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Everything posted by Cernow

  1. There's two types of quitter as I see it. Type 1) There's those who are just interested in the minimum effort to get their PvP rewards. So if they detect they are on the weaker side they will bail very early. Type 2) There are those who are interested in playing a warzone as intended, capturing the objectives and so on. If they detect they are thrown into a group of other players who have no intention of playing the scenario as intended and just want to rack up the kills, then they will quit. Type 1 you can't do much about in a game that rewards PvP grinding. If you force them to stay they will just find somewhere to idle semi afk until the game ends (often by making it look like they are defending something when they actually aren't). The only solution is to reward activity more and give less rewards for just being there. Win bonuses are not the solution, its objectives bonuses which are needed. Type 2 you CAN do something about. You can play the warzone as intended and you'll find these players are much more likely to stick around. Of course, you're at perfect liberty to NOT play the warzone as intended, you pay your subs it's your choice. But then you have to accept that some players choice is to abandon your team because they pay their subs too and aren't having fun.
  2. You're making the age old mistake of equating damage (or healing) done with skill. Perhaps the player scoring less damage / healing was actually trying to play the warzone as intended - capping a door, defending a turret, getting in position to recieve a ball pass etc etc. And if you just want to talk about damage and healing, was it effective? Anyone can get high numbers if they try, especially classes with access to good aoe. But is it effective damage? And so on. Skill comes in many different shapes and sizes and is not just about epeen numbers.
  3. I remember that game where my Powertech spent more time immobilized or bouncing around a Warzone like a rubber ball than actually fighting. I remember when a game with better PvP came along and I moved to it. Simple fact is, ALL the problems SWTOR has in PvP have previously happened in other MMOs. And in those other MMOs these problems either got fixed or they didn't and they killed the game in question. It's as if SWTOR was developed in a bubble and none of the devs had ever seen PvP in another game. Having decided to put PvP in this game they need to get up to speed very fast and make it a fun experience that people want to keep coming back to . Currently it's driving people away.
  4. Cernow

    Stun/CC Discussion

    Resolve is the problem. If it is working as intended, then it needs changing. If it's not working as intended, it needs fixing. Resolve needs to be reworked so that ALL crowd control effects add to the resolve bar. Even then there will probably still be too much crowd control. They need to change the CC breaker ability that everyone has so that once you use it you get temporary CC immunity (for say 8 seconds) to prevent being immediately CC'd again after using it. Crowd control as it currently stands in this game is game breaking. It's as if Bioware never saw how PvP is handled in other games to learn from it. Very very amateur.
  5. Introducing PvP Pinball, it's a fun game everyone can play, but tanks do it best. The first objective is to get yourself stunned. Theres lots of interesting ways to achieve this, there's being turned to stone, electrocuted, darted, stunned by the force, tranquilized and lots more. My favourite one is being held up in the air with my legs wriggling. There's no need to wait long for points, if you're lucky you can get stunned straight after the last one wears off. Try to see if you can win extra PvP Pinball points for getting three different stuns in a row. Bonus points if two or more of those stuns came from the same player. Extra points are awarded for getting stunned in interesting places. Endzone planking in Huttball is a favourite of mine. One advantage of being stunned is it gives you a chance to survey the battle and see where the person you were trying to hit has gone so you can follow them, slowly of course because now you'll probably be snared as well. Perhaps you'll get lucky and someone will knock, pull or push you to where you want to go. But if nobody wishes to oblige you'll need to use your gap closer, if you have one, which opens up the second main objective of PvP Pinball. Whenever you're not stunned your other main objective is to bounce around like, you guessed it, a pinball. This is fun and provides a welcome alternative to not being able to move. It's especially fun to create an instant bouncing effect by using a gap closing move to jump to someone you know has a knockback so you can be instantly bounced to a random location. This is spectacular for both participant and spectators alike, so try it often. There's big bonus points on offer if you can get bounced immediately for a second time, causing a chain reaction. Two bounces and finishing in fire or acid scores you the jackpot. If you can Grapple someone into the fire or acid with you before you die then you are truly a god of PvP Pinball, award yourself an extra Warzone medal and go have a much needed lie down and dream of games with fun PvP.
  6. Better still, allow crafters to make Centurion gear (or comparable) at 400 skill. That way it gives Armormech and Synthweaving a much needed boost in endgame viability and it allows players to get up to speed faster and without anyone feeling they've been given a free handout. End result, everyone is happy.
