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Everything posted by MrGrzecka

  1. Hawk-x is the best shadow on the server I would like to prove it by beating every sin in the 1v1 tournament but Scold will not allow me to compete.
  2. Hey Elite Warlord Hawk- x here and I noticed I wasnt included in the roster do I need to send you a tell or somthing?
  3. Time to see who the best shadow is put me in - Hawk-x - Jedi Shadow.
  4. Lul same with Synergy they always have 8+ on but dont que without the perfect comp .
  5. Lol you were a ****** mara.
  6. Lol badcompany always has a comp on they just dont que..
  7. This is the best video ive seen in along time including his concealment operative. Your the only person in swtor who makes rwz videos that are actually GOOD.
  8. Lol its funny your riding mauulls dick just go spam buttons on a dummy and get off his dick.
  9. Again who are you? Im curious to know your name and I wonder if your one of the 15% of the "GOOD" players on the bastion your refering too.
  10. W8 you guys are bragging about pulling dps on a dummy?? and claiming that takes skill so on a DUMMY it is a preset rotation and thats what you guys are bragging about LOLLOLOL
  11. Yeah scope you forgot they have to move out of circles and do a TANK SWAP every now and then that takes skill.
  12. You guys qued for the first time in like 28 weeks. Sad thing is you always have like 8+ on.
  13. Lol I hear people in suckafish have a higher DPS then you.
  14. So why would dps on a dummy matter? why dont you tell us about your dps on a BOSS if anything thats the only thing that matters. Because getting high dps on a dummy that doesnt respond means alot...
  15. Yeah because dps on a ops dummy really matters lol.... I CANZ DO 2200 DPS ON MY DUMMY FOR 4 MINUTES. If anything shouldnt bragging about this dps be on a real boss? LOL
  16. Oh wow that must be really hard doing that dps with your PRESET ROTATION and gear. God pve takes so much skill cant believe you 4 manned Gharj only 9 month old content. Mauull seriously stop bragging about your guild when you got server 4th LOL. Good thing about pve is you can backpedal the whole time and stand still while clicking and have ZOMG 2050 DEEPS. Pve in this game is a joke there is no challenge to it I lawl'ed when I watched tfb " OH DONT STAND IN CIRCLES" " TANK SWAP" lol.
  17. Lol deceiver ive seen you around too your bad.
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