screen depiction, but the Interdictor Cruisers (and specifically the Immobilizer 418 class) have shown up in the new Canon's Heir to the Jedi and I believe they may have gotten a mention in Tarkin as well.


    You're probably right. I haven't read Heir to the Jedi. I barely remember Tarkin aside from the Vader and Palpatine bits.


    Seeing them on screen is still cool though. :)

  12. But the next part of it looks to be much better, we get AT-ATs!


    Oh yes. I had almost forgotten. You watched the Season 2 trailer I posted a few pages back?


    It had an Interdictor Cruiser in it! That's the first canon depiction to my knowledge. That's exciting, particularly in light of what it can potentially lead to.

  13. But while true the early days, it's not like the later instructors couldn't continue on from that either....or base their training off the Clones went through....or just make up their own harsher and more refined training considering different techniques.


    To be sure. Like I said, I don't think that statement reflects on stormtroopers, just a nice footnote to the clones' post war fate.


    You said this:

    or just make up their own harsher and more refined training considering different techniques


    In particular the bolded part is important. Let's remember, the clones were the good guys. They were essentially slaves born to fight and die in a war they had no say in.


    In many ways, they're victims.


    Stormtroopers are not.


    In regards to their training, it makes sense that in some respects stormtroopers have more harsh and brutal training because of the Empire's needs.


    Stormtroopers are volunteers. Despite some of them having noble intentions being patriotic, many are ordered to do brutal and evil in the service of the Empire.


    The Empire likes bullies and thugs, in addition to soldiers. In point of fact, as I'm sure you know, there are several Legend stories where many stormtroopers are bullies, attempted rapists, and psychopaths.


    It makes sense to me that their training would be different.


    I'll stop there though. I think we're threadjacking a bit at this point. :)

  14. See then this further makes the whole Clones > Storms thing completely off base, because if Stormtroopers are being trained by former Clones, then at best the Storms should be = to Clones. ....Just as they were in Legends(although I think the Storms had it more brutal than the Clones imo).


    I wouldn't put too much stock into that statement, at least in regards to being a standard. I took it to mean that in the very early days of the Empire you had *some* clone instructors. The Empire spanned the galaxy, so I imagine there were many places where they had normal instructors, and eventually the clones were phased out altogether.


    I found that tidbit interesting more in regards to the clones' post war fate, and the early state of the Empire; not necessarily in regards to stormtroopers themselves. For instance during the original trilogy era, I don't believe you'd be seeing any clone influence on stormtroopers at all.


    At least I didn't. :)

  15. I'm not sure how I feel about how heavily Rebels is actually skewing back towards being a continuation of the Clone Wars. Bringing back Ahsoka is one thing, but two episodes later we see Rex, and now they seem to be following the Clone Wars format of having mini-arcs over a couple episodes.


    I still think Rebels is its own thing, and I don't think I'd call it a continuation of the Clone Wars. Ahsoka has appeared for two episodes? Three? Rex and Co. have already said they're not joining the Rebellion. So we'll get one more episode maybe?


    Hondo is going to make an appearance, but beyond guest starring, the stories have all been about the Ghost Crew.


    We'll see, but I have a feeling that's not the case.



    And we have some Clone Troopers training Stormtroopers apparently; at least at some time after the Clone Wars.

    Makes sense I suppose.



  16. I missed the new SP, so gotta wait.


    But the next part of it looks to be much better, we get AT-ATs!


    I am very excited by that. :)


    And if you miss the 10pm South Park it replays at midnight, I believe.


    Also this has at least confirmed that Clones were 'decommissioned' as it were so no more clones running around in the Empire, unlike Legends where you had the odd group here and there.


    Yep. That's interesting.


    And if there was any doubters left, the command to carry out Order 66 was entirely chip based.


    Whatever one's feelings on that is, it's at least 100% settled.


    That's cool.

  17. Eh....it was ok, but they could have fit in much more, than have it be a 2 part episode. I just become disappointed after all this time waiting and were given pretty much just filller.


    Jaws reference. Can't help but be happy. :)



    My dogs chose that moment to start barking, so I missed the exact music, but the music que on the show sounded very close to the original from what I heard.


    I'll agree with the filler comment though. I followed Rebels up immediately with new South Park so that lessened the filler nature of the show. :p

  18. Well I grew up watching the OT too, but I actually saw Storms kick butt and take name(less)s and even get one up over the main characters at times...in Legends too they showed to be even more awesome, taking on a bunch of Wookiees while outnumbered and all that jazz.


    The novels and comics are a different medium. You're allowed to tell your stories in different ways, and tell stories that focus entirely on the stormtroopers.


    Different rules and needs for the stories.


    But yeah...I don't mind Stormtroopers getting beat, but....it's better when they get beat, if they have feats of their own.


    I'm in complete agreement.


    Defeating a group of guys, who previously just wrecked another group of guys and have ontop of that coming from ridiculous training?


    I think the latter would be a bit more impressive.


    I agree, but it depends on the story more than anything.


    Rebels for instance is 1) Aimed primarily at kids and 2) The heroes are the main stars, and the stormtroopers in general are faceless goons whose purpose is to lose until the big bads show up.


    I dunno. We'll see what else Lucasfilm has planned coming down the pike.


    I'd love to see a Stormtrooper-centric project from Disney in animation or print. I'd prefer animation though.


    We'll see what the future holds.


    This is Disney's big year; the year they officially kick off their Star Wars ownership with their first movie, and with Season 2 of Rebels.


    I'm looking forward to more Stormtrooper action.


    Rogue One comes out next year, and it's set during the OT. I'm sure it will have stormtroopers in it as well.

  19. But eh....from the stuff I have, the armor seems pretty consistent anyway, I'm not too big on in-universe commentary when an out of universe one(either author or guidebook) says otherwise.


    This was not in a bad way. It was a comment on the Empire's propaganda and recruitment methods more than anything, but the effect of the statement gives insight into stormtroopers and the Galactic Empire which is why I mentioned it.


    Tales from the Empire? Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina or maybe one of the Rogue Squadron books. I don't remember which one.

  20. .

    Of course now with Rebels, it seems Dave is taking that in a different direction...but whatever I guess, there's always other authors. But then again Season 2 does seem to favor the Empire a tad more soo....eh.


    I believe context is important.


    Dave and the crew grew up on the OT, like I did. That's where their love is.


    The OT is good vs evil. That's ultimately what Star Wars is.


    Yes, there are gray areas, blah blah.


    Rebels is very much OT.


    The Stormtroopers and basic Imperials are the villains our heroes get to beat up, until we bring in the Inquisitors, Vader, Tarkin, etc.


    Then the Stormtroopers get to be scary.


    Basic story telling, and the stormtroopers are the faceless mooks our heroes need to get some wins.


    In the Clone Wars the droids were canon fodder for our heroes to get some wins on.


    Same with the stormtroopers.


    But I will say some of that early Rebels stuff with the stormtroopers was painful to watch. I think the pendulum swung too far in one direction.




    I guess it's sort of like Foot Soldiers in TMNT. They're ninjas man. Highly trained and effective killers, but the turtles tear through them.


    Doesn't mean they suck, but they're faceless villains so our heroes can beat them up until the big bad comes around.

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