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Everything posted by CaulderBenson

  1. It's too early to form much of an opinion at this point. I'll have to wait and see. Disney has done right by most of their Marvel movies at this point, so I'm cautiously optimistic at this point.
  2. Just as the title says. I have bought the Underworld Essentials bundle before - twice I think - and it's mostly a reskin of the other essentials bundle. So it's not worth another repurchase at it's current cost. I will say that the Huttese Wall sconce is a very neat item, and the Underworld Travellers rug is also quite neat. A lot of items are available for purchase individually, and I would very much like these two items available for individual purchase. Thanks.
  3. This would almost be newsworthy it they weren't trying to make it newsworthy. Almost. Karen Traviss had a gay mandalorian couple in her books. She did it right, she didn't draw attention to it, they were just there as part of the story, and that was years ago. I'm in total agreement with Peter Griffin on this one.
  4. A shattered pelvis more than likely means surgery and physical rehab. I don't envy him, but at least he's alive.
  5. Please remove Scerra'cyon as a point of contact for UMBRA and add Doktore and Bloody'mary. Thanks.
  6. I guess you don't watch or read the news? Harrison Ford was in a plane crash and shattered his pelvis.
  7. Yes, it is. However when you think about where Rebels is heading into Season 2 (Vader and Ahsoka in minor roles, the Rebel Alliance proper, maybe Fett and Cad Bane), I can't remember the Clone Wars having anything that big to show us, save Darth Maul. Now again, it's early, but after only one season, the stage is set for Rebels to surpass the Clone Wars. Whether it ultimately does or not is up to Disney; and I say that someone who loved the Clone Wars from its very first episode.
  8. Very nice interview. Thank you for posting it. I'm sad about missing Jason Isaacs, but I'm glad there are consequences. Also this caught my attention: That's good to hear, but I expected that to be the case with the current creative forces behind the series. That's one of the reasons I've been laughing when people post "they better not make a fool of Vader just to make the crew of the Ghost look good!". Good times ahead, I think.
  9. I'd be surprised if there wasn't, at least at some point. Everything we know about Ep 7 (which is very little) is all calling back to the OT. Having one or two ties to Rebels would be smart.
  10. I didn't know it was that soon. That's even better.
  11. It doesn't really matter if fans on this forum hate Rebels does it? They're still watching. Mickey Mouse has won. Which is good. I like Mickey Mouse. I see a lot of praise for the Clone Wars today, but I think a lot of fans forget the Clone Wars was basically 60/40 in terms of positive to negative reaction when it was released. The exact same complaints were aimed at Clone Wars in terms of it being too kiddie, or not mature enough. It took Clone Wars roughly two and a half seasons to really find it's footing in terms of animation and the appropriate balance of seriousness and goofiness. Which brings me to this; I read something on a blog the other day that made me consider something about Rebels. The final episode of season one has almost put Rebels in as good a place as the Clone Wars was two or three seasons in when they found their footing. We've got new characters we've spent a season with, we've got the chance at new returning ones (Lando, Mon Mothma, Ackbar, Tarkin, etc), plus we've got fan favorite characters we care about deeply (Vader and Ahsoka). Rebels is already in a place to start making a real attempt at surpassing the Clone Wars after only one season. Again, Disney is still aiming at a younger audience, we need to see how Season 2 plays out, but after one season, I will admit to being intrigued with the future of Rebels. I also find it noteworthy that when Season 2 starts, Episode 7 should be about two months away. That will be the first time a new Star Wars movie hits at the same time a SW television series is running.
  12. The entire series' visual design was heavily influenced/based on Ralph McQuarrie's artwork. Vader's design fits stylistically with the idea behind the series, therefore within the Rebels' "visual canon" it fits. I need to see more of the design, but I have a feeling it's going to turn out to be quite popular.
  13. We already know this from the EU. Force sensitives in the Empire were given basic training and skills, and then just enough above that to fulfill their roles in the Empire. The Emperor's Hands were specialized assassins and espionage agents, the Inquisitors are supposed to hunt down and deal with rogue force users and have access to pretty much the full might of the empire. They set traps, ambushes, etc. I wouldn't mind seeing more, and maybe something new, but we already know the basic answers. I would love to see one of the Emperor's Hands in action, even if it's not Mara. It is nice to see a more McQuarrie inspired version of Vader in official media too. It's a subtle enough difference that it's not bothersome, but it does get us a neat new style on Vader. I like it.
  14. Shame that we won't be seeing Jason Isaacs any more (I assume), but it shouldn't have been a surprise. I stated before how inquisitors fit into the official mythology. Lucas Film told you in the official Rebel videos. Just like they've officially stated Clone Troopers > Stormtroopers. I'll say again, the Inquisitor was lucky he didn't go up against Ahsoka. The Inquisitors are there to deal with the petty crap and the stuff Vader doesn't have time for. The Ghost Crew is proving more capable, and now you call Vader. Season 2 is looking to be a step up from Season 1. Here's hoping.
  15. Marek was a fully trained apprentice by Darth Vader himself. Ventress had jedi training from her former master and sith training from Dooku. Grievous was a mechanical monstrosity designed for a specific purpose. All characters with different backgrounds and purposes than the Inquisitor. I'm not sure why that's hard to grasp given the fact that the creators have commented on the idea behind the character (he's based on and incorporates elements from the EU Inquistors). I am really done now.
