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Everything posted by DogMeat

  1. Bane Now if Exar was to battle someone.... U pick Exar would win.. period
  2. ME: Is that a light Saber in yer pocket or are you just glad to see me..
  3. History points out a simple fact. Winner = Hero Loser = War criminal So....
  4. Anakin He was to be the savior of the universe. He had more going for him even after his turn.
  5. To think we are the ONLY life, let alone intelligent life out there is very naive indeed. To what level other life is, is yet unknown ..... or is it?
  6. Please fix combat delay and other high end bugs first. Great to see new stuff all ready. Yet, if the current game has issues, then they need fixing first..
  7. OP, The ONLY thing you said that was worth reading is the web que. That is a Total fail on BW. Sorry you don't like the game, go back to wow or whatever. I am sure you can find tons to whine about there. EnJoY Dog out ....
  8. IGV: is very poor quality, as it should be. If it were a "Vent / TS" quality we would get lots of lag and more to whine about. Get one "Vent, TS, Mumble" on your own. They are pretty cheap and Hey, you can run a server for FREE! If it is of personal nature "no reselling" guild only. Check them out, I am sure you can find something free to make you happy.
  9. While i agree with everything you just said. I see the point in it somewhat. Keeps the market from being controlled ..."over priced"
  10. Nope, guess I'm just beating a dead horse.
  11. Ready or Not.... Here we are ! Now to patch the bajesus out of it..
  12. ^^ Meant to take up yer time ...... Play longer / Pay longer
  13. Silly me.... What waaas I thinking. If your a Healer you will make lots of new enemy's
  14. Delay in keystroke to execution of skill. This is a big no no... if your a healer, just,,, just,,,,,, just made 3 new enemy's...
  15. Is it just me or is there a VERY noticeable delay from key stroke to executing of skill? This should not happen ... Period.
  16. I must agree...... Controls are slow and this is a big no no, for ANY game. They need to address this issue ASAP!
  17. You hope that after x-mas break the ques will die down... so do I.
  18. The server's maybe to capacity, yet there should be no long ques...ever. What happens after launch? Will folks have to sit in ques from now on ?
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