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Posts posted by I_Sithed_MyPants

  1. btw what do you use for your rotation as hybrid ? dont like the spec but i tried it out and i dont seem to do well with it.

    i use all dots>shatter/explosive>cull>sos>orbital/ambush>cull.


    Something like:

    Shatter > Interrogation Probe > Corrosive Dart > Rifle Shot > Corrosive Grenade > Cull > Explosive Probe > SoS

    with snipe / orbital / ambush as filler when SoS is on cd, only use snipe with laze target though.


    For SaV I thought hybrid would be better for first, second, fifth and sixth, with marksman being better in the rest. Definitely marksman on Styrak though, I tried hybrid on it and thought I could have done much better is Marksman.

  2. Its interesting, pre 2.0 this server seemed to have the highest dps, now its switched over to harbinger. Mara and snipers both breaking 3k dps (MM, not engi.)

    The top 5 from the pre 2.0 leaderboards:

    Teagan: haven't seen a fully optimized parse from him yet.

    Tman: haven't seen a fully optimized parse from him yet.

    Ash'ley: haven't seen anything from him yet.

    Susannah: No longer with Saga (imperial), joined FriendlyFire (republic) as far as I'm aware.


    Maybe ill make an appearance on my Sniper soon as well ;) .


    I'll check their leaderboards though, maybe theyre just better geared than us atm.

  3. Boohoo, boohoo! Thats all you have to say?


    People, stop whining and start thinking. EVEN WITH THE BUGGED Ion pulse - this guy makes this:



    All of you wish powertech would stay 3 button idiotproof class.



    Learn to adapt and start trying and thinking by yourself.


    Powertechs/Vanguards are still beasts, but they are not 3 button class anymore. Yes, our 36 points assault/tactics build makes no sense which is a pain, but:


    we will not tire we will not falter and we will not fail!


    Ok so he did some decent dps. But what else did the bring to the ops, ulility wise?

    Did he have a raid wide dmg reduction shield? No.

    Did he have a group wide dmg increase buff? No.

    Did he have a group wide movement speed increase buff? No.

    Did he provide an armor debuff? No.

  4. Why only ship dummy and not fleet one?

    People usually get a higher ms on the fleet compared to their ship, so they'll have more lag and lower dps.

    It doesn't have to be your ship dummy, you can use anybody's.

  5. You forgot Accuracy.


    I would rank as:

    1- Aim

    2- Accuracy (to 100% Ranged/110% Tech)

    3- Power

    4- Surge


    Endurance isn't worth mentioning and crit is basically worthless aside from what you gain from stacking main stat and through talents. You're much better served by stacking Acc then piling on as much power as you can get your hands on, then surge in a couple of pieces once you hit your acc goal.

    You're right, I forgot accuracy, I have shamed my clan, I must commit Seppuku.

  6. - Colour Deletion is occasionally activating shields incorrectly. We had 1 player (Who was blue) get called out for colour deletion by Purple (1st attempt) and Orange (2nd attempt which was successful), when shielded, it used his blue shield as well as the protector's shield.

    Hey, this used to happen to use EVERY week before 2.0, our Assassin tank (blue) would be called for deletion by any other colour and it would always activate his colour shield as well, one of the most annoying things in that fight. We made a post on the forums but nobody had heard of it before. Haven't seen it happen after 2.0 though.

  7. Okay, updated to include all the recent posts.


    Sorry to Zakiya and Hotwired for the huge delay between them posting, and me adding them to the leaderboard, it was very disorganised of me.


    Also now including (as of tomorrow as I need to sleep) a link to each persons post beneath their log link on the leaderboard. As some are adding rotation / stat / class information with their post, this will allow people to find and read their post easier if they would like to.


    Added spoiler brackets as well, to reduce the wall of text look a bit.

  8. I have parses that needs validation

    shadow infiltration

    2331 dps : http://www.torparse.com/a/217970

    2992 dps: http://www.torparse.com/a/220433


    how does someone go from 2331 to 2992 with very little gear change, from not fully augmented to fully augmented?


    I don't think that needs validating, its quite obviously fake:

    1. It's done on the MK-5 dummy which is on the fleet, dps will be lower on that dummy than on the ship dummy.

    2. With that logic the parse if done on the ship dummy would be for over 3k dps, which is extremely difficult to do without an armor debuff and not believable.

  9. I don't think that is a problem with Rail Shot, I think that is because the Anomalies hps have scaled so much differently to damage output. Their hps has trippled (I think?), our damage has gone up about 50-100% (we have already established my memory is bad, but I could have sworn that with full BiS rail shot average hit was 2.2-2.3K).


    If you look at the logs I posted it seems to be getting an average hit of about 4K (minimum that wasn't due to a mistimed shot at the break dancing Kell Dragon of 3K). I didn't have the 8% damage on that either (got that last night yay). I'll set a reminder to upload my logs from tonight's run to see what the extra gear does.


    Also to the person who suggested swapping out the 2% personal damage reduction for 5% targeted in the tanking tree I had some discussions with guildy's. That debuff doesn't stack, all tank classes pretty much get it, so we decided it wasn't worth swapping over. The 2% melee and ranged defence in the Pyro tree was pretty much decided that it didn't matter. Can go into either one as there are adds that can be slowed, but neither is very useful in an op.