  7. WASD but A and D are strafe. Mouse to turn. In PvP where mobility is crucial I tend to use the mouse to move as well. Camera panning with left mouse. No mouse clicking on abilities (this is really important), it's all keybinds. I put my primary rotation abilities on the number keys, 1, 2, 3 etc as I find it easier to remember what is what that way. Then I map other important abilities to keys near to WASD (E, F, G, C, V etc). Less important abilities I map to function keys and any other spare keys. Most of the default keys I've remapped. For targetting I use F1 instead of Tab as I've always done this in MMOs and it works for me. Stick with Tab if that's what you're used to. Companion attack I mapped to T as on certain classes I like to send the pet in first or micromanage which mob they need to be attacking. Best tip I can give is to remap R to something other than chat reply, because there's nothing worse than accidentally hitting R in the middle of a frantic fight only to find your whole rotation for the last minute was being typed to a friend
  8. Lacquerous Mesh Helmet (crafted orange) will give you the same look: http://www.torhead.com/item/bcCAOeD/lacqerous-mesh-helmet It's a level 39 item. The colouring is slightly lighter but its the same model.
  9. Cyber/Scav/Underworld is a solid choice, it's what I have on my Powertech. It meant I was always able to keep my armour upgraded during levelling, which is very useful for a tank. Scavenging is a good money maker too, selling metals on the GTN. Yes at endgame Cybertech is currently rather redundant, but the changes coming in 1.2 should improve the situation. Plus it means you can keep alts upgraded too. Endgame people will tell you that you HAVE to be Biochem. Well maybe that is true right now but 1.2 is going to change a lot of things. Bioware are more than aware of the situation with Biochem being the only currently viable crew skill for endgame and changes are planned. The other setup that would work well for a shield tech is Armormech/Scav/Underworld. But I would only go this route if your server doesn't have many active Armormechs and the orange items you want can't be bought easily on the GTN.
  10. Blizz: hands down the most fun and adorable companion. Love his one liners and boundless optimism. My Powertech is a tank but still uses him most fights because he's so much fun to fight with - we twin tank stuff and both get beaten up a lot, but don't care! Kaliyo: wonderfully voice acted. Kaliyo has the most depth of all the companions I've seen. She's dark and complicated and since my Sniper is light sided this throws up some interesting situations. Mako: a well thought out character who sticks to her principles. Good voice acting. Easily the most useful companion any advanced class gets.
  11. They bolted PvP onto a PVE game so it's all rather an afterthought. It seems they've only really attempted to balance the classes around warzones (and not particularly successfully even there). Open World PvP and zerg vs zerg PvP are very different animals to warzones and I just don't think Bioware understand this format. In zerg vs zerg you need 'crowd breakers' - classes that can push into the enemy pack, cause some disruption and split the zerg up a bit. This is best suited to tanks and melee dps if they are given abilities that allow them to close the gap and temporarily be immune to crowd control. With some healing backup this allows for a push. But currently in this game tanks and melee dps are just ping pong balls for ranged classes to play with. If melee can manage to close the gap they are either stunned repeatedly and focused down. Or otherwise they are constantly knocked back and bounced around. It's a terrible design and something the devs should really have seen coming. All they needed to do was study some other MMOs.
  12. Shouting at people to make a point isn't exactly my preferred method of "social interaction" I think you're answering your own question quite effectively
  13. Typical copy and paste response that always crops up in threads like this. People play MMOs for a diverse range of reasons. People have different play schedules / windows that may or may not accommodate group play. Therefore, devs need to support this diversity. Raid content should not be the only endgame. Nor of course should solo content or PvP content. There needs to be a mix and a diverse choice of things to do at endgame. It needs to be the case that you can achieve good endgame character development regardless of your preferred method, be it raiding, small group, duo or solo or indeed a mix of all of these.
  14. What, you want the attention deficit generation to sit out a game for more than 30 seconds without whining and bawling? Good luck with that Totally agree though.
  15. Yep, tab targetting is a total mess in PvP. And there's no point saying "try click targetting" because there's also something very buggy about that. It can very often be almost impossible to click on someone (friend or foe) in PvP to target them, even if they are static - and of course most people are never static and whizz around like demented flies. So, the combination of tab targetting being mostly broken and click targetting being very difficult, it makes for a not very fun experience. It would also explain a lot of why people don't seem to interupt objectives being capped properly in warzones, they are probably struggling to target the right person.
