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Everything posted by Spliffy-TreesOG

  1. Actually he just said that you were the one that called him, and he didn't want to pick up and deal with this bs. If you'd like to actually talk to him and me come into squirtlesquads mumble, text zoe for the info and I'm sure things would be straightened out then this "he said she said bs". And no he didn't delete it, hence why I got the texts from him. and that immature comment he said was towards chukles, I don't heal and he only grouped with him to get heals. He still groups with me, aladsin and others. (his actual words in mumble, not mine. Youre welcome to join and try to prove his own words wrong against him:rolleyes:) I would believe you more if you given proof, but you haven't. So you're just talking out of your butt and have no validity to your comments, but hey find comfort it knowing that we're jealous because you're "cuter' as you put it. lmfao
  2. That excuse is the biggest lie in the history of all teenage girls. but whatever you say Dixxie Kong:rolleyes: I never tried to be creative with that insult, Opfotm used it before me and I *********** loved it, but judging from your lack of proof and him actually showing me the texts, I'll take what you say with a grain of salt thank you:) Prove me wrong or go climb back up into your tree. Kthnx
  3. Oh there's more? Would you like to confirm that or are you talking out of your jail bait behind? until you can prove to me that there are more texts (which the conversation and style of the messages show that there wasn't) then you're just the typical little teenage girl that lies to pretend that they have a grasp of the situation and an "upper hand". Or to put it in terms you understand: OOK OOK EEK.
  4. Hey Liz, he didn't clear the conversation:D I would screen shot it and post it but Im stupid and dont know how to screenshot my iphone. But the conversation went something like this: (Insert link to harbinger thread) "Go *********** see what your little friend Spliffy said in his last post, like are you *********** serious, no ones defending me I WAS ON THE ORIGINAL RANKED TEAM WITH ROWLING AND ROKUTHY, I quit for a while and came back and played with fo'sho to learn from him, not try to be him." Zoe's reply: "I'll take a look. Are they still going on about all that ****?! I just got final fantasy 14 and unsubbed from swtor lol." Liz comes back with a: "Spliffy keeps calling me jail bait and calling me bad." "Saying that I only play with older guys... like it isn't my fault I play with competent players, if I was a guy it'd be different this is *********** ******** and no ones defending me." To which zoe replies again with: "I haven't talk to him in a while but I'll see what I can do" To which the conversation ends. Yeah he really **** talked me and gave me a reaming. Now he's pissed off though that this is still going and would like it if you could stop putting words into his mouth, he doesn't want to be apart of this as a lot of people wouldn't. Now run along and be a nice baby gorilla. Here have a banana
  5. 11 *********** GIGS!? hot damn that's some ****ed up patching.. fingers cross that really isn't whats needed for 2.4
  6. Ahh excuse me I thought the name looked similar from the stream, but i was barely paying attention to that **** show:p but nice screenie on your vanguard! its those screen shots that make me want to roll a vanguard. i really want to try tactics it looks like a blast when played correctly
  7. "I am still a noob and cannot grasp this game with 9 months of being on this game, yet will open my mouth at any given point to stroke my own ego until the real big boys come and put me in my place." Anyone else interpret it that way?
  8. Genius Bravo. Btw you were the sin that was with them on Ilum right? What spec were you playing man I saw the discharge animation on your toon showing you were deception but were double striking, were you wakajin? you were doing some nice pressure at certain points:)
  9. It's not accusations when you call a 16 year old babe in your officer chat, and put a heart after every mention of her name in your videos. Go to the harbinger forums to see the video and time of it. It's the one you dueled Sinister on Ilum (the only video I could sit through without wanting to gauge my eyes out and stab my ears with Q-tips. And having to reach out for someone that is 3000 miles away.. My heart goes out to you, that is really really sad. And it's not the fact that you were douchey towards Kewa in general, this thread that you started over here proves that youre just a loud mouth ******e who is trying way to hard to get his name out there and get the attention he is so desperately deprived of. Now you're getting negative attention but you don't care it's attention after all. I don't hate you I'm actually scared of you and any child that comes into contact with you, I'm just trying to make sure everyone knows who it is they're dealing with. but I don't think I needed to say much since this server caught on pretty quickly. Now go back to not replying and doing E by yourself, you keep saying you'll shut up but never will.
  10. It's rather confusing if you haven't read up on the Harbinger forums. The flame wars once I stepped in is referring to previous posts on his "old" server. Over there he does this exact same thing, gets trolled then moves over here to continue the cycle. I just wanted to reiterate our previous "waltz" between me and the pedo-pair and laugh at them doing the same thing over here. Not the best at explaining situations but this is just trolls getting trolled by a troll that trolled them on their previous server. (god I said troll to much in that sentence)
