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  1. Anyone know if the relics are changing? I am guessing since it is 616 crit proc vs 924 power/mastery at the 216 ilvl relics, that the power/mastery relics still prove to be stronger, anyone able to confirm?
  2. If this bug is not fixed by Tuesday I will be unsubbing, thats absolutely ridiculous that you would let such a blatant bug exist in game for that long, I was shocked that it wasn't fixed Tuesday night. No other MMO that I've ever played has left a bug that blatant in their top tier raid for over 24 hours. Normally they just do a hotfix that night after peak hours, if its a big enough bug they might even do it during peak hours. To go an entire week and still not fix it? That sir is pure laziness, I will not continue to give money to people who are too lazy to care about the product that they put forth.
  3. I play a marauder and sniper in 2 different SV HM progression groups, occasionally after the aoe knockback on my marauder i will force charge back to the boss while still in mid air. 90% of the time i charge back to the boss from mid air as i should, but 10% give or take a little i have an animation where i force charge back to the boss, then get teleported back to where i would have been had i not force charged. Then i can't move, i am stuck wherever i am at, i've never been able to have a sorcerer try to extricate me but i have tried to force charge adds to no avail, i get the charge animation but don't move, litterally like i just charged to the exact spot i'm in. it happened to my wife twice tonight (she plays a marauder in the group i play a sniper) and i noticed both times were on the 3rd shield part, and the times it happened to me have all been on the 3rd or 4th shield part, so i don't know if that could also be a factor, its a fairly big issue because i'm stuck outside of the shield and its an automatic death, which sometimes can be an automatic wipe depending on the other dps we have
  4. Darthmorqui (forget how to spell the name) yes we can RE the non lettered mods if we get them from gear, no problem, however we CANT learn the schematic, not for the 28s at least, can for the 30s but not the 28s, so the issue is if we can learn ALL the enhancements, and A and B mods, why can't we learn the non-lettered mods? is this a bug or is there another method that we don't know about?
  5. This is a non-lettered issue, if we can't RE them to learn the schematic then tell us how we can so we can start getting the schematics, i can't find any site that does know how, the A mods are useless, the B mods are good for tanks but there is nothing for heals/dps that has good stats on it, A mods are good for people leveling a new toon but if u have dread guard they're no good, non-lettered mods are what we need for dps/heals but they're not craftable atm, wth?!
  6. Anyone figure out how to get regular 28 schematics 28 yet? I.e Deft Mod 28, NOT Deft mod 28A. It doesn't appear to be learnable from RE'ing basic gear. Tanks can craft an entire set of 66 gear but dps/healers can only do amoring/enhs. You can use the A mods if you are REALLY determined to be 66 but considering the lack of real upgrade its just not worth it to me, non A mods would be MUCH better.
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