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Everything posted by APNTerra

  1. See my point? There has been NO EFFORT to give even a ray of hope to the community on these problems, communication is lacking at best. The developers simply tell you "its coming soon" "its planned" "watch the swtor website". How long are we expected to wait before the issues we have are fixed, this patch is just going to bring more issues that will mean more patches, and more downtime, and more complaining and less subscribers.
  2. Your right, at least the first time they do it. How many times has it been now... 3, 4+ plus removing ranked warzones from 1.2 because they realized it didnt work, not to mention the rubbish armor designs, the epic loading screens (and my comp runs with all graphics on high seamlessly), even with all settigns on low. The lack of open world pvp, the failure of ilum. need i go on? this is most definitely incompetence
  3. The extended maintenance was most likely because ranked warzones didnt work, and they had to shuffle of their butts, fix it, and re-upload it rather than betraying the community and removing it again. i bet
  4. I mean i would like to be able to play at 4pm. Why they cant patch EU servers during US Daytime, and US servers during EU daytime is beyond me, it would be easier, and you wouldnt have to worry about having the servers up ontime.
  5. had fresh air this morning when the servers were SUPPOSED to be down. Came back, want to play, have work soon. They should patch EU servers at opposite times, im PAYING to play the game in my time, therefore as a PAYING customer, i expect the game to be online during my timezone. Sure i dont mind maintenance, when they say it will be 4 HOURS , its now coming on 8 hours, so that is 8 hours of my PAID FOR gametime i have lost, working up-to at least 1 days worth per month. If bioware actually had competent people in there staff, and better communication, this would not happen
  6. Mass effect? 1 & 2 ill give you, and every part upto the last 15 mins of 3...
  7. APNTerra


    Dont be rude, he asked what. i cant spot the damn problem, you just run left and right repeatedly and then type something in chat. Here is an idea, instead of posting a video with no title, no text describing the problem whatsoever, and basic laziness, why not submit a bug report!
  8. Im forced to agree with this, and im willing to bet 90% of the playerbase will go if the game goes F2P, and most likely wont recover. I for one will do what i always do, and go back to EvE online if this game goes F2P, because i love this game, but i refuse to play ANY game that has micro-transactions.
  9. What if they were to do both? Have select servers that are subscription based and locked out of F2P, and servers for F2P that have microtransactions on them. Once people get into playing the game, they could upgrade to a subscription based model...
  10. I think a vendor that sells all of the armor gear you can attain through missions for companions would be satisfactory, as if you miss a peice, or use different companions, you never get a full set. So long as that vendor was upgraded with newer armor ect every so often, i would be happy.
  11. With added bonus for the cybertech ones, because they are ugly and USELESS
  12. I play EVE, and have done since launch, if they incorporate EvE's space into this game, might as well just keep playing eve instead.... i actually like the rail shooter style.
  13. PVP Vendor has schematics, or buy one on the GTN... You did not look hard enough!
  14. The estimated date as i understand it is :
  15. This , This & More This The end game gear designers want shooting, and then some.Its like they have never even seen star wars, and spend their days watching power rangers.
  16. If this game goes F2P, and has any single kind of a pay to win system, i will quit permanently and find a better game. Clearly all of the people who say "your wrong the game is donig fine should facepalm here, a a subscription based game going free to play is almost always bad news.
  17. Simple question really, just want to know what others feel their favorite quest is in the game.
  18. Same with me, just put alot of money into my desktop to increase performance, still have crappy loading screen's and the black screen with just the UI
  19. i second this suggestion, i also think the jedi temple remains would make an awesome war zone!!!!!! EDIT : or open world pvp area.
  20. This is a good example of a silly idea, would like to see short lightsaber's make a return for sent/maur offhands though, and it would be awesome if they hold them how asoka does in the clone wars, one behind her back ect.
  21. I solo the bosses between Drommund Kass -> Nar Shaddaar all the time, agreed he wasn't very nice stealing it from you, however, i myself always ask in general if any Low levels want to join me, the reason i do it isn't to farm loot, its more because some of the loot dropped is BOE, so i can use it on new alts. You come on he forums and demand that us level 50's be stopped from killing world bosses? What good does that do, if your group was all there and ready then why the hell dint you attack it, were you discussing every single second of the fight in detail before getting aggro like it was an attack on the deathstar? Those bosses are not that hard, the drommund kass one i soloed at level 35 with a few medpacks and stims, using my defense skills (As a tank) at the right times. If you were stood drawing a sketch of the scene before killing the damn thing, it serves you right that you lost it to a level 50.
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