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  1. I had that problem. What (finally) worked for me was to delete SWTOR and re-install it into a different folder. (It doesn't have to be installed in the default folder.)
  2. I'm not sure if it's changed since going to 64-bit, but SWTOR is notorious for putting extra load on the CPU. The extra heat on the CPU, combined with the heat from the GPU (graphics) can often overload cooling systems.
  3. Usually it's because of overheating. Clean the dust out, make sure all cooling fans are running properly, turn the graphics down a bit.
  4. Stop the wind from blowing. 😁
  5. This makes no sense. Either you continue to play and hit a currency cap, or you play some other game and stay at the cap. In both cases you are at the cap. 🤔
  6. In spite of what some people think, they're all basically the same. Use whatever companion suits your fancy. It is a good idea to have both a ranged and a melee healer for situational purposes, but the overall performance doesn't really change much.
  7. "Thermals" is not always the result of 'overheating'. Sometimes thermal problems are just the result of expansion/contraction of components because of temperature changes. With SWTOR in particular, this can be more of a problem because of the extra load put on both the CPU and GPU. Start by removing the GPU; inspecting and cleaning the contacts; and re-inserting the GPU making sure it is properly seated in the socket.
  8. I don't know - what did Bilbo feel like? It's possible that the new server will relieve some performance issues with the current servers (if there are any) and attract/retain more IPAC players.
  9. Personally, I'm really not interested in all this "Mandalorian" crap. 🙄
  10. And then we could read the pages and pages of forum posts about how unfair it is that only the 'elite' players get to have the exclusive mount. Wah, wah, wah. 😥😥 😂
  11. Ya know, if you just mark your stronghold as "public" people can directly visit it and do there own walk through. Seems kind of limiting to have to watch someone else do a walkthrough. 🤔
  12. I don't wear any complete 'set' in one sense. (Not that I have anything against it). All my characters wear mix&match outfits assembled from various pieces. For example, one of my favorites (fem smuggler) is Mira's jacket (white/gray) with Dashing Rogue pants (deep blue), Nightlife boots, and Covert gloves - plus a belt and wrists who's names escape me at the moment.
  13. It's not apparent from the screencap, what the problem is. Could you explain in more detail?
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