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Everything posted by -kobie-

  1. /wave to fellow Tarantatekians Yeah, the numbers (both in raw numbers and number of high-level players) seems very skewed towards the Empire at the moment. It'll even out eventually, I'm not worried. I had my first taste of real open-world PvP earlier today, and I realized that my toolbar setup is not at all conducive to it. Time to do some tweaking when I get home from work.
  2. Huttball is terrible. Easily my least favorite of the 3 warzones.
  3. Um, no. Not even close. The game has been out for what, three days? And people are already complaining that there's not enough people out of the starter worlds to have giant battles every day?
  4. I love how anyone who isn't 100 percent on board with killing people the second they roll a character is a "PvE'r" who shouldn't have rolled on a PvP server. I play on a PvP server and I'm glad I do; I enjoy the challenge. however, I gain no satisfaction from killing someone who has NO CHANCE WHATSOEVER. If you're the kind of sociopath that does, well, I guess it's a good thing that there are some safeguards so players can at least get SOMEWHERE without being harassed by a sadist.
  5. Pretty sure all of the larger PvP servers are heavily skewed Empire, but that's based purely on anecdotal evidence.
  6. Yes, because we need MORE reason for level 50s to camp noobs who are trying to level.
  7. Uh ... what? I thought it was pretty obvious that Nute Gunray and the other Trade Federation guys were in cahoots with Darth Sidious for some time.
  8. He apparently forgot Artoo and Threepio as well.
  9. Do they have a kit that makes Corso not an aggro-sucking idiot?
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