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Everything posted by TheRFC

  1. I think the gear as a crutch argument is weak, IMO. This game really doesn't require that much skill. Generally speaking, if you want to be posting the top scores then button mash - repeat. I don't think there's a single WZ that superior tactics apply, apart from occassionally in Huttball where the closest matches tend to be (if at all). Alderan - get the side turrets because the speeder spawn system is broken. If you don't, you lose. VoidStar - go up against a team who cba to defend, otherwise both teams don't get past first door because it's the hardest to breach out of all the sets. Again, broken spawn timer. I don't see where tactics nor skill apply in this game?
  2. I really don't understand why people are so upset about this? For those who say they've only started to dabble w/ PvP once they hit L50, sorry but what did you expect? For the others, it really doesn't take that long to start getting gear. BM gear, yeah, but BM gear isn't THAT much better from Centurion/especially Champion gear if you're not an incompetant player. I've been L50 for less than a week and have a few pieces of Champion gear and the rest is mainly Centurion, expertise around 300. If it's a full match I'm hitting 300K damage 9/10 times and hit 400+K a few times, 485K being the highest. I haven't even picket up my second set of Weeklies yet, guys :-P everyone's making it sound like to get any gear there's some unholy long grind. To get full BM gear then yeah, I'd agree. But to get centurion gear? Champion gear? No, not at all. Just be smart when approaching L50. Have 1000s WZ commendations and 1000 Merc coms saved up so when you hit it you get 5 bags off the bat. That helps a lot. After a couple of days a strong player should be posting up 10-13 medal games each time. It's a rough landing in L50 but it really shouldn't take that long before you gear up and find your feet.
  3. I think what BW needs to learn is that WoW had a long time w/o a rival, or any effective one. BW doesn't have the luxury of drawing out this game over anything like as long a time-period. WoW had what? 10 years before most people started leaving in droves. BW will need to condense this A LOT. None of this 1 new WZ stuff every 6 months or something. I really can understand people's frustration at hitting L50 and feeling like they've back at L10 and only just allowed into WZs in the first place, but overall more content is needed for PvP, lots, lots more. The world PvP has failed IMO. I've no reason to go to Ilum now. I've got some Champion gear and the rest Centurion. I cba to do the boring Daily there when I may see 2 Reps during the bore-fest of collection 'ammunitions' for 45mins to an hour and a half (if I'm stupid enough not to wait until the early hours to do it). Ilum is depressing to look at, it's too large for many server sizes and there's no way to organise these things. New planet, smaller area, meaningful and rewarding objectives and organisation. Where are the realm forums so big bust ups can be arranged?? It may seem skant excitement for long-term MMORPGers but that would be like losing my virginity again compared to the current Huttball grind. 'Now listen up, these are the rules of Huttball...'
  4. I agree that's cheap. REALLY cheap. But IMO they're the same kind of losers who went MW2 and just spammed OMA Danger Close n00b tubes. BW should have been more switched on and seen that kind of thing happening. Pulling up videos of those who effectively cheat (IMO) still doesn't take away from the legitimate hours and days that people have put into the game to earn their gear. I like the concept of GW2 a lot, but they seem like they'll have so much more to do for PvPers. Ours is 3 boring WZs and a non-existent World PvP on a depressing looking location. Ilum is far too large for most servers for World PvP and it needs a lot more organising by BW. If we're being honest, the PvP already isn't that amazing on here. I know it's only early days but in general they need a lot more variety, etc. To tie in my point, w/o gear grinding, there'd currently be no reason to continue playing at L50 as a PvPer because there's so little to do.
