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Posts posted by NoxIrradiata

  1. I'm not sure if there's another section for something like this, but I searched and didn't find anything, so figured I'd post here.



    I'm looking for specific skins and haven't been able to find quite what I want on the GTN or as a drop. Must be Medium armor, orange moddable, and without class restrictions.






    These are the leggings I'm currently wearing...



    They're pretty close to what I'd like, however they look more charcoal grey in-game, and I'd prefer a deeper black. I've searched through the screenshots on TORhead but didn't have any luck.



    For shirts, I'm looking for this skin...





    I've seen several blue versions as drops, but not sure where to find an orange moddable version. I know there's a grey variety available from the Specialty Goods vendor on Nar Shaddaa, but I'm looking for the black variety.




    If anyone could craft these items, or knows where they drop, I'd love to hear from you! I'm looking to buy several sets of each, if possible. I'm on the Krayt Dragon server and can be found in-game on any of the characters listed in my sig, but your best bet would be my main, Ursa. You can also PM me on the forums or post here or whatever is easiest for ya. Thanks! :)

  2. "I have a great sabacc face. That was a joke. I hate sabacc." - Khem Val





    Also, here's a line from a bartender NPC on Balmorra to my Bounty Hunter...


    "Good evening, mistress. What can I get you to wet your throat and bring a smile to your lips?"



    That was...wrong...just wrong. :o

  3. The exterior of the IA ship is definitely the prettiest, and I love the simple (easy to navigate, for those of us who tend to get lost all the time! lol!) feel of the Jedi ship interior. My least favorite would be the Smuggler ship...so many corridors! AAAAAAH!:confused:
  4. +1 for the Sith Warrior! Some class storylines (in my opinion) take a while to really start getting revved up, but the SW grabbed my attention right away and I was pretty much completely hooked by Level 6 or 7. I just finished up Act III and it's been an absolute blast. As others have mentioned, the SW definitely does make being bad feel really good! :p


    On the Republic side, the only one I've really gotten into is the Trooper...I'm trying hard to like the Jedi Knight, but just can't seem to get into it so far.

  5. I don't know if this one has been listed yet, but there was a quest on Hoth where my Marauder was asked to destroy some boxes of supplies at a Republic camp and she goes...


    "I crush foes and souls, not crates and barrels!" :D

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