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Everything posted by Maxibo

  1. Maxibo

    Season 14 Payouts

    It says you will be able to buy replica rewards, it does not however, state which replicas we are talking about specifically. This is what they do so that they can deny any other statement further down the road
  2. Yeah I think this is a great addition to the system. Something less great is a bug that gives you a 25 ELO penalty for leaving the queue without it even popping. This just happened to me lel
  3. Yeah I know what you mean tbh. Grinding my way up to 1504 I thought I was doing nicely until I started losing. 10k dps sorcs who don't know they can cc break net, 30k dps's in 2 rounds, skanktanks, win traders, afkers etc etc. I've gone from a 80% win ratio to less than 50% which means I've lost almost 250 rating since my luck turned., and it's still dropping. I don't consider myself an awesome pvp player either but I normally go high up in tier 2 most seasons. And my win/loss ratio has never ever been this awful. RNG is defo not in my favor this season.
  4. Right, let me break this down for y'all! As a pve AND a pvp player I can say that pre 3.3 sorcs were fine, but since the changes to force costs for corruption sorcs in 3.3 sorcs would need a higher output to counter the higher costs of the abilities to still be viable in PVE. They're pretty much the same in pve as they were pre 3.3 healing wise, but since you don't really have to manage force in the same way when doing ranked/regs (mainly because they're not 10minute fights) it's unbalanced for pvp. Thus Bioware has yet again neglected you poor people who don't do Operations. Have a cookie!
  5. Will it be your current rating or your highest earned rating that determines what tier you'll end up in this season? They didn't mention that. I know it's been highest earned rating in previous seasons but since they changed the system it would be nice to know.
  6. This ^ right here is the exact reason I posted my comment. This guy gets it.
  7. My point with my post was that as of now they haven't updated us for almost 20 hours, which is quite amazing for an mmorpg. Atleast it is in my opinion. I've played plenty of mmo's and when encountering an issue with a patch the updates regarding said issue were posted way more frequently. So there's no need to start making personal remarks.
  8. That's not a good reason tho. They know that they have players outside the US wether they are on NA servers or not. It's 15.46pm where I live and should be around +/- 1 hour for the rest of Europe.
  9. You'd think that they would have offered us atleast an update on what's causing the delay by now, but nope. I get that they want it to work properly, but atleast have the decency of updating us, wether progress is being made or not.
  10. I've been in several arenas with you and against you and don't get me wrong, I feel sorry for you if you have such a slow computer, but from what I've seen when playing with you, the damage you've dealt according to the charts isn't lying. Your dps is quite low, and that might also be affected by a slow computer but I just think you need to practice different scenarios in warzones before you go ranked again. Going down to one rating either means trolling or having such a slow computer that you can't do **** for an entire arena, in which case you probably shouldn't queue Keeping track on all your dots/direct damage by just looking is near impossible as a hatred assassin, since if you do it correctly you have between 6-8 dots plus a demolish ticking simultaneously on the enemy team. And don't forget to taunt!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck :3
  11. I like how they said that the rest of the rewards would be shown "soon", that was a FEW WEEKS ago, and now we're 5 days away from actually getting them and there's still nothing on the crystals or the weapon animations. lol
  12. TOFN Has the same issues aswell. The lagg is so heavy that we can't kill bosses in HM ops because they enrage due to our DPS's not being able to do just that.....dps. So less 500 ms spikes would be nice....
  13. Brilliant, I got a reply from the main person I wanted one from aswell (y) thanks mate! :3
  14. To be quite honest. All these opinions are pretty confusing. I've geared my assassin to almost full BiS - from my estimates - Dark Reaver, but somehow I feel that the 95% accuracy I've stacked isn't necessary. I've played around with different stats abit, but how do you guys feel about the accuracy in this spec? I can't really recall my abilities missing with 90% accuracy in pvp unless someone popped a heavy cooldown. So should I stay with the 95% acc or just get another stat that I'd prefer more? I normally don't feel the need to ask for help on these matters but right now I'm at a loss and I would appreciate any advice or opinion.
  15. Yeaaaah.....You do realise that Revan is released in 2 days time - if you pre-ordered and the season ends at the same time - and you still haven't released more info other than mount, crystals, a few weapons and 2 armor set looks..
  16. Take into consideration that season 2 didn't have the 1650 requirement for T1 tho.
  17. Well they all must have done more than one match in order to get a rating. Yes I agree and understand that 10 games wont do ****, you need to be active consistently but you also just said something which I originally stated as a problem that ruins it for people who actually do participate throughout the season. There are so many players who are now trying to get the T3 reward which means there will be ungeared people in arenas (more than the usual amount). And yes, this might always be a problem and BW needs to sort that out, but it doesn't make it any easier when you're trying to up your rating and you have to carry another player and the oposite team has 4 fully geared players. I have no idea how many active ranked players my server really has, but I know there are plenty of trolls and pve conquest people around.
  18. I never said it proves my point. I said my point was that 73 people out of that number of players means it is near impossible statistic-wise to reach the top tier. Especially compared to previous seasons if you look at the number of participants overall. Season 2 had 50% more people playing than season 3 and the top tier rating was still lower than in this season. And the purpose of my thread was that I wanted to know on what statistics bioware base the decisions to place the tier ratings at their current level when the number of players participating has dropped consistently. So there's no reason to throw mild insults in this thread.
  19. There are currently 73 people between rank 3 and 261 out of 17645 above tier one which was my entire point.
  20. I recently had this post in another section so I thought I'd move it. I would love to know how you base your decision on placing the season 3 ranked warzone tiers at; Tier 3: <1300 Tier 2: 1300-1649 (349 rating from tier 2 to 1?!) Tier 1: !650+ Lowering the reward-ceiling by 4% whilst losing 50% of the participants for soloqueue between season 2 and 3 seems very odd. You have to wait around 20 minutes to get a pop on Tomb of Freedon Nadd when queueing solo ranked, and you end up with trolls who go in without any gear on, or leave just when the warzone starts more often than you end up with geared people. Unless you're very lucky with people or the other team is unlucky - in terms of getting the trolls - it's near impossible to reach 1650 rating. Considering the amount of people queueing now compared to previous seasons, having tier 1 at 1500, 1550 or even 1600 seems much more appropriate. Also, why has the Unique armor reward been placed in Tier 1 all of the sudden? To post some solid statistics, I'll refer to this link previously posted by another player; http://www.swtor-mined.com/ I would love to get some answers on this.
  21. Well tbh if you announce the rewards at the start of the season it might solve the time it takes for the queue to pop, but the amount of trolls doing ranked will increase like it always does once rewards have been announced. They'll go in and yolo to get a shot at the rewards.
  22. I would love to know how you base your decision on placing the season 3 ranked warzone tiers at; Tier 3: <1300 Tier 2: 1300-1649 (349 rating from tier 2 to 1?!) Tier 1: !650+ Lowering the reward-ceiling by 4% whilst losing 50% of the participants for soloqueue between season 2 and 3 seems very odd. You have to wait around 20 minutes to get a pop on Tomb of Freedon Nadd when queueing solo ranked, and you end up with trolls who go in without any gear on, or leave just when the warzone starts more often than you end up with geared people. Unless you're very lucky with people or the other team is unlucky - in terms of getting the trolls - it's near impossible to reach 1650 rating. Considering the amount of people queueing now compared to previous seasons, having tier 1 at 1500, 1550 or even 1600 seems much more appropriate. Also, why has the Unique armor reward been placed in Tier 1 all of the sudden? To post some solid statistics, I'll refer to this link previously posted by another player; http://www.swtor-mined.com/ I would love to get some answers on this.
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