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Everything posted by BurnsTwoThree

  1. Also I love how he said facetank as if we're expecting to just stand there and take the punishment while we simply heal ourselves through it. What we are truly saying and have said many times in this thread is that healers cannot use a slow or stun off of CD with more than 1 DPS on them because of how our heals are we cannot manage to live through it. If we put a slow on someone and we're at 50% health from just getting jumped, there's a good chance that the other DPS is going to kill use slighly after we begin to cast any sort of heal that might give us a shot at redemption. Even though using the slow/stun is what we should be doing anyways to help our survivability. The thing about it is that we're damned if we do and damned if we don't. We should not have a CD that little makes one of them useless for 4 seconds but in-turn does not give us any positives other than we die after the stun in 4 seconds instead of 2 (and not from any of the damage of the stunned player either).
  2. I know, I keep forgetting. I don't know why I bother half the time. Their spectrum of understanding is like only seeing the color red on a rainbow.
  3. You guys seem to forget that there is 4 DPS in a WZ not including the offensive capabilities of a lot of tanks. Healers should never be 1-1 to a DPS. Ever. This is where the game will fail if they do not change it. No healer is going to want to PvP if they're going to have some awful overpowered class be able to solo them without playing a flawless rotation and have the best gear out there. You also act like you cannot CC the other healer for 12 seconds~ if their CC break is on CD which is plenty of time to kill a healer that is getting cross healed. All of your complaints with my argument is drastically under thought out. Now come back when you have a real point.
  4. What is meant by "this game isn't WoW" is that WoW has had a working, decently balanced PvP system where the imbalances lie mostly in Rock Paper Scissors playstyle. One class may have a mechanical advantage over another but it never comes to the point where it's basically Shark vs Dolphin in any situation other than under-geared/under-skilled players. There are many people who used to hope that this was the WoW killer but since BW has been listening to people like you who bring nothing productive to the forums other than "THIS IS STAR WARS, PvP MIGHT BE COMPLETELY IMBALANCED BUT MY CLASS IS #1 SO DONT CHANGE ANYTHING TO BENEFIT THE PLAYERBASE AT ALL WITH FUN AND INTUITIVE PVP" I'm not sure if you are willingly or unwillingly know that 99% of everything you said is misinformation but seriously, stop it.
  5. That sarcasm was that hard to spot? You sure are sharp.
  6. Strategical complexity? Are you seriously calling throwing guard on a healer and having the tank running around throwing taunts on people strategical complexity? There's nothing complex about it at all. The only complex thing is that a healer has to stay around the tank for a guard at all times just so he doesn't get 3-shot by any random average geared nobody who is getting free-kills because horrible players Evolve? There is no evolving. I can still outheal 90% of full War Hero Sorc/Sages in Ranked even with BM when my job isn't to be in the middle of everything. I know the in's and out's of my class. I also know that Ranked PvP will go nowhere and this game will continue to be on a down-slope if they do nothing to improve it. There's going to be 1 group comp for going to high-ratings with little/no variation. I've been superior to most Sorc/Sage healers since I hit level 20 on it back in January. So I'm tired of hearing the few people say "EVOLVE DERP", when our class is too basic mechanically to evolve at all. There's a point where you cannot do anything else because of how the class is and it needs to change. Anyone who says healers who aren't OP/Smugglers are anywhere near a good place then they are A. Terrible at this game B. Couldn't kill healers before they were made too weak C. Not playing their class correctly and still have a hard time with healers Hell even OPS and Smugglers could use a little something. 1. Nerf Pyrotech/Vanguards and Marauders/Sentinels 2. Buff other uncommonly played DPS Spec/Classes, make them viable 3. Buff healers to that they do not have to get trained by terrible players button mashing just because they can 4. !?!?!?!?!?!? 5. Profit
  7. I have asked you three times to show posts where we have asked for more survivability than tanks. You shouldn't need a permanent guard to live through one person like you do now. Also the class that has more survivability than tanks is your own. /thread You're asking for a game which is largely viewed currently as broken by a few god classes. So no, you do not have the understanding of intelligent game design other than the fact that balance can be thrown off really easily. All they had to do was listing to awful DPS (to throw off balance) who could not kill healers when there were plenty of good players who could pre-1.2. Now we have two god classes that can train healers without any effort. You're constantly told-off as how you are wrong and come back with irrelevant and misinformed posts. You're not bringing anything to the discussion except an upset comment as to why you think you know what you are talking about. Yet you are consistently contradicting yourself and missing obvious facts of the mechanics of PvP currently. We see why you try to refute everything we say, and we know that when your class eventually gets nerfed you'll be nothing more than an average player (at best) with nothing else to look forward for except to being low rated in the Ranked brackets. What actually needed to happen was for the other two healing classes to be viable as well as buffing some less popular DPS specs and PvP would have been fine. Granted there are a couple people screaming for the buffs, but the majority of players are giving reasons beyond substantial as to why our class needs to be fixed.
