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Everything posted by BurnsTwoThree

  1. Let's see his spec. He's not a healer he's a DPS who uses off heals. /thread
  2. Usually it's teams rolling with 2-3 Marauders/PTs including the other teams tanks. Yeah my team is very good as well. Having two Marauders hitting for 5k+ Smashes taking me down 60% of my health pool without really having to do anything is ridiculous. Support doesn't matter especially if they are white barred which they always will have to be eventually. Sorcerers and Sages do not simply get away to LoS anymore. Mostly because we get rooted by other classes that are also on us, but also the fact is that when we do get LoS'd from any damage by the time we even get one cast off at best it might heal us for 25% of our health and that's assuming it crits. Smart teams can easily keep the other healers on your team shut down unless you're running 2 OPs and a Hybrid Sorc.
  3. Snipers are in a good place right now. I would say Sniper > Merc in any given situation.
  4. Because it is an impossibility with the lack of class mechanics post 1.2 for Sorcerer/Sages to do much of anything. I don't consider how productive I am against 1200 rated teams to be any sign of how our class is. When I play against the top 2 teams on our server and there's nothing but instant death while any other healer (that's not a Sorcerer) can manage to live. Sorcerers can and will not be anything special and a full healer in high brackets. You have to run 2 OPs and play Hybrid to be any sort of useful.
  5. See but there's good and then there's good. I'd rather let my skill take me farther than just simply being average and geared like the guys in your guild.
  6. Not sure you can say L2P to someone who's better than you. Well you can but it doesn't hold much weight.
  7. Ops have faster heals that can heal for more than our small fast heal assuming they have tactical advantage. On top of probes and a "OH SH*T" button. We have that one big heal and have to hope every tick of our Innervate goes off with a crit or else it'll heal for the same as a Dark Heal crit.
  8. Actually Marauders and Pyros are doing 33% higher DPS (note DPS not damage) Their TTK is very very low on pretty much anything. Overall damage is a complete different thing especially seeing as how other classes have to sit on players for awhile to achieve the same results.
  9. For regular WZs? Yeah it's completely viable being maxed gear against people gearing up and haven't played their class at 50 for more than a few days.
  10. Also on an RP-PvE server where playing pretend is more important than PvPing.
  11. Yeah when there's 4-5 in normal WZs. You wouldn't get anything accomplished in RWZs and you would subject yourself to "ties" aka random wins/losses if you tried that in RWZs. The problem is that they made changes based on a faulty PvP system with tons of casual players chiming in on how they couldn't make a dent on a healer when geared DPS could solo any healers they wanted to.
  12. Oh so that's why I went from being one of the top Sorcerers on my server to just any other "above average" status healer. Yeah, I don't think so. Being average doesn't sit well with me and PvP is near unplayable for a Sorcerer healer. Unfortunately all you can come up with is "WELL MAYBE PPL CANT REED DAH BATTLEFEELD RITE" Yeah that's not it either. People don't run 2 OP healers for nothing.
  13. Good luck dispelling when you have 3 people on you with no incoming heals. You will probably dispel the 5 slows on the other guy before even touching any of the CC abiltiies. As well as the fact you cannot bring multiple Sorc healers to groups anymore. You're just asking to lose if you do. They only way to go is to have multiple OPs with possibly another Hybrid DPS/Hybrid healer who's main focus is to CC and provide off heals. That's not how a healing class should ever be in Ranked PvP. So if you're a Sorcerer getting CC'd you're screwed. If you're a Sorcerer getting focused your screwed from low numbers, slow heals, no defensive CDs. You can dispel Whirlwind, that's about it.
  14. http://www.torhead.com/ability/70qAWyv/force-stun http://www.torhead.com/ability/4HpLzfj/electrocute Have fun dispelling those stuns or the 15 others in this game. All you need is one player on each cross healers if they are non-operative healers and they are completely shut down (assuming they aren't terrible at playing their class). Fixed. And yes actually I do.
