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Posts posted by -kobie-

  1. Both times it was in the rakghoul tunnels, which as far as i can see is not a pvp area. And yes it was a flag i hadn't gotten around to turning off as i was busy helping some players. And i only whispered them to figure out why they did it, no please don't attack me nothing.


    If you're flagged, you're flagged. There's no "I didn't get around to turning it off." You were flagged, you're fair game.

  2. I tend to find most forum complaining to be overwrought and stupid, but seriously, this is a pantload, BW. No warning, no correspondence on Twitter or the forums. On a weekend.


    Even SWG would normally tell you what was happening, and SOE is nothing short of 27 shades of incompetent.

  3. i have recently returned, to find my server is a ghost town and that this problem is wide spread and without a general population this game wont be able to carry on,


    my question is will 1.3 be enough to keep old players busy and enough to bring back old subs and encourage new players to join, because this seems like its heading F2P or closure.


    Anyone who thinks SWTOR is heading toward closure is delusional.

  4. Last night, I started running into an issue where my cutscenes went silent. Either the cutscene would have partial dialogue or none at all.


    Obviously this isn't working as intended. Anyone else running into this issue, and has Bioware addressed it?

  5. Dude u crazy it absolutely is biowares fault its bad coding. So cause someone didnt join the que its the other 15 people who suffer? No u fix the que system and how it works. This does not happen in other games. Were giving excuses to bioware for issues that in every other game r non issues. I mean how much of a fanboy r u?


    Anyone who uses "r" and "u" as abbreviations should have their internet privileges suspended for a year.

  6. I know this is probably going to get pushed off the front page with all the sky-is-falling rhetoric, but why take the servers down two hours earlier than normal for a patch? I get out of work at midnight eastern -- now I have one hour to play instead of three, like for every other patch.
  7. SWG was awesome. i really miss being a stacked fencer/pistol and running from Anchorhead to Bestine to kick 50 or so imperials ***'s was awesome being able to win a 20-1 fight why oh why did they fix this game it was the most fun i ever had:P oh yes how could you forget the walk from Anchrhead to Jabbas palace before they put mounts into the game now that was awesome. Peronally i think they ruined the whole social grouping part of the game by taking out the 10 min wait time for a shuttle. I met many good friends in that shuttle que was like sitting at a bus stop in an mmo :)


    Easily the worst part of the old version of the game. I play games to play them, not to stand there like a g-d lump waiting 10 minutes for a shuttle. Utterly pointless, boring forced socialization.


    Shared misery should not be the start of a friendship.

  8. I am not saying that dark troopers would never defect to the Empire for the reasons you described.


    I am, however, arguing against the idea that you seem to be promoting that it is impossible for an immoral trooper to exist in the republic, or that any who do are idiots. There are plenty of reasons to be loyal to the republic but not espouse light side ideals. There are plenty of ways to hate the empire and make choices that are rabidly republic partisan to a dark side extreme. You certainly meet plenty of military people over all the various planets with various degrees of integrity and loyalty.



    Hell, General Garza herself gets on your case for taking the "light side" option a few times in the Trooper questline. She'd rack up more than a few DS points taking her "the mission is the No. 1 priority at all times" stance on the road.

  9. the games broken wake up 50% of the people that still play are just waiting on guild wars 2. once that game is out this game will be 100% dead.


    Cool story bro. Made up statistics are awesome.


    Plus, if 50% of the people left to play GW2, wouldn't that make this game 50% dead, not 100% dead?

  10. I sorry i just dont feel the third movie was that good :p some awsome parts but dialogue wise and such not so much


    The problem wasn't the third movie, it was the ridiculous pacing of the first two. They could have done away with The Phantom Menace altogether, started with Anakin as a teenage Padawan to set the stage, and basically done the events of ROTS over two movies.


    It seemed rushed in ROTS because Lucas spent the first two movies screwing around with CGI Gungans and wisecracking Battle Droids instead of advancing the story.

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