  16. Tanks deserve MVP for having to put up with the brunt of all the crowd control BS in this game. Try playing the human ping pong ball that tanks are in PvP and you'll soon agree they deserve a medal just for being there
  17. The discussion is about introducing the Advanced classes a bit more gently and coherently and suddenly you're talking about swapping archetypes at maximum level. Miss the point much?
  18. Definitely agree with this, the advanced class pairs for each archetype all play very differently and in some cases it's hard to make a connection despite some shared abilities. It would have made for a better character development if the levels 10 to 20 were spent doing missions for each of the two advanced classes using a temporary 'loan' of the mechanics for that advanced class. Then you make your final choice at 20. Yes it's relatively quick to re-roll before level 20, but that's not the point. The Advanced classes are introduced very weakly into the storyline and as soon as you arrive on the Fleet you're given a very lame introductory spiel and then thrown in at the deep end with your choice.
  19. The problem mostly happens if you enter combat after stepping off an elevator, either by choice or forced. The companion will then keep riding up and down the elevator and won't come to your side (even if you use passive mode) and won't join the fight. And of course can't be unsummoned because you are in combat. This problem can arise when you aren't aware your companion didn't get off the elevator and you ask them to initiate combat. In this situation you are flagged as 'in combat' but nothing happens. They just stand at the edge of the elevator going up and down like an idiot. Because you are now in combat the companion cannot be unsummoned.
  20. Please teach companions how to use elevators properly. On those elevators which are platforms which rise and fall, often companions will refuse to get on / off them. Strangely, it's the larger elevators which cause the problem more than the smaller ones. Push button lifts are more reliable, except those inside certain instances which seem to despawn the companion. Having to unsummon / resummon companions every time I want to use an elevator soon gets tedious.
  21. Definitely one of the most irritating 'features' in the game and there's no reason it needs to be this way. Simply send the notification to pending if other UI windows are open. Additionally, because it can interupt during normal gameplay too, provide an option in Preferences for this behaviour to be toggled on/off.
  22. Yeah I don't see the reason / logic behind hardwiring 90% of blaster attacks to use a fixed built-in colour rather than the colour the player has chosen via their colour crystal. If it's an oversight it needs fixing. If it's a design decision it's a poor one that needs rethinking.
  23. There are a number of orange Blaster Pistols and Lightsabers available for commendations which are restricted to offhand only. Why? If it works as a secondary weapon, it should surely also work as a primary weapon? For example, any gun you can hold and shoot in your offhand should surely work just as well, if not better, when held in your mainhand? Same goes for a lightsaber. This seems a totally arbitrary decision to make certain items offhand only and there's no logic behind it. It's not like this is raid loot you want to restrict to certain clases, these are orange items bought for commendations. This decision locks out non dual wielding classes and companions and its not like the commendation vendors are overflowing with choice. Even dual wielding classes are probably not interested in the items if they wish to have a matched pair of weapons. For example, there's the R-406 Heavy Sonic Disruptor, purchasable for Belsavis Commendations on Imperial side. It is Offhand only, yet has a very large visual appearance which would imply it is most likely suited to being a mainhand weapon. being offhand only it means my Powertech cannot use it and none of my companions can either. And if I was a Merc I probably wouldn't want it because I couldn't use two as a matched pair (I realise this is a personal preference). These items need changing to be mainhand / offhand wieldable.
  24. Indeed. But given that the two Agent advanced classes have such hugely different playstyles they need to ensure they are treated differently during class missions. All it needs is some code that moves the Sniper to a location away from the mission boss and leaves the Operative in melee range. To not do so is sloppy.
  25. My 33 Sniper ran into this bugged nightmare of a mission back in early January. After multiple attempts I gave up and parked my Sniper. Instead I levelled a Sorcerer to 50 and got my legacy that way. Then levelled a Powertech to 47 So tonight I thought I would return to my Sniper and see if they fixed this after 2 months of release. LOL, of course not. Such a huge bug causing a major roadblock in a class storyline would receive priority attention wouldn't you think? Seemingly not. They have managed to find the time to nerf Operatives into the ground though. I did eventually get through it, by standing right on top of Jadus and using my melee attack Shiv and interupts. None of my ranged attacks seemed to work. It was a really unpleasant fight and I hated not being able to complete it properly as a Sniper should. But at least I got past it. I am stunned that this problem still persists, it is nothing short of embarassing for Bioware that they haven't fixed it yet.
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