  15. Ranked PvP pre 1.2? No Overpowered Marauders/Sentinels Pyros/Vanguards pre 1.2? No Were those players going against them in the video geared? No Were there a lot of fresh 50s on each team? Yes Cross healing? You can keep a healer CC'd for 8+ seconds if their CC break is on CD and if you have a team smart enough not to break CCs. Any healer can be killed in 2-3 seconds. Cross healing is not a problem, low awareness and intelligence is. Cross healing is a problem for backpeddling/keyboard turning kiddies like this one geared healer was in Civil War. Go watch your video and see how much they stand still not casting abilities because they have to turn to face the healer you linked. Cmon Professor Walsh Jr. You can do better than that. Kiddo, the problem was low damage Snipers. Why do you think they buffed them in the first place? It had nothing to do with the healers. I wouldn't need to be cross healed to be able to live through two snipers back then. Hell if they didn't change snipers and still nerfed healers as they are now I could probably still live through two or three of them because they were THAT bad.
  16. What is being said that good players could shut down healers pre 1.2 The nerfs were completely unnecessary and unwarranted. If you were bad, you were complaining about healers pre 1.2 The ONLY thing wrong with Sorcerers/Sages was double dipping on their large heals, that's it.
  17. 1.) I am a Sorcerer 2.)That video shows nothing about the current state of the game nor does it reflect any real issues faced in competitive PvP with healers who actually know how to heal but can't because their classes are far too weak. 3.) You might want to check how much of that video was him getting attacked by backpeddling/keyboard turning derps who couldn't interrupt half the spells he casted even though they were putting out damage to kill him and the player guarding him. The real question was why would you consider this a good video to prove any sort of points when half the players in the video were some of the worst DPS in this game. Try choosing a video where a healer is actually going against players with gear champ, then come back to this discussion.
  18. Sentinel/Marauder? Good luck. And I'm not talking about the FOTM baddies, they can be kited no prob. I'm talking about any of the ones with general understanding of the class and it's over.
  19. No, you want healers to stay weak so that nobody will play them and the ones that do will be bad so you can kill them. If there's too many healers, you do not kill anything.... PvP is not fun and nobody dies on either team. If there's no enough heals everybody dies and we have a respawn-fest with no balance and no intuitive to keep healing. Again PvP is not fun and everyone wants to roll the overpowered flavor of the month classes so they can stop feeling like they play an inferior roll regardless if they are a good player on their useless class. If they return healing to how it was, bad players will be forced to learn how to play their classes in order to solo heals. People will learn how ot CC other healers while being healed so they can focus another healer down. PvP becomes more intuitive for healers because they dont die in one-stun if their CC break is off CD. Ending result: PvP becomes fun for healers other than OPs, bad FOTM classes get put back in their place and this game will stop dying. Sorry if you could not solo a healer before they were nerfed but there were good players who could and if they were brought back to the way they were; there will still be good players who will be able to solo them.
  20. Source? Sorry but your single target classes do far too much damage in bursts and the numbers are for far too high for any other class in this game at the moment. The only thing they are balanced for is high-end PvE which we both know you do not take a part in. No one cares if they are the top damage dealing classes in the game. If they are going to be top damage classes like you consistently lie about them to be then fine, let them put out more damage than the other classes. The issue is that they hit far too high of numbers way too easily with the amount of control each class has. If they are going to be that powerful they either need to have vastly less control or less uptime. 100% uptime for classes that can hit for 30% of your health at any given time is not balanced by any means nor is it "looking" for a reason to have them nerfed. It is more than justified for those two classes to have drastic reduction in burst and given far better sustained damage. Also the issue is NOT solely overall damage output. It's TTK and it is also the max hits that classes can achieve at this stage of the game being scaled poorly. Misconceptions are bad, you should stop them. Professor Walsh: "Bioware said so" ™ When the extent of your knowledge is "Bioware said so" you should stop posting. This guy sums you up pretty well there Walsh.
  21. There's too much stuff you'd be missing out of in the healing tree.
  22. Hahahaha his team had no heals and he's wondering why his team just rolled over and died.
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