    Saying that, I wish I had of changed it for last night when I was forced to DPS tank Terror for 3 turns. Great healers to keep me up through that.


    Greetings again!

    I'll look at the logs when I get up, but it's like 5am here, and I need to sleep, I'm guessing you're American or something?


    In my group, the marauder who takes the anomalies usually kills his maybe 5 - 10 seconds before I kill mine.

    Before 2.0 I'm sure I used to see around 7k crits on RS against the anomalies, now I'm lucky if I see a 5k crit. Whereas the Marauders if in Carnage can get around a 9k crit on their Force Scream.


    Yeah, of course the Anomalies hp has scaled with the difficulty, but the armor pen on rail shot was also reduced, meaning our burst is lowered from that. Then people using the 8 / 22 / 16 build miss out of then Surge increases in the pyro tree so burst is slightly lowered in that in favour of getting ProtoFlamethrower.


    The other nerf which was to CGC also hit us badly, some people calculate it to be a 50% nerf, but I believe it's more like 30%, that also makes our dmg lower with the lesser dot ticks. Also the reduced cost of IM is nice, however it is still a useless dot, did they reduce the damage or something? combat logging on my ship dummy showed me it was actually a dps increase to not even use IM.


    Finally back to my usual point. If a dps is needed for serious progression why should a PT be taken over a mara / sniper? ATM they offer nothing to a raid group other than complaints about how their dps has been nerfed.

  10. Still don't know if I'm using the right rotation, heat management is a bit hard, right now I'm using:


    1-Death from above

    2-Flame burst

    3-Incendiary missle

    4-Retractable blade

    5-Rail shot

    6-Rocket punch

    7-Flame thrower (with 3 stacks of prototype flame thrower)


    Don't use Incendiary Missile, Death from Above isn't a priority. Try this priority list:

    1. CGC dot, aka Flame Burst (you deal more dmg to burning targets, also your spam attack)

    2. Retractable Blade dot (you deal more dmg to bleeding targets)

    3. Rail shot (ppa proc usually)

    4. Flamethrower (3 stacks ProtoFlamethrower)

    5. Rapid Shots

    6. Shoulder Cannon every time you can.

    7. Death From Above when AOE dps is needed.


    Even with proper priorities you'll always be behind even less skilled Marauders of Snipers. The situation is dire and Bioware doesn't care, just make a Sniper or Marauder and be happy with your dps for ever.



  11. The hybrid spec is actually pretty awesome in PVE. The problem is managing heat and 3 dots as well as Proto Flamethrower and PPA.

    It's actually a dps increase to not even use Incendiary Missile and only use Retractable Balde & CCG as your dots, I have some logs from my combat dummy if you'd like to see? It makes heat management easier and allows you to spam Flame Burst more. The damage that Incendiary Missile deals is laughable, seriously...it's terrible, not even worth the reduced heat.


    If you can keep full dot uptime and use triple stacked flamethrowers on cooldown you'll be not only competing with Snipers and Mara's but also putting them to shame.

    Don't give people hope, they're nowhere near mara's or snipers, even sorc and mercs are above most pt dps' atm. Best option is to re roll a Marauder or a Sniper, Bioware LOVES these classes.


    I will agree though that the burst has completely gone from the PT class as it now takes me twice as long to kill the Anomalies in the HM Terror from Beyond fight.

    I completely agree with this, Rail Shot feels like I'm slapping the Anomalies with a wet towel, the damage is quite laughable.

  12. Also, one of my main points is, why should a PT dps be taken to an operation over either a Sniper or a Marauder, they provide absolutely no utility apart from a dps taunt, which usually isnt a good idea.


    Sniper: Aoe raid shield, great aoe dps, great single target dps, roll for manoeuvrability and escape adds (dashroode especially).


    Marauder: Bloodthirst, Predation, Undying Rage, great single target dps, great defensive cooldowns.


    Powertech: Weaker single target dps, weaker aoe dps, great defensive cooldowns...erm, that's it.....oh, they can taunt and grapple, not really useful during operation bosses. (excluding the now irrelevant one in EC).

  13. In my experience, before 2.0 powertech dps was on par with sniper and marauders, now after 2.0 pve wise atleast there is a huge noticeable gap between snipers / marauders and "the rest" in terms of dps.


    There are obvious balance issues, but they won't be addressed for a long time, basically the way bioware see's it:

    If your class can tank, it should tank.

    If your class can heal, it should heal.

    If your class can only dps, they should dps and be way better than the others at it.

  14. 2.4K on Styrak isn't dead. Sure it's not the 2.6K sniper's/marauder's/jugg's are getting, but it is more than enough for current content. Better than I'm doing on my merc, which isn't helped by the fact that using unload activates the GCD and the animation but doesn't actually go off for me.


    I probably should get gear for my sniper and see what I can do, but whilst leveling I didn't like it.


    I'd like to see the torparse upload rather than just claims.

    Did you get nightmared at all? If not that can boost your dps by a lot.

    Also, the Styrak fight includes a lot of weaker mobs, i.e. his illusions, his kel dragon second time, what numbers were the other people in your group doing? I'd bet higher than you still.

    Maybe make a claim from a fight like Dash'roode, or Titan 6 that involves a normal amount of adds and relevant movement.

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