  16. When has he ever fought one on one? He always has troops with him in case he starts to lose and it's always against an opponent after a trap has been sprung. The Inquisitor is dangerous, but it's under specific situations. The Inquisitor has specific limitations, the character realizes this and takes steps to compensate for his weaknesses. Hence the trick lightsaber, the traps, ambushes, etc. That's it, I'm done.
  17. Did you watch the videos with the writers actually talking about the characters? They are clear he's not a sith or jedi. That means he wasn't trained, and therefore not on the level of an actual jedi or sith. That's why they were specific in pointing out his "trick" lightsaber. If you can't grasp that...well then I guess you can't. The Inquisitor has enough training that he can handle some jedi and primarily other force users with the full resources of the Empire backing him up. He can set traps and ambushes, which has been his primary M.O. so far in the series. Did you not notice that? That does not in any way make you a trained Jedi or Sith. The Inquisitor is dangerous, but he's not the threat a full Jedi or Sith would be. ---------------- If you really think the posters on this thread are saying Ahsoka would win "just because" she's fought characters with "more exposure" I'm wasting my time replying to you.
  18. Because according to the creators of the show in their videos, he's not meant to be.
  19. You're missing the basic point. If you watch the writers talking about the Inquisitor they are clear on the fact that he is not a fully trained Jedi or Sith. They even flat out say his lightsaber is designed the way it is so that he can imitate more advanced lightsabers styles and techniques. He's only trained in the basics and just a bit more so that he can do his job. Ahsoka was a fully trained padawan, almost a complete jedi knight at the end of the series. Her experience and training was born entirely from actual war and combat. She fought the likes of Grievous, Asaj Ventress, Death Watch, etc, and carried herself well. She would be able to decisively handle the Inquisitor. He can put up a fight, but in the end there is no doubt she'd stomp him. He's just like the Inquisitors from the EU. He has just enough skill and training to do his job with the full resources of the Empire backing him up. None of that indicates lack of faith, merely an appropriate understanding of the character, and that's coming from the writers of the show in their videos. All that being said, we'll see what they actually do with the Inquisitor, he's a pretty good character.
  20. Ungoliant? Are you sure you're Rping in the right franchise?
  21. I actually don't care. You should be mindful and not ascribe opinions to someone else casually. It makes you sound foolish. Canon is irrelevant in this discussion. There were many young adult and preteen novels that were canon. The young Boba Fett books, the Young Jedi Knight series starring Jaina and Jacen to name a few. They were very childish. I read them years ago as an adult. I didn't complain about the reading level. Rebels' purpose is to get new kids into Star Wars. Hence the main focus being a young kid training to be a jedi. He's adopted into a family, flying on a starship, having adventures, etc. It's escapist fantasy, the exact same as Luke Skywalker - simple farm boy - going off to save the galaxy. It's a targeted strategy to get young kids. That's who Disney wants watching this show and rightfully so. They own Star Wars and plan to produce Star Wars material until they go out of business. A successful franchise needs to constantly have new *young* fans coming aboard. You will get mature SW product. It's coming at the end of the year. It's called Episode 7. You can also read the Rebel related tie ins - the novels and such. Those are aimed at a more mature audience, you're not being entirely excluded when it comes to the beginning of the rebellion era. We've already gotten a Tarkin novel and a new Vader novel is on the way, and there is a new line of Marvel comics. Rebels is not for you. Disney wants little kids watching this show with their parents, and I know a couple of dads who are doing this very thing. Disney apparently feels that the real magic of Star Wars is the original trilogy era, not the prequel era. That's one reason why they cancelled Clone Wars; to finally close the book on that era. When you go to Disney Star Wars weekend - most of it - is all original trilogy related. Mickey in the orange rebel flight suit, X-Wings, Tie Fighters, etc. They have a jedi academy for little kids. I don't know if you've been there, but it's insanely popular, The trailer for episode 7 was what? Desert planet (probably Tat), stormtrooper, Millenium Falcon, X-wings, etc. It's got Han, Luke, and Leia in the movie as well. It's all evoking the OT. Disney is setting the stage for decades worth of product with Rebels and the upcoming Episode 7. Rebels is designed to bring back the imagery of the OT and introduce it to a new generation of fans. They just released a new Adventures of Luke Skywalker book featuring Ralph McQuarrie artwork. That's not a coincidence. Disney did the same thing with its acquisition of Marvel. They made a bunch of cartoons for little kids to make them fans at an early age. The movies are for the older fans. I watched the hour long premier of Rebels, realized it was going to skew to a mostly younger audience and said "Hey that's cool. I'll catch the next train." I'm guessing a lot of you people are younger, 16-25-ish. I think you are not seeing the forest for the trees. Disney is very wisely planning long-term with Star Wars. Rebels was the first part of that plan. I see fans wanting this show to be something it's apparently not intended to be. That's a foolish endeavor. Continue to complain if you want, continue to watch the show, it doesn't matter in this case. Rebels is for the little kids, the movie is for you. ------- Hopefully Rebels will evolve as the series goes on. The Clone Wars followed a similar trajectory. Kids who are 5-6 now will be 10 or 11 if the show gets to five seasons, so the tone may shift. We'll see.
  22. We'll see what they have to offer. I may have to increase my trips to Disney World in the future. The current Star Wars weekends offerings are somewhat lacking, though still fun.
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