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Everything posted by Rabbarabba

  1. losing generates nearly the same rewards as winning in a normal WZ, WHY would people NOT use rateds to gear? on the off chance they win they only receive even MORE rewards.
  2. yet the rewards are greater...hmmmm, see a problem there?
  3. He's having fun pre-50, so what
  4. And darths are? Please, explain how a darth is automatically so much more powerful than a jedi master? Both are 'promoted' to their rank by different standards, its not possible to compare strength without knowing who specifically is involved. All the jedi masters you fight as a consular, are all more experienced than you, presumed stronger than you, have vastly more knowledge and are all incredibly important in the 'galactic war'. Darth skotia was some random nobody who happened to be mostly machine...no back story on him at all outside of being Zash's rival.
  5. the last quest on balmorra for sith inquisitors right? its a pain.. what i did was kite the boss back to the entrance of the pit, at the bottom just after the green crap, the adds it spawned didnt come all that way to fight me, so i only had to fight the boss itself,
  6. i read correctly, but your suggestion is just a restriction that makes no sense, the entire point is to have a choice, and according to you, choice is the LARGEST reason to choose a color, it has nothing to do with alignment, or faction, which i did not even bring up. Mace Windu used purple, and he was indeed light side, Revan used purple AS A DARK SIDE SITH, there is no reason for color restrictions.
  7. and that would leave light sided sith where? In a state of emotional balance or protection? things like color of the lightsaber is not limited in the lore, revan uses red and purple at the same time in kotor2, and where does that leave neutral characters? Simply having no restrictions on colors makes -almost- everyone happy, except for a select few, apparently.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B24RukkYFRE at about 30 seconds shows, in biowares own game (considered as canon), shows revan with red and purple.
  9. From another thread on the forums... Darth Revan Red Single, Red and Purple as Duel, Reformed Revan Green Single, Duel Green and Blue link http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=154719 "revan and jedi exile question" is the title also, from google : "The colour of Revan's lightsabers whilst he (gender sourced from Wookieepedia) was a sith lord were red and purple. Proof of this is the "vision" that your character has whilst playing the vidio game "Knights of the Old Republic 2, the Sith Lords" (quote from http://forums.filefront.com/sw-kotor2-modding-mapping-editing/373289-color-revans-lightsaber-2.html) If he indeed used both red and purple, then a sith can use purple, or a jedi can use red.
  10. Who are you to decide who gets to be the exception? There are not enough sith in the movies to reliably say no sith ever used anything but red. Also, i may be mistaken, but does not Revan use purple crystals? I'm not a lore buff, but who's to say he didnt use purple in his time as a sith?
  11. you can take any moddable lightsaber, and put the mods from the lightsaber you bought with comms, into it. the custom built lightsaber for example, has no light / dark requirements, and will take any appropriate mods.
  12. a pistol is more threatening than a rifle or assault cannon? really?
  13. figured it would suck till i got my healer, but for the life of me i cant figure out why my guardian takes far more damage than anything else ive played.
  14. it sends you to tatooine first, balmorra also starts with lvl 32 mobs, which i leveled to doing the tatooine quest.
  15. I have not played my guardian for a few months, and decided to get on tonight. Ive got him at lvl 31, and vigilance specced. So i went to do my first quest in chapter 2, and got wrecked so horribly i had to pull out T7 over Kira. Something i have never had to do on this character, because i was taking such horrible amounts of damage. I had a strong mob take me and T7 down to half health, and killing those 3 elite mobs ( even after figuring out they had a "mechanic" ) was almost a 50/50 of killing them, or dying. Ended up resorting to saber ward for each one of them. I feel squishy all of a sudden, after a 3 month break from this guy. Any changes i missed for guardian to cause this, or how can i feel less squishy? ( really don't want to run with defense spec, it's no fun imo. )
  16. i went assault until i got my healer companion, then swapped to tank... so far so good, about all i can offer.
  17. Loled. Huttball as an example, green = 6, red = 0, green scored 6 times, red scored none.
  18. occasionally ill have my companion portrait still be there, but have no companion- among other issues difficult to explain, if this is whats goin on, just send the missing companion on a crew skill mission an then cancel the mission.
  19. good grief, a ton of info to wrap my brain around, thanks!
  20. ive got a decent grasp of the pvp objectives, minor things like voidstar map being backwards mess with me a little. looking at these threads now, thanks for the links
  21. ("no responses yet?" post meant to shamelessly bump my thread.) I'm highly interested in my OP though, been reading some random threads i have found but its mostly the usual complaints or misc. threads...
  22. Just rolled my first operative.. looking for some decent information on how to play. I plan to mostly pvp, and am looking to be as big an asset as i can to my team. I searched and found no good guides to any of the 3 specs, and being lvl 10 i am open to trying them all. Some general info on each spec would be a massive help, i have seen some good ops in pvp, but i have also seen some horrible ones, i do not want to be one of the horrible ones. Please only post if you plan to be informative or helpful, digging through pages of " concealment sucks, roll medicine" won't help at all
  23. if the vast majority say differently from you, you are probably wrong.
  24. I see the problem here, fortunately it DOES make sense to the majority.
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