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Posts posted by -kobie-

  1. I'm pretty sure that commando healers would have a word with you.


    Commando healers actually have defense.


    I agree 100% with the OP. I rolled Scoundrel as my first toon because I wanted a healer ... knowing then what I know now, I would have just rolled a Sage. Sawbones is useless.

  2. I think the tiebreaker actually first checks how many secondary objectives you get (i.e. force fields disabled), and if that's still a tie I guess the side that killed more wins or something.


    I don't think it's that complicated.


    Round 1 determines the edge in the tiebreaker. If you are the defending team in Round 1, and you successfully defend, then you're guaranteed the win whether you cap in Round 2 or not. And if you are the attacking team in Round 1 and cap successfully, then you're guaranteed the win no matter what happens in Round 2.


    This is how it seems to work to me, anyway.

  3. A significant majority of pug players do not know when other people are doing a good job, or do not care.


    A significant majority of premade players only MVP other members of the premade, to give their buddies a boost.


    The fact is, you can be the best player in the WZ and not get any MVPs - you simply should just accept it, and enjoy them when you do actually get them :)




    People really need to stop whining about meaningless MVP votes.

  4. A month or not, this is just stupid. You really dropped the ball on this one (Pun intended), way to waste 300 million dollars.


    It was a "waste of 300 million dollars" (a dollar figure that is almost 100% speculation) because Huttball isn't quite as rewarding if you faceroll the other team?


    Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.

  5. Yeah..we all know it happens. Smugglers can glitch behind first door and then arm it. Dont deny it..ive watched it happen on multiple occassions..im standing at the door..no one in site and boom the bomb arms behind me. A.) bioware why havent you fixed this yet. B.) repubs are you that bad that you have to cheat to win? bad players are just bad.

    Um, Imperials have been able to glitch the first door since launch.

  6. It is your fault. It would be broken if you COULD take down a guy that worked for his gear.


    It's answers like this that make the PvP forum an absolute cesspool.


    One guy, even in PvP gear, taking out SEVEN PEOPLE is OK? Good to know.


    The WoW crowd runs this asylum, that much is clear.

  7. so whats the problem?


    take a look at a none pvp view...flashpoints loot is random you can run it 10+ times and not see the piece you want....



    it's random so you have to WORK for it....


    A quibble ...


    It is not work. Unless you're a chinese credit farmer, you are not working, you are playing a video game.

  8. To you all who are mad about the pvp.


    Your really going to leave a game that has been out not even a month? Really? No MMO in history has had everything working right when they first launched even your precious WoW had issues at launch. I really think all the people who are complaining and quitting right now probably were already going to quit just to prove their point that this game will fail.


    With that said I say goodbye to you all complainers. Your rage only makes this games community stronger.




    People are expecting flawless PvP in a game that's less than two weeks old. These people need to grow up already.

  9. I am not going to cancel right now because I want to play out some of the other stories, but I will say that if Bioware ever does read this: I am extremely disappointed in the PVP of this game thus far and I am not encouraged that it was marketed as somewhat cutting edge when it came to PVP


    It most certainly was not.

  10. ....yeah, right.


    I don't believe it anymore. The game must be lying to me. I'm level 35. I play on Terentetek. It's PVP...I double checked. :)


    So far, I've seen ONE person of the opposite faction in all of my travels (outside of warfronts). I wanted to fight, even though he was a higher level, but he was on a speeder WAY faster than mine...couldn't catch him.


    Someone, please tell me this changes. Please?


    I play on Tarantatek as well. During my Tat session, I think I encountered 2 or 3 people; my first day on Alderaan I saw about four others.


    I'd be willing to bet that as more people level up you'll see more factional activity on contested planets.

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