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Posts posted by NoxIrradiata

  1. Pandamonium cleared HM Writhing Horror and Dread Guard on 10/01/12. :)







  2. Paradigm. ( repub) 16 man HM Writhing Horror kill - 30 Sept 12

    16 man story 4/5 - 28 Sept 12

    8 man story cleared - 27 Sept 12



    Paradigm, please include a screenshot for the new content. If you don't have the actual killshot, please include a screenshot capturing the lockout screen. Thanks.


    Updated the weekend TFB kills for Legion Of Squirrels, Starhawk Conglomerate, Dark Sith'ari, Shot F1rst, Shadow Dragon Universe, Volition, Lunchbox, GFY, Jeddit, and Assassins.


    Updated older content for Trials Of War and Jeddit.

  3. Would you mind terribly to shift the older content to the 2nd and 3rd posts in the thread, and move the new content to the top of the first post? Will make it easier for everyone to quickly reference where the guilds are at for current progression.






    No problem. Good idea. :) I'm working on updating the kills from last night, and then I'll get the posts moved around. Thanks.

  4. Updated The Chandrian, Stoic, Starhawk Conglomerate, and Undercon.


    I'd like to get this thread back on track rather than continuing to derail it. If anyone has any additional issues regarding the format of this thread, please PM me instead of posting here. Thanks.

  5. I won't speak for The Chandrian, but I did read that. Doesn't change the fact that dates are needed for any list to be taken seriously. Good that you'll fix it for TFB, but the current list does have a fundamental problem that needs correction.


    Again, if you'd prefer it done differently, you're welcome to make your own thread and track things however you choose. This is the 3rd reincarnation of our progression list that we've been updating for many months now, and not one single guild has had an issue until the Corellian Run guilds came over. I'm not going back and tracking down kill dates for Soa, Karagga, and Kephess.

  6. If you guys had bothered to read the original post, or even my most recent post, you would have seen that DATES AND SCREENSHOTS would be required with the upcoming release of the new operation.




    If you NEED dates for the old content, feel free to make your own thread. We've been maintaining this thread this way for months. Welcome to The Shadowlands. :rolleyes:

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