  11. Harbinger represent! Clicking community 5 lyfe! Thats 1 more than 4 lyfe!
  12. Yeah but we all have to get our jollies somehow. I'm sure others are getting theirs at this thread, be it at me, at them or just at the sheer nerdiness of this entire debacle of a thread war. Regardless it's entertaining to say the least:o
  13. Them some mighty fine claims there. I'm gonna be leveling with him in FF14 later today when he's done school. Can't wait to hear his side of that claim
  14. If you never wanted to be apart of it then you should be yelling at your man-child bf for dragging your name into the dirt and bringing you into this. If you actually spoke up yourself on the Harbinger and said that you never wanted to be apart of this and that pac was just speaking for himself and putting words in your mouth, I would of humbly said "i understand, sorry for the confusion and attacks. He's just being a *****" But you didnt and instead kept talking through him and attempted to come back at me with lame, generic insults. That shows me that you're either really are young and immature to think out a situation logically, or you wanted to be apart of this drama (and what 16 year old girl wouldn't. It's what they live for.. I know I have a little sister around the same age as you. And NO PACIFISM! Get that thought out of your head!) Now lets have bygones be bygones, I'll let you do your thing over here and online date a loser who sits at home alone playing swtor, hitting on underage girls and poping E by themselves. You got yourself a winner right there sweetie:rolleyes:
  15. I never claimed you started that ****, but you're acting as the jail bait cheerleader that's egging them on and encouraging them to continue this charade. So you have a hand in this. Stop acting like you never wanted to be apart of this whole bs. And if you had to text him and get him to read it then yes you did bring him into this, do you not understand what that term means? I thought you learned that in grade 9 (you've past that grade.. right?) And funny he told me that he thought you weren't supposed to be in that scenario in the first place, he was just being humble and nice to both parties and I won't shoot the messenger. Next time keep the little pissy fits between us and not dragging zoe and arkov in this. (btw zoe just laughed his *** off and found it stupid you had to text him and get his opinion on it. "look what youre liitle *********** friend spliffy is doing on the threads!" was along the lines of what zoe told me.)
  16. Cath you summarized this loser in a nice accurate paragraph. Also that last comment *********** made my week. You're the best man ahah
  17. By that token she's quadruple the player you are. So she's better than us, doesn't refute my previous points about you and your "claims".
  18. Chukles apologized for me? Imma have to have a word with that little munchkin:eek: And I don't care if Akrov A.K.A Jeremy has your number, he's got a gf that he's engaged with (I think..) you missed the point entirely that you had to drag others into something that they were never involved with just to get some backup. And I never said you talked **** about fo'sho, I know you praised him which is why you sunk your claws into him. and I highly doubt pac would of added your name to that **** storm on the Harbinger unless he had your consent, which if he didn't that'd explain a lot more about his personality. Don't victimize yourself sweetie, you tried to troll back on the Harbinger with your man-child. It didn't go the way you planned and you guys are now trying to redeem yourselves and pull the same stunt over here. Classic.
  19. So you didn't try to add your point of view on the Harbinger threads and talk **** where you didn't belong? I know that "btw my pocket healer Liz says hi" was trying to be a sarcastic attack and you ended up having a rage storm after I compared you to fo'sho? Also funny that you're using the exact same line I used against you on the Harbinger! You had to hide behind your pedo-manchild to speak for you, then my friends after to get me to apologize for it. I would of apologized to you personally but I have no contact information to get in touch with you (and no, I don't want any. I've spoken to you twice on the deadweight vent waaaaaay back when and that was enough for a life time)
  20. You suffer from short term memory loss just like your pedo bf, eh? Go back to the harbinger youngling you had to try and antagonize me with pacifism and it failed horribly, which resorted in Akrov whispering me and I actually told him to apologize for my actions towards you. But then right after you and pac left you guys had to kick that dead horse (or he did) only to find him doing the exact same stunt over here. I actually have no ill feelings towards you as a person, Liz. I just find it extremely coincidental that all the guys you've online dated with this game (that I know of) have gotten en flatted egos and try to pull this **** on the forums. And it's getting rather old and tiresome. Now go back to your bubble of pedophilia and delusional self proclaims of greatness. This is getting to be the same conversation we've had over and over on the Harbinger:rolleyes:
  21. You mean that guild that's gone belly up twice already? You're slowly falling into the abyss known as forgotten guilds. I already explained my reasoning behind having my toons on a PVE server (that server you originated from, oh young care bear and with more alts than you could handle!) sorry I have friends and ties over there that mean more to me than an elitist title of "LOL I juss tranfred dats means i am part of big bois nowz". I won't speak for the high end ranking guilds but chances are they would never want to take you or any of your "jawas", and just say those things to Liz because any guy on a video game will cling at a ***** if they're desperate enough. ***** is a great way to get more people into your guild too. but I await to be proven wrong on that. And a child should be better at a video game than man, chances are she only ever has to worry about sitting infront of her computer flirting with older men and trying to get sensai to notice her in class. and once again you mistake jealousy for mockery and satire at how outlandishly bad you are. Also why keep bringing up that we've never spoken in teamspeak? I don't spend my time around pedophile man-childs teamspeaks so chances are you won't hear from me. Unless you wanna jump into the squirtlesquad mumble. Im in there from time to time:p Now go back to your original statement of shutting it and going back into your delusional bubble of self proclaimed greatness, mmk? mmk.
  22. Says the girl who couldn't win with even playing fields against Sinister. I don't stalk bads sweet heart you opened your mouth on harbinger where you didn't belong and are now doing the exact same thing over here. If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen, child.
  23. Actually I don't see it that way, I see it as the hostess accepting the fact that desperate old men are hitting on her and getting a rouse out of it, and actually flirting back with them, sorry if she can't accept the fact that if she's getting serious with a 20+ year old dude online it's going to spark some disgust in the community. I'm sorry if my views on relationships seem a little out dated but it's rather disgusting to see a child on an MMO actually spark feelings with a 20+ year old man (that's the saddest point of all, Pacifism. But different strokes for different folks.) and now I'm just poking fun at a bad pedo and his little baby gorilla:D Also she has his number for whatever reason I don't know, I just found it hilarious and wanted to share that she had to resort to getting my friends involved to have some backup in the situation (a situation she never should of been involved with actually, if you'd be interested in reading the harbinger thread involving this exact scenario)
  24. **** yeah it is my man! Spliffy is still his name too =) not online atm but shoot me a whisper if you catch me online, I don't have class or work tomorrow so I'll be floating around this game and FF14:D
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