  5. That makes no sense I don't think that people appreciate how tedious life is on SWTOR currently for those who concentrate on their PvP. For casual PvPers, those who go mostly for PVE - you guys have SO much more to do. You have loads of flashpoints etc, you usually do it with a group who want to all co-operate ... you don't have the AFKer issue ... PvPers have 3 WZs. No one is a particular big fan of VoidStar, Huttball comes around far too often and Alderan (my favourite) has a broken spawn system whereby the side-turrets are obnoxiously easier to defend than the middle, making the middle turret almost a liability to hold ... you also don't have to put up with a CC spam-fest. Nor do you have to spend 45minutes picking crap up from 'Central Assault' on Ilum, which for the Republic side must be a ball-ache because the servers all seem so Empire heavy. The only incentive you have is to get better gear for the WZs. I want better scores and to be a bigger asset to my team? GEAR. I'm only level 55 valor, about to hit level 56. For those who've ground out level 60, 65, 70 w/o the Ilum mess a few weeks ago I feel have deserved their gear and the scores they get in WZs because it is NO FUN. Why would I want armour just for the aesthetics ... ? I'd prefer to spend the time pounding some guy and looking good whist doing it
  6. LOL @ this suggestion. Grinding for gear is boring - tragically boring. I got my nerd on full tilt and hit level 50 in just under 8 days. I'm now around lvl55 valor and the char's about 2 weeks old, maybe a few days more. The grind is excrutiating. You know how many Huttball matches one level of Valor is? LOTS ... I want to perferate Baron Deathmark's jugular with a lightsabre ... (but I'm BH ). Hitting level 50 was frustrating at first because you're almost naked without PvP gear. I'd go matches on end without even getting my 2.5K crit hit and my char's spec'd DPS. Previously, I'd been really comfortable in 1v1s and suddenly I was getting slapped around. It wasn't particularly fun. BUT... I just put time into it, a lot. I don't even have full Champion gear and I've been getting games up there with 485K damage (PT not Merc ) and critting usually for between 3.5-4K w/ railshot. I hate the grind but the thought of continuous progression justifies it in a kind of sadomasochistic way ... it's still frustrating when I come across a guy (or girl) in full BM gear and my damage is significantly reduced but I don't think 'I wish he was nerfed...' When people whine about equalising PvP gear it is like sitting an exam. Those who don't want to put in the hours/days revision don't get the same high marks that others do so they want all the questions made easier. I think people should be rewarded for putting time into this game, because otherwise the PvP element would be a ghost-town. So you have the choice between originally getting beat down but then getting better and better in WZs until you're getting the most medals/ highest damage/healing/defense or whatever ... or just not playing WZs because everyone has quit after hitting 50 because 3 WZs is extremely little variety and gets super boring, super quickly and has no magnetism to keep the players there Without trying to put too fine-a-point on it, in world PvP you wouldn't expect to be able to take on a level 30 if you're a level 25. Just because your level doesn't change when you are level 50 doesn't mean that there aren't 'mini' levels in a sense that differentiate you. If a guy has better armour than you then it means they've spent a lot longer than you. Equalise it and punish them, and in time yourselves. Thanks, Bye
  7. To solve the problem, Global CD on CCs and any CC should give 20s immunity. Earlier, I was running right out of spawn at the start of Alderan WZ. There were 2 guys, one noticed me and altered course whilst the other kept on to the turret controls. So I'm expecting to get CC'd, all I need to do is break the first CC and then run past my attacker to interupt the guy on the turret and this'll give us a slight advantage. So I'm CC'd, I break out ... immediately CC'd again (flashbang). So I take damage (miss interupting the guy on the controls, BTW), and the CC breaks and then before I know it I'm CC'd AGAIN!? I understand the intent of the post but the CCing is ridiculous in this game. I've learnt which CCs break on damage now so unless I really need to break them I'll leave them alone to wear off and save my CC-Breaker for the CCs I can take damage during. But some matches it's just CC spam. I wouldn't say it's so bad as to be game-breaking, but it think it definitely detracts from the PvP experience.
  8. TheRFC