  8. Agreed. I am here exclusively here for PvP after I hit 50. I do enjoy leveling in this game more than I do in any others but it's coming down to the fact that they need to work harder on this aspect of the game. You can't put in a large system such as Ranked Warzones without first maintaining a balance so that there aren't BS classes that can do damage that other classes cannot.
  9. You think a healer shouldn't be able to stay alive to one DPS. Assassin's have a resist, they have a Damage reduction CD, they have a Vanish, Marauders/Sentinels have Predation/Transcendence, Zen/Berserk, Rebuke/Cloak of Pain (potential for 30 seconds of 20% damage reduction, Force Camo, Saber Ward, Guarded by the Force, Obfuscate/Pacify (basically a defensive CD) 6 second AoE blind. Trooper/BH Can get deflection, all have a 25% reduction to incoming damage Op/Smugglers Vanish, not sure what else but it's nothing special other than their heals Sorcs/Sage - Stun (HAHA! BUSINESS!) You're a DPS that runs away. I can already tell since you're a Sentinel/Marauder that you would not be near good enough to be on ANY team that I ever ran. You seriously run away as soon as someone else gets on you? What do you think you are a rogue from WoW? You have the MOST defensive ability while being the stronger DPS class out there and you actually run away from people. You just let the proof of your inferiority pile up don't you? Also I'm still waiting for you to link a single post that says we should be the tanks of this game. You won't find one because no one is saying that. You're saying that giving us defensive CDs is somehow gamebreaking and will destroy the balance. WoW Holy Paladin: Divine Protection (20% damage reduction, short CD also increases run speed), Freedom (removes movement impairing effects), Sacrifice (Places 20% damage reduction on a target friendly some damage is redirected to the caster) Two more CDs which increase healing output/cast speed+crit., Stun Priest: Depends on the specs: Plenty of Damage reduction talents that proc off heals, Pain Suppression, Instant cast heal every 45 seconds, Large instant heal if spec'd into, AoE bubble, Fear Druid: Bear Form, Frenzied Regen, Barkskin, Treeform, Nature's Grasp, Nature's Swiftness, Shapeshifting out of things. Cyclone Shaman, Totems, Instant heal every 45 sec, Hex, Ghost Wolf Are those gamebreaking? Do healers with gear loathe it because they get 3 shotted? Nope and Nope. I also love how you made the argument that DPS have survivability problems and tried to support that argument with the fact that run away when your class has the MOST Defensive CDs in the GAME.
  10. If OP thinks Smugglers/Ops/Sages/Sorcerers need a nerf he needs to unsubscribe the uninstall for being horrible at whatever he's doing. Seriously OP, did you not use any of your talent points while leveling up?
  11. I believe we've stated multiple times throughout the thread that ProfessorWalsh doesn't have the in-game capabilities or the knowledge about the game at all to even begin discussing PvP mechanics. That being said just ignore his horribly misinformed posts about how he's bad at being a Sentinel and still has a hard time killing healers.
  12. We're talking about Sith Warriors and Jedi melee classes. Go back and sit in a corner. Sentinels and Marauders are pretty much in God Mode right now, so just because YOUR melee class can't be tossed into that conversation doesn't mean you should try to.
  13. The unofficial reason is that MLG had to pay Blizzard a ridiculous amount of money to run it at its events. There was too large of a competitive following for them to just drop it because it was "nothing special". WoW PvP is some of the most impressive MMORPG PvP out their atm. I'm not quite sure you know what you are talking about but *thumbs up* Keep it up champ.
  14. It's tough because even though Commando isn't as good as Vanguard right now, I can see it being better than Vanguard consistently in the future as Vanguard has some well-deserved nerfs on the way. If you want to know what's better now, then definitely Vanguard. It'll probably change in the near future though. Keep your fingers crossed.
