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Everything posted by Cymate

  1. A fat girl in pink slave outfit with flip flops and a small pink saber, with 3 mini tauntauns following her, common we need that in 1.4 large content ehehe
  2. What is really funny Sir CEO-EA-NOMMO-F2P is that when the player is on the hill with his AA tank bingo ammos, he will also buy heat seakings missiles. And the real real funny part (House accent) is that the new F2P player is a kid of 9 years old that is still learning morality and stuff, and he will happily use his dads credit card 'cuz its only 6 bucks dude'. /sarcastic-no-joke
  3. Total lack of morality = Profit efficiency at its best.
  4. Last time I got a broken holo dancer and a bike I could only use later. This time I want something usefull like a crystal replicator.
  5. I tell you this will be remembered for many years as the Lucas' Curse; first SWG then this... { It is suspected that the 'Midiclorian Heresy' caused some bad disturbance in the Force at the time, and was the real cause of the in-balanced nature of PVP involving 'magic users' *cough* melees classes and top armored heavy weaponized snippers, plus a couple other fighters that do their things but we don't really know if they hack or it's just another bug or lag spike }
  6. Exactly and they don't get it because they are used to creating a single player title and photocopying it ad nauseam. Take the nice box and so long, in case of problem with the game, will will replace it with a new box. They are not used to being accountable for the quality of the virtual lives they created.
  7. They simply don't care enough to run a MMO properly.
  8. Let the gear play it's role on a nice ramp, reward Valor levels with special new PVP abilities, and remove expertise: everybody is happy, or fine tune abilities. The end of The Grief.
  9. Cymate

    PvP concerns

    I'd say a couple competent professionals would get 4 or 5 maps out in under week if you use old textures and objects. Create the new maps and release them without testing, like the previous ones
  10. Ok m8, let's drop real life (lol) What if you stopped playing out Fear and Anger with your main? Come to the Lighted Side and use the unstoppable Force of Communication to control the basterds, along with Creativity (top crit in combat or elsewhere) and Spirit (This game has a wide spread in ages, I'd say 7 years old to 65+, you can't treat all of us like young schoolm8s, no?)?
  11. To the extreme, I'll always favor anarchy against fascism. If you let threads go their own way, often you will see the extremist policed by the other players. And if all the player start howling like wolves against a situation you may try fixing the situation itself before jailing the 'dissidents'. You may also communicate in order to explain the situation to the players, if you can't fix it fast.
  12. Seriously, you need to sacrifice a young Twilek girl in the garbage collector...
  13. Each one puts 1000 creds in the hat, winner gets all. You also specify the rules, like: you have to ride the railings on the outer ring... Have fun
  14. Please let go the magic mushrooms because the General Discussion board has been a blood bath for the last 2 days with unmoderated moderation. Thread closed, points for bad post distributed and my post 'redirected' to a more suitable sub-sub folder. So we don't need more moderation, we need more love.
  15. The thing with new PVP maps is that once it is (well) done then the variation in teams composition and application of different strategies by the players creates each time a different experience, vs adding Operations is like creating use-once-and-discard content.
  16. Having an armor color kit would be an easy and fast first step.
  17. After getting my 3 Points yesterday for protesting a thread closure I'll try a new approach: Putting new ideas on the table in order to make end game more enjoyable. So here is my idea: The end game is at the moment geared toward PVP. Yet the general setup is the equivalent of small maps in CoD or Battlefront (top current succesfull and fun PVP titles). The idea is to introduce new maps with strategic elements. For example medium maps with 6 or 7 control points. More control points than a team can cap requires the teams to develop strategies, eliminates node camping and promotes great fun because each game tends to be each time different. Teams will try frontal assaults, ninja tactics, Blitz, all because the map is structured differently. Then you may experiment with adding strategic items, like turrets or springboards or mounts. And you have also a pool of game modes that you may try like Last Man Standing... The endgame is PVP so add PVP content and innovations. So here you go people; because the current position is that we are just here to complain, let's give them something positive to chew.
  18. Announcing and Communicating, difference there is!
  19. Thanks LogunOne, I think your really nailed it; brilliant!!! I loved KOTOR and ME1. The 2 games were really tight, ie the story, interface and the worlds worked real well together, plus the weapon handling was a real pleasure. ME2 was a carbon copy with the interface a bit less enjoyable, didn't finish it... ME3 same, same, shame... Then SWTOR is released with the same general structure like the 5 or so companions that gradually unlock, same quest mechanics, same verbose briefings before and after, a recycling of many textures (look at the box of ME2 in the back: same rock cliff same rock bridge) same many many things except the targeting reticules that made ME1 so nice to play. They just glued in some basic MMO elements, like the GTN, communication channels, PVP. And that's it we will finish it properly later, it's a MMO anyway . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On a side note this thread is a funny example of the 'Revenge of the Fanboys' At the begining we have 4 or 5 people that use logic to analyse the situation then come the fanboys that use emotions as main argument.
  20. Cymate

    pvp sucks

    Maybe you should try different hours? Then if they 'all' still seem bad, lower your standards (eheheh)
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