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Everything posted by Luigrein

  1. I don't have a level 50 guardian (although he is getting close) so I can't speak for how effective it is for highly geared guardians but my experience leveling has been that for every time I use storm+sweep it saves me around 4 focus. So while it doesn't technically work out this way think of it as making it free to use blade storm. This is of course, reliant on the RNG so while I feel like saying 4 stacks of courage per 7 focus spent on the two abilities is about average it will go up and down in any individual fight. Also note that I've been primarily soloing him, fighting a pack of trash probably gives you more chances to proc a charge of focus then fighting one boss. (Although even in 1 on 1 fights with elites I haven't had a problem keeping force sweep, blade storm, and guardian slash firing on CD, without having to use combat focus)
  2. I believe I remember this quest, but I may be wrong. It's been a few weeks. Did it as a scrapper spec with Gus. Both droids start the fight stunned ("powering up" iirc) regardless of use of hack droid. The visual effect is similar(if not identical) to hack droid so I can see how it might get confused. Regardless, use the free stun to lay into one of the droids. If you can kill it before the stun wears off great, if you can't just hack the other droid and you still only have to deal with one at a time. I don't recall the droids having any terribly nasty attacks but maybe I was just on top of my interrupts (I honestly don't remember if I was having to frequently interrupt or not.)
  3. While yes I damaged things faster leveling with Corso leveling with Gus was significantly safer. Sure ideally you don't need the extra safety of Gus around (I leveled into the 40s without him it's obviously not absolutely necessary) but fighting (some) elites with Corso felt like a race against Corso's HP bar. Some of the things I've pulled off with Gus I don't think I COULD have pulled off with Corso but those were edge cases and not things you normally run into while leveling.
  4. Anyone know if its possible to get a version of the top that Ozzik wears? I'm not too picky on the color but I like the style of it. Currently wearing the Esseles scoundrel jacket (or one with the same model at least) and I like the style of it except for how the collar just kind of disappears into the armor plate. Link to Ozzik http://www.torhead.com/npc/gpZoK0m/captain-ozzik#.
  5. If these are the sith I'm thinking of (the ones in the field where you have to kill 3?) go for the sorcerers instead of the melees. A lot of the sorcerers damage comes from channeled/cast attacks and interrupting them out of it cuts down a lot on the damage you take. I went through as a scrapper and with Corso tanking I would pretty much use distract/dirty kick/flash grenade every time I could while a cast bar was up. Even if the stun from flash grenade is broken .2 seconds later because the enemy has a DoT on it you still stopped the cast.
  6. As has been said, I only PvE and I love being stealthy. Tranq especially just lets you bypass ridiculous things. "Oh there's an elite standing in front of that console I need to use!" just means "Tranq the elite, grab the console, restealth and walk away" (Be warned, if you are going to get a cutscene too it may give them enough time to wake up) I typically kill a few things in each quest to see if there's a bonus and aside from finishing bonuses I only fight when there's a group on top of an objective or if I mess up. Video of why stealth is awesome (put together in about 5 min, its not fine art ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfOyATYeN80
  7. Speaking as a leveling scrapper (dont have shoot first yet) the sitting duck thing is kind of true, but its more about being reliant on starting fights how you want them. So use shoot first, tranq a mob to reduce fire, etc. That's not to say you can't win a fight without the opening shot being yours, but its harder.
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