  15. Typical Republic. They don't understand that us Sith and Imperials like to kill each other, which is not only truth it is supported by LORE. Mad Mad Mad Op is fumin'
  16. We're complaining about 8-man groups? I can only imagine the chaos that will ensue when the 40-man PvP WZs come out. All of the nerdy little boys who can't get a decent group together will turn into the Hulk and destroy Bioware's HQ and then move on to EA.
  17. http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=3463qs3&s=6 Warriors/Jedi aren't OP hitting for 6k and 3 shotting normal players is balanced! If you're not doing the same then you're bad at it because I go against plenty of good ones that can rip numbers like this consistently.
  18. I'm not complaining about the gear, I'm still better then most Sorcerers on my server with 1 piece of WH. What I am saying is that they should make it easier temporarily so that players returning from quitting can get right into Ranked. Our server died out mostly because of no Rated Warzones. Now that we have it we want to come back, but who wants to grind out 20 hours+ of regulars just so we don't get beaten down by people (who aren't anything special) who were still addicted to this game (somewhow) without ranked. I still don't get how people got Full WH, it's painful especially with how unbalanced damage is right now.
  19. I doubt it, there's some 100 Valor ranked players on my server and they don't used em. They all stick to the Matrix Cubes or Relics with power on them.
  20. We used to dominate with 4 man premades without wearing chest, legs and gloves. Just cause we could. If you aren't doing that already (fully geared), then I would go raid as PvP is not for you. Queue up for Rated PvP, what reason would you possibly want 8-man regulars for?
  21. I feel as though you are one of those people who are average at everything they do and are beyond content with that. I also feel like you're talking about Regular WZs, because if you're in Ranked you wouldn't be saying you are having no problems
  22. Accurately portrayed. +1 for reality
  23. Reroll. PvP to BW post 1.2 isn't about playing what you want. It's more play whatever is doing the best right now. If they wanted other classes to be PvPing competitively they would have changed it in a weekly maintenance.
  24. I played WoW for a few months, grinded out 6/7H firelands within months of me playing WoW. There's people who've been raiding since Vanilla and cannot get past normal modes without nerfs. Those same people have probably played other MMOs as well. Your statement that you played a lot of MMOs in your days does nothing for you. You can play all you want, but it does not mean that you are good by any means. Maybe the reason you are having issues with ALL of them when there are two god mode DPS classes is because you haven't fully geared out your FoTM class, or are you just bad on them? There's already too much damage for healers as is, and group comps don't even require two of the healing classes anymore. You can roll with just Operatives and you're more than fine.
  25. We get it. You want PvP to not actually be PvP but rather something that conforms to your backpeddling, clicking and attack whatever you want playstyle. That's not how PvP should be and in the future if it doesn't change people aren't going to want to play this game because the PvP doesn't allow healers to actually play. Just because you play Sentinels/Marauders does not make them okay. There's NO evidence as to why they should ever hit as hard as they do with almost 100% uptime, dots, and plenty of interrupts and CC. Your class is FoTM and I'm sure you are excited that you don't actually have to be good at the class to do well anymore, cause everyone here already knows you're not; but it still does not make this kind of damage alright. http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=3463qs3&s=6 This will never be okay to be hit for 30-40% of your health pool in one GCD This will never be okay for one GCD that has a CD of like 9 seconds This will never be an okay amount of damage with no relic/no adrenals in RANKED PVP If our biggest heal does not crit, it would take 3 heals to just barely do more healing than that. Our biggest heal takes 2.2 seconds to cast, that would mean it would take 6.6 seconds to completely undo that damage if we did not get a crit. When you have a logical answer and have numbers to support it come back to this thread. If you have a butthurt reply as to why YOUR CLASS SHOULDNT GET NERFED because you won't be able to jump and down on your keyboard and still get kills; then please escort yourself to the PvE forums where there are therapists and tissues there waiting for you. Oh and please stay there for awhile. Please link wherever anybody said that we SHOULD be the tanks of this game. Please do. You won't find it because no one has said that. The only person that thinks we're saying that is you because you have no logical argument to what we are actually saying here. Healers healing themselves while taking damage ≠ tanking. Of course healing ourselves just means we're going to take more damage, but yet that still has nothing to do with tanking. You might want to research up on what a tank really is because you're highly disillusioned. Usually people come on the forums to make themselves look good because a lot of the time they are bad in-game. To each their own, but seriously why come on the forums and purposely make yourself look bad by not knowing what anything is or how things work.
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