    New Warzone Rules?

    Not really loving the idea, tbh. Have been playing my main for just over 2 weeks, a BH-PT, and currently L.55 for Valor. When I first hit Level 50 and had to go up to the L50 only braket then that was like starting afresh and being a L10 being allowed into the Warzones in the first place. Everyone had thousands more health, any damage done to them was super-underwhelming and they'd hit me like a truck for even their weaker attacks. It sucked, but it incentivised me to put more time into the game and to grind for better gear. If my gear only counts for World-PVP? The odd time I get to see a Republic player when I'm doing my boring Daily 'Cutting the Cord' on Ilum then I wouldn't be playing the game still. End of. Tbh, for many, the gear for WZ is the ONLY incentive to keep playing once you hit 50. It can be super frustrating at first but if you persevere then it becomes less so until you actually enjoy it. (But by then you've probably played Huttball hundreds of times in a row so not that much ). But yeah, equalize everyone's gear for WZs and see majority of the L50s disappear and the end-game become even more tedious, IMO. I tip my cap to the L60+ Valor people. This grind is excrutiating. 'Lol' :-) MORE WARZONES, PLEASE!
  9. TheRFC

    To much Crowd Control

    I think that CCs should have a use for tactical advantage depending on which class you use, like you said yours are helpful for getting away to find help. No issues with that. Unfortunately so many players are just spamming them for an offensive tactics only. The harder hitting the character you have DPS-wise, the less CCs you should have IMO. When everyone has them it's obviously going to benefit DPS players far more than other players. Would love to see more CCs break on damage and be almost solely for support characters.
  10. I believe that that's what the resolve bar is meant to function as, giving you temporary immunity to being CC'd after you just have been. It can be a bit of a mess at the moment in WZ matches. Not always, and it's certainly not game-breaking, but it's not particularly fun when it does happen. My main gripes are that the resolve bar doesn't seem to function at all and I'd like to see the break-CC function have a much reduced CD, and a global cool-down on a character's CCs. Each has its purpose and they should be applied accordingly to the effect you desire to achieve, evasion, attacking play, etc. and not as a resource just to be spammed. Today I was CC'd 4 times in a row. Resolve bar should grant you a 20s full immunity after you've been hit by a CC and CD on breaks at a minute tops, IMO. I personally play as a BH PT so find it frustrating but not as frustrating as I'm sure 'harrassing' classes such as Shadows, Assassins, Ops must find it. They're meant to be a real pain to the enemy drawing a groups attention then fading away again (or solo killing if the opportunity arises with little cost to the team effort). They just get bent out of shape straight away, currently, and slapped around very hard.
  11. Yeah, I'm inclined to agree with this statement. A good DPS should be expecting to get between 250K-300K damage in an average match, 300-400K in a very good match (in the 50 bracket too). A healer should be getting the same kind of healing scores. A tank? It's rare to see them get over 50K defense. Frustrating? Difficult? That's kind of the point of the guard.
  12. I appreciate that the game is in it's infancy stages and overall I'm having a pretty awesome time playing it. However, I've one gripe with the spawn system for the WZ on Alderan. As an Imperial player, I love playing AWZ because we usually get Huttball 8/10 times my one issue is with the speeders that take you directly to the side turrets if you hold them. I don't think that any position should be easily surrendered if the defending team is competent, but because you can take a faster and more direct route to the side-turrets this makes them nearly impossible to take from the opposition should they have any sort of resolve to keep them. If you wish to get to the middle turret control then you have to take a scenic tour of Alderan before running from your main spawn. If you use the speeders to take you to the appropriate side-turrets then you get dropped off literally at the foot of the steps of the respective turret you wished to go to. I've been in many matches recently where the only way of taking a side turret is to rush with the whole team and then laying down all your AoE effects on their spawn point LOL. It is extremely rare that you can co-ordinate finishing off all the enemies at once for you to be able to have a clean shot at trying to cap the turret. Though I haven't timed it myself, it feels that from dying to making it back to the turret, the other team would only have a mere second or two to try and cap, and if your team dies in stages then this gap is eliminated entirely. I was curious as to whether anyone would agree about putting a timer on those speeders? I'm not saying that these points can't be taken, but they have a staggering defensive advantage compared to the middle, almost to the point of making the middle a liability to hold in comparison to the sides. I think that if a timer was introduced then this may encourage more tactile game-play and to try and 'out-play' the other team, rather than trying to bludgeon them and then abuse their spawn to just take a point. An alternative solution may be to put a damage limit for how much a player must take before they are interrupted in taking a point, something not especially high, perhaps 1,000 or 1,500, but just so much that you can not merely clip them. This would also help for the WZ Voidstar where arguably the most difficult point to pass is the first set of doors because the defenders spawn right next to the doors. As a BH I can merely launch an Explosive Dart in the general direction of the doors if they're being capped and the splash damage (no matter if only 100 or less) will interrupt this which seems far too easy. Thoughts?
  13. Does this only work for the Frozen-shock water, then? Tried other consumables that have given me over 2.5K healing but haven't